UPSC COMBINED Geologist / Geo Scientist  Final cut-off

Post Name : UPSC COMBINED Geologist / Geo Scientist  Final cut-off
Post Date :   20 January , 2024
Post Description:  Based  on  the  results  of  the  Stage-I (Preliminay) Examination held on 19th  February, 2023, Stage-II (Main) Examination held on 24th & 25th June, 2023 of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination, 2023 conducted by  the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION and  followed by the Personality  Test  in the months of November and  December, 2023, the  following  are  the  lists,  in  order  of  merit, of  the  candidates who have been recommended for  appointment  to  the posts of Geologist Group ‘A’, Geophysicist Group ‘A’ and Chemist Group ‘A’  in the  Geological  Survey  of  India; and Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’, Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’  and  Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’  in  the  Central  Ground  Water  Board.

The numbers of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled are as under: –

Geologist Group ‘A’ /Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’

Name of the PostGENEWSOBCSCSTTotal
Geologist Group ‘A’11519311910194 [Incl. 05 PwBD-1 & 06 PwBD-3]
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’120207040126

Geophysicist Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’

Name of the PostGENEWSOBCSCSTTotal
Geophysicist Group ‘A’150207020026 [Incl. 01 PwBD-3]
Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’010001000002

Chemist Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’

Name of the PostGENEWSOBCSCSTTotal
Chemist Group ‘A’140203000120 [Incl. 02 PwBD-1 & 01 PwBD-3]
Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’010000000001
A total number of 258 candidates have been recommended for appointment to the posts as under:

Geologist Group ‘A’

Number of candidates recommended
77 [Incl. 04 PwBD-1]2955 [Incl. 02 PwBD-1]19 [Incl. 01 PwBD-1]10190* [Incl. 07 PwBD-1#]
  • Due to non-availability of PwBD-3 candidates, 04 vacancies of General category have been kept vacant in terms of Rule 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15/01/2018.
  • 02 backlog vacancies of PwBD-3 have been interchanged with PwBD-1 candidates in terms of Rule 8 of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15.01.2018.

Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’

Number of candidates recommended

Geophysicist Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’

Number of candidates recommended
  • Due to non-availability of PwBD-3 candidate, 01 vacancy of General category has been kept vacant in terms of Rule 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15/01/2018.

Chemist Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’

Number of candidates recommended
14 [Incl. 02 PwBD-1]02030001 [Incl. 01 PwBD-1]20 [Incl. 03 PwBD-1*]
  • 01 backlog vacancy of PwBD-3 has been interchanged with PwBD-1 in terms of Rule 8 of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15.01.2018.
  • In accordance with Rule 16 (iv) and (v) of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination, 2023, the Commission has maintained a consolidated Reserve List for the posts of Geophysicist Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ and Chemist Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’ of candidates as under:
Geophysicist Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’
Chemist Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’

Appointments to the above said posts will be made by the Government according to the number of vacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibility conditions and all Pre-appointment formalities/verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotment of candidates to the services/posts shall be made in accordance with their merit position and preference of services/posts opted by them.

Geologist / Geo Scientist CGSE Main Exam Result 2023 – Click on 

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