Post Name : Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024, Subject Wise Class 12 Syllabus
Post Date : 13 February , 2024
Post Description : The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has been using the syllabus for the Maharashtra board exams in 2024 (MSBSHSE). In order to ascertain which subjects and chapters they must study for the Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024, students who are taking the Maharashtra Board 12th test can consult it. Pen and paper exams for the Maharashtra HSC 2024 will be given between February 19 and March 19, 2024.
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 PDF
Using the direct link provided below, aspirants can download the Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 PDF. The subject-wise themes and exam pattern are included in the PDF.
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Physics
Physics is one of the primary subjects covered in the Science stream. Students in 2023–2024 should study the full Maharashtra HSC Board Physics Syllabus, including all subtopics, in order to achieve good scores. It also helps one score highly on other competitive tests. The table below lists the content covered in the Maharashtra 12 physics syllabus. The chart should be thoroughly studied by students in order to gain an understanding of the topics covered in the HSC syllabus 2024 pdf.
Maharashtra HSC Physics Syllabus 2024 | |
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Circular motion | Angular displacement, Angular velocity, and angular acceleration, Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity, Uniform circular motion, Radial acceleration, Centripetal, and centrifugal forces, Banking of roads, Vertical circular motion due to earth’s gravitation, Equation for velocity and energy at different positions of vertical circular motion. Kinematical equations for circular motion in analogy with linear motion. |
Gravitation | Newton’s law of gravitation, Projection of satellite, Periodic time, Statement of Kepler’s laws of motion, Binding energy and escape velocity of a satellite, Weightlessness condition in orbit, Variation of ‘g’ due to altitude, latitude, depth, and motion, Communication satellite and its uses. |
Rotational motion | Definition of M.I., K.E. of the rotating body, Rolling motion, Physical significance of M.I., Radius of gyration, Torque, Principle of parallel and perpendicular axes, M.I. of some regular shaped bodies about specific axes, Angular momentum, and its conservation. |
Oscillations | Explanation of periodic motion, S.H.M., Differential equation of linear S.H.M. Projection of U.C.M. on any diameter, Phase of S.H.M., K.E., and P.E. in S.H.M., Composition of two S.H.M.’s having same period and along the same line, Simple pendulum, Damped S.H.M. |
Elasticity | General explanation of elastic property, Plasticity, Deformation, Definition of stress and strain, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s ratio, Elastic energy, Elastic constants, and their relation, Determination of ‘Y’, Behavior of metal wire under increasing load, Applications of elastic behavior of materials. |
Surface tension | Surface tension based on molecular theory, Surface energy, Surface tension, Angle of contact, Capillarity and capillary action, Effect of impurity, and temperature on surface tension. |
motion simple | Simple harmonic progressive waves, Reflection of transverse and longitudinal waves, Change of phase, Superposition of waves, Formation of beats, Doppler effect in sound. |
Stationary wave study | Study of vibrations in a finite medium, Formation of stationary waves on a string, Study of vibrations of air columns, Free and Forced vibrations, Resonance. |
Kinetic theory of gases and Radiation | Concept of an ideal gas, Assumptions of kinetic theory, Mean free path, Derivation for pressure of a gas, Degrees of freedom, Derivation of Boyle’s law, Thermodynamics- Thermal equilibrium and definition of temperature, 1st law of thermodynamics, 2nd law of thermodynamics, Heat engines and refrigerators, Qualitative idea of black body radiation, Wein’s displacement law, Greenhouse effect, Stefan’s law, Maxwell distribution, Law of equipartition of energy and application to Specific heat capacities of gases. |
Wave theory of light | Wave theory of light, Huygens’ Principle, Construction of the plane and spherical wavefront, Wavefront and wave normal, Reflection at plane surface, Refraction at plane surface, Polarization, Polaroids, Plane polarized light, Brewster’s law, Doppler effect in light. |
Interference and diffraction | Interference of light, Conditions for producing steady interference pattern, Young’s experiment, Analytical treatment of interference bands, Measurement of wavelength by biprism experiment, Diffraction due to single slit, Rayleigh’s criterion, Resolving power of a microscope and telescope, Difference between interference and diffraction. |
Electrostatics | Gauss’ theorem proof and applications, Mechanical force on unit area of a charged conductor, Energy density of a medium, Dielectrics and electric polarization, Concept of condenser, Capacity of parallel plate condenser, Effect of dielectric on capacity, Energy of charged condenser, Condensers in series and parallel, van-deGraaff generator. |
Current electricity | Kirchhoff’s law, Wheatstone’s bridge, Meter bridge, Potentiometer. |
Magnetic effects of electric current | Ampere’s law and its applications, moving coil galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer, Cyclotron. |
Magnetism | Circular current loop as a magnetic dipole, Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron, Magnetization and magnetic intensity, Diamagnetism, Para magnetism, Ferromagnetism on the basis of domain theory, Curie temperature. |
