Post Name : GSET Cut Off 2023 Subject Wise
Post Date : 01 February , 2024
Post Description : All candidates preparing for the GSET Exam 2023 should review the Expected GSET Cut-Off Marks 2023 to establish their goals. Candidates need to know the cut-off marks and percentages from previous years. Aspiring candidates are advised to consult the GSET Expected Cut Off Marks 2023 and refer to the previous year’s cut-off marks outlined in the table below.
GSET Cut Off 2023:
S.No | Subject | General | OBC | SC | ST |
1 | General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude | 88.79 | 49.33 | 66.67 | 48 |
2 | Mathematical Sciences | 89.97 | 99.59 | 65.33 | 58 |
3 | Physical Sciences | 98.27 | 99.06 | 62.67 | 51.67 |
4 | Chemical Sciences | 91.8 | 89.64 | 65.33 | 62 |
5 | Life Sciences | 96.82 | 58 | 70 | 62.67 |
6 | Hindi | 82.28 | 99.03 | 60.67 | 70.67 |
7 | Gujarati | 89.97 | 99.59 | 65.33 | 58 |
8 | Sanskrit | 92.1 | 72 | 59.33 | 64.67 |
9 | History | 90.47 | 64.67 | 62.67 | 89.64 |
10 | Sociology | 96.87 | 67.33 | 72 | 59.33 |
11 | Economics | 94.59 | 70.67 | 57.33 | 52.67 |
12 | Political Science | 94.84 | 52.67 | 52.67 | 54 |
13 | English | 85.75 | 64.67 | 52.67 | 98.53 |
14 | Education | 82.28 | 99.03 | 60.67 | 70.67 |
15 | Psychology | 94.8 | 91.76 | 64.67 | 60.67 |
16 | Library and Information Sciences | 88.79 | 49.33 | 66.67 | 48 |
17 | Law | 89.97 | 99.59 | 65.33 | 58 |
18 | Commerce | 98.27 | 99.06 | 62.67 | 51.67 |
19 | Management | 91.8 | 89.64 | 65.33 | 62 |
20 | Computer Science and Application | 96.82 | 58 | 70 | 62.67 |
21 | Earth Sciences | 82.28 | 99.03 | 60.67 | 70.67 |
22 | Physical Education | 97.54 | 56 | 56.67 | 58.67 |
23 | Philosophy | 92.1 | 72 | 59.33 | 64.67 |
24 | Home Science | 90.47 | 64.67 | 62.67 | 89.64 |
25 | Geography | 96.87 | 67.33 | 72 | 59.33 |
26 | Social Work | 94.59 | 70.67 | 57.33 | 52.67 |
27 | Environmental Sciences | 94.84 | 52.67 | 52.67 | 54 |
28 | Forensic Science | 85.75 | 64.67 | 52.67 | 98.53 |
29 | Hindu Studies | 97.54 | 56 | 56.67 | 58.67 |
30 | Indian Knowledge System | 94.8 | 91.76 | 64.67 | 60.67 |
31 | Music | 89.97 | 99.59 | 65.33 | 58 |
32 | Performing Art | 98.27 | 99.06 | 62.67 | 51.67 |
33 | Public Administration | 91.8 | 89.64 | 65.33 | 62 |
34 | Visual Art | 96.82 | 58 | 70 | 62.67 |