Punjab Master Cadre Syllabus 2024

Post Name : Punjab Master Cadre Exam Pattern, Syllabus 2024, Download in PDF
Post Date :  20 May , 2024
Post Description : There are 598 Master Cadre (Backlog) openings in Punjab, according to Punjab Master Cadre Recruitment. On the official website, the exam date for these openings will shortly be announced. This recruiting is for a variety of subjects, such as science-medical, math, English, and more. The candidates have started getting ready for their subjects. The following details the Punjab Master Cadre Syllabus and examination requirements to aid applicants in their preparation.

Punjab Master Cadre English Syllabus

Punjab Master Cadre English Syllabus
SubjectDetailed Syllabus
EnglishIndian English Writers
Elizabethan Age
Jacobean to Restoration
Augustan Age
Victorian Period
Modern Period
Contemporary Period
Literary Terms
Grammar and Linguistics

Punjab Master Cadre Mathematics Syllabus

Punjab Master Cadre Mathematics Syllabus
SubjectDetailed Syllabus
MathematicsMatrices & Determinant
Elementary Set Theory, Sets
Sequence and Series
Binomial Theorem
Continuity and Differentiability
Applications of Derivatives
Limits and Derivatives
Differential Equations
Vector Spaces
Linear Inequalities
Straight Lines
Conic Sections
Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
Three Dimensional Geometry
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
Trigonometric Functions
Permutations & Combinations
Numerical Analysis
Number Theory
Mathematical Reasoning
Linear Programming Problem

Punjab Master Cadre Science Syllabus

Punjab Master Cadre Science Syllabus
SubjectDetailed Syllabus
Physical ChemistryBasic principles of chemistry, Atomic Structure, States of matter, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Basic principles and application of spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reaction and Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, Solid States, Concepts of catalysis, Solutions
Inorganic ChemistryChemical periodicity, General principles & process of isolations of metals, Hydrogen, SBlock, PBlock, d&f Block elements, Co-ordination compounds & Organometallic compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Nuclear chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Physical characterization of inorganic compounds
Organic ChemistryPurification & Characterization of organic compounds, Some basic principles of organic chemistry, Chemistry of Hydrocarbon, Organic compounds – containing Halogens, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemistry in everyday life, Common reagents (organic, inorganic, and organometallic) in organic synthesis, Selective organic transformations – chemoselectivity, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity, enantioselectivity, Protecting groups, Physical characterization of organic compounds by IR, UV, MS, and NMR, Principles related to Practical Chemistry
ZoologyDiversity in Living Worlds, Structural organizations in Animals, Animal Physiology, Reproduction, Cell biology, genetics, and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology and its Applications, Ecology and Environmental
BotanyDiversity in Living Worlds, Structural organizations in Plants, Plant Physiology, Reproduction, Cell biology, genetics, and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology and its Applications, Ecology and Environmental
PhysicsMathematical Methods of Physics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetics Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics, Electronics and Experimental methods, Experimental Techniques and analysis, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics

Punjab Master Cadre Syllabus PDF

Punjab Master Cadre Syllabus PDF is a valuable resource for aspirants preparing for teaching positions in Punjab. This document provides detailed information about the topics and subjects that candidates need to cover for the Master Cadre examination. By downloading the Punjab Master Cadre Syllabus PDF, candidates can access the syllabus conveniently and plan their study schedule accordingly. It covers various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Punjabi, ensuring comprehensive preparation for the exam. Candidates can download the PDF from the provided link below.

PSEB Master Cadre 2024 Exam Pattern

Candidates interested in the PSEB Master Cadre exam can find all the necessary details about the exam pattern below.

  • Exam Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Language: Bilingual (English and another language)
  • Total Questions: 150
  • Marks per Question: 1
  • Negative Marking: None
PSEB Master Cadre 2024 Exam Pattern
SubjectTotal MarksNumber of QuestionsDuration
Concerned Subject1501502 hours 30 minutes

Punjab Master Cadre Exam Preparation Tips

Preparation tips for the PSEB Master Cadre Exam 2024. Here are some valuable tips to help you excel in the written examination and ensure you cover the PSEB Master Cadre Teacher Syllabus 2024 effectively.

  • Review Previous Year’s Question Papers: Take a look at question papers from previous years. This will give you an idea of the difficulty level and the exam pattern. Understanding what types of questions are commonly asked can help you prepare more effectively.
  • Create a Timetable: Plan out your study schedule by creating a timetable for each subject. Allocate specific time slots for different topics and subjects, ensuring you cover all areas of the syllabus. Make sure to include breaks in your schedule to avoid burnout.
  • Identify Weak Areas: Assess your strengths and weaknesses in each subject. Focus more on areas where you feel less confident and allocate extra time to strengthen these weak areas. Regularly revisiting and practicing these topics will help improve your understanding and confidence.
  • Take Mock Tests: Practice mock tests regularly to simulate exam conditions and assess your preparation level. Mock tests help you get familiar with the exam format, improve time management skills, and identify areas that need further improvement. Analyze your performance in mock tests to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Focus on Improvement: Pay special attention to your weak areas identified during mock tests and practice sessions. Devote extra time and effort to understand these topics thoroughly. Utilize various resources such as textbooks, online courses, and study materials to clarify concepts and strengthen your understanding.


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