Electromagnetic inductions | Laws of electromagnetic induction, proof of, e = – dØ/dt Eddy currents, Self-induction and mutual induction, need for displacement current, Transformer, Coil rotating in uniform magnetic induction, Alternating currents, Reactance and impedance, LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only) Power in a.c circuit with resistance, inductance and capacitance, Resonant circuit, Wattless current, AC generator. |
Electrons and photons | Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations, Einstein’s equation, Particle nature of light. |
Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei | Alpha particle scattering experiment, Rutherford’s model of atom. Bohr’s model, Hydrogen spectrum, Composition and size of nucleus, Radioactivity, Decay law, mass energy relation, mass defect, B.E. per nucleon and its variation with mass number, nuclear fission and fusion, de Broglie hypothesis, Matter waves – wave nature of particles, Wavelength of an electron, Davisson and Germer experiment, Continuous and characteristics X-rays. |
Semiconductors | Energy bands in solids, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, P-type and Ntype semiconductor, P-N junction diode, I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, Rectifiers, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, Photodiode, Solar cell, I-V characteristics of LED, Transistor action and its characteristics, Transistor as an amplifier (CE mode), Transistor as a switch, Oscillators and Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR). |
Communication systems | Elements of communication system, band of signals, band of transmission medium, need for modulation, Production and detection of an amplitude modulated wave, space communication, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere. |
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 Mathematics
Mathematics is an elective for students pursuing degrees in Science, Commerce, or the Arts. In Maharashtra, the 12th board mathematics curriculum for students pursuing Science, Arts, and Commerce in 2023–2024 differs slightly from one another. Please refer to the table provided for the Maharashtra Board HSC Syllabus 2024 Mathematics.
Maharashtra HSC Mathematics Syllabus 2024 | |
Mathematical Logic | Applications of definite integral |
Pair of straight lines | Applications of derivative |
Matrices | Differential equation |
Circle | Applications of definite integral |
Trigonometric functions | Integration |
Conics | Statistics |
Vectors | Probability distribution |
Linear programming problems | Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution |
Three-dimensional geometry | Continuity |
Line | Differentiation |
Plane |
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Chemistry
One important subject in the Science stream is chemistry. Math is one of the required subjects for some engineering admission competition exams. The subject calls for thorough research and regular practice. Please refer to the table below for the Maharashtra HSC Chemistry Syllabus 2024.
Maharashtra HSC Chemistry Syllabus 2024 | |
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Solid State | Classification of solids, unit cell in 2 & 3-dimensional lattices, calculation of density, voids, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties, Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors, insulators, and n-p type semiconductors. |
Solutions and colligative properties | Types of solutions, concentration of solids in liquids, Raoult’s law elevation of boiling point, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, Van’t Hoff factor, etc. |
Chemical thermodynamics and energetic | Work, heat, energy, First law of thermodynamics, Hess’ law of constant heat summation, extensive and intensive properties, enthalpy of bond dissociation, Second and third law of thermodynamics, etc. |
Electrochemistry | Kohlrausch’s Law, lead accumulator, dry cell –electrolytic and galvanic cells, EMF, fuel cells, Nernst equation |
Chemical kinetics | Activation energy, rate law and specific rate constant, Arrhenius equation, concept of collision theory, etc. |
General principles and processes of isolation of elements | Principles and methods of extraction, reduction electrolytic method and refining |
p-Block elements | Group 15 elements, Group 16 elements, Classification of oxides, Group 17 elements, Group 18 elements, etc. |
d and f Block Elements | Lanthanoids, Actinoids, first row transition metals, interstitial compounds, alloy formation |
Coordination compounds | IUPAC nomenclature, Werner’s theory, coordination number, magnetic properties, VBT, CFT. isomerism, |
Halogen derivatives of alkanes | Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, stability of carbocations, d-l and R-S configurations. |
Alcohols, phenols and ethers | Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc. |
Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids | Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, methods of preparation, etc. |
Organic compounds containing nitrogen | Amines, Diazonium salts, Cyanides and isocyanides, etc. |
Biomolecules | Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic acids, etc. |
Polymers | Classification, methods of polymerization, copolymerization, polythene, Bakelite, nylon, polyesters, and rubber, Biodegradable, non-biodegradable polymers. |
Chemistry in everyday life | Chemicals in medicines, Chemicals in food, cleansing agents |
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Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Biology
If you wish to perform well on the test, try to cover every topic in the Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 Biology. The following table includes some important information.
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 Biology | |
Chapters | Sub-topics |
Genetics and Evolution | Genetic Basis of Inheritance, Gene- its nature, expression and regulation, RNA, Protein Synthesis. |
Biotechnology and its application | Genetic engineering, cloning a DNA Library, Plasmids, Bacteriophages, BT crops, Biosafety Issues, etc. |
Enhancement in Food Production | Tissue Culture, Plant Breeding, Single Cell Protein, Callus Culture, Biofortification, etc. |
Microbes in Human Welfare | Microbes in Household food processing, Industrial Production, Biogas Production, Biocontrol Agents, Sewage Treatment, Biofertilizers, etc. |
Plant Physiology | Photosynthesis, Respiration, Mechanism of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration, Fermentation, etc. |
Reproduction in Plants | Asexual reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Double Fertilization, Pollination, Post-fertilization changes, etc. |
Habitat and Niche | Ecosystems, Ecological succession, Environmental issues, etc. |
Zoology | Genetics and Evolution, Biotechnology and its application |
Genetics and Evolution | Origin and the Evolution of Life, Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance |
Genetic Engineering and Genomics | DNA Fingerprinting, Genomics, Human insulin, Gene Therapy. Transgenic animals. |
Human Health and Diseases | Immunology, Antigen-Antibody Complex, Pathogens and Parasites, Adolescence, drug abuse, Cancer and AIDS, etc. |
Animal Husbandry | Dairy, Animal Breeding, Fisheries, Lac culture, Poultry, Beekeeping, Sericulture |
Circulation | Blood composition and coagulation, Heart, Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation, Cardiac output, Regulation of cardiac activity, Blood related disorders, ECG, Lymphatic System |
Excretion and osmoregulation | Modes of excretion, Excretory System, Role of Kidney in Osmoregulation, Regulation of kidney function, Disorders, etc. |
Control and Co-ordination | Nervous System, Sensory receptors, Endocrine System, Hormones and their functions, Common disorders, etc. |
Human Reproduction | Reproductive system in male and female, Reproductive cycle, Reproductive health, Contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, etc. |
Ecology and Environment | Biodiversity and its conservation, Population and ecological adaptations, Environmental issues, |
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 English
A student’s proficiency in English grammar, reading, and writing will be assessed. The Grammar part includes predetermined subjects. Please refer to the Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 English.
- Tenses
- Types of sentences
- Clauses
- Reported speech
- Prepositions
- Word formation
- Infinitives
- Gerunds and Participles
- Linking words/discourse markers
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Political Science
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Political Science | |
Part 1-Indian Constitution: Characteristics | 1. Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, and Fundamental Duties. 2. Legislature: Parliament. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Lawmaking process, Amendment procedure State legislature: Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad 3. Executive: President – Election, Power and Functions Vice President – Election, Power and Functions Prime Minister and Council of Ministers – Election. |
Part 2- Politics in India | 6. Patterns of Party Competition
7. Political and Social Movements
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Economics
The Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Economics has been mentioned below for the candidates.
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Consumers behavior
- Analysis of Supply
- Types of Market & Price determination
- Factors of Production
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- National Income
- Determinants of Aggregates
- Money
- Commercial Bank
- Central Bank
- Public Economics
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Sociology
The Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Sociology has been mentioned below for the candidates.
- Formation of Indian Society
- Segments of Indian Society
- Social Institutions in India
- Major Social Problems in India
- National Integration
- Social Change in India
- Social reformers in India
- Globalization and Mass Media
Maharashtra Board HSC Subjects for Arts
The Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Arts has been mentioned below for the candidates.
Maharashtra Board HSC Syllabus for Arts | |
Compulsory Subjects | Elective Subjects |
English |
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 Subjects for Commerce
The Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Commerce has been mentioned below for the candidates.
Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 Commerce | |
Compulsory Subjects | Elective Subjects |
English |
Modern Indian Language or Modern Foreign Language or Classical Language | |
Environment Education | |
Health and Physical Education Elective Subjects |
Maharashtra Board HSC Subjects for Science
The Maharashtra HSC Syllabus 2024 for Science has been mentioned below for the candidates.
Maharashtra Board HSC Syllabus 2024 for Science | |
Compulsory Subjects | Elective Subjects |
English |
Modern Indian Language or Modern Foreign Language or Classical Language | |
Environment Education | |
Health and Physical Education Elective Subjects |
Maharashtra HSC Exam Pattern 2024
- It is required that students who plan to sit for the HSC Board test take two language courses.
- The exam’s multiple-choice questions will cover each subject’s syllabus for Class 12 Maharashtra Board 2023–2024.
- To pass each topic, students must receive at least 35% of the possible points.
- The 100-point Maharashtra 12th test will consist of 80 points for theoretical and 20 points for practicals, oral presentations, and projects.
- Some courses, including biology, physics, chemistry, geology, agriculture science and technology, and animal science and technology, have exams worth 70 marks and practical, oral, and project assessments worth 30.