UPPSC Exam 2023: Latest News, Date, Eligibility, Salary & Vacancies


The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission holds a significant position as a government body in Uttar Pradesh, India. Its primary responsibility lies in conducting diverse recruitment examinations and appointing candidates for civil services at the state level. Since its establishment on April 1, 1937, the UPPSC has played a vital role in upholding the efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s administrative machinery. Operating in accordance with the Constitution of India, the UPPSC operates autonomously, aiming to ensure impartial and transparent selection procedures.

Latest Updates:

  • Registration for Assistant Town Planner starts till 14th September 2023.
  • Admit Card released for UPPSC Exam for Polytechnic Lecturer to be conducted on 13th August, 2023.

The UPPSC conducts examinations for a wide range of administrative positions, including the prestigious Uttar Pradesh Provincial Civil Services (UPPCS) examination. It also conducts recruitment tests for other positions such as Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer (Transport), District Basik Shiksha Adhikari / Associate DIOS and Other equivalent administrative posts, District Administrative Office, District Audit Officer (Revenue Audit)

Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I) / Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-II), etc.

173 vacancies have been announced by UPPSC in the UPPSC 2023 notification. It is crucial for aspiring candidates to thoroughly review the essential eligibility criteria before proceeding with the application process to ensure their suitability for the positions. Those eagerly anticipating the advertisement should carefully examine the UPPSC 2023 notification PDF, as it highlights notable updates such as the revised Mains exam pattern. To confirm their eligibility, candidates must diligently verify the eligibility criteria prior to filling out the application form.

UPPSC Highlights

Below are the essential highlights of UPPSC 2023

UP PCS Full FormUttar Pradesh Public Civil Services
Exam LevelState Government Job
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline
LanguageEnglish & Hindi
Selection ProcessPrelims Mains Interview
Age Limit21 to 40 years
Vacancyto be notified
Exam CitiesAcross the Uttar Pradesh
Official Websitehttp://uppsc.up.nic.in/
Helpdesk Exam No.
0532 – 2407547; +91 – 8765973668

UPPSC PCS and ACF/RFO Exam Dates

The examination dates for UPPSC 2023 have been provided below as announced:

UPPSC PCS Notification released dateMarch 03, 2023
UPPSC PCS Application Form start dateMarch 03, 2023
UPPSC PCS Application Form end dateApril 10, 2023
UPPSC PCS Application Fee last date submissionApril 06, 2023
UPPSC PCS Prelims Admit CardMay 02, 2023
UPPSC PCS Prelims Exam DateMay 14, 2023
UPPSC PCS Prelims Answer KeyMay 17, 2023
UPPSC Mains Exam DateSeptember 23, 2023
Mains Application Form Last DateTo be notified
Mains Admit CardTo be notified
Mains Exam DateTo be notified
Main Exam Result DateTo be notified

UPPSC Eligibility


Both the educational requirements and the specified age limits must be met for a candidate to be eligible to take the exam.

The examination conducting body or board has established certain age restrictions for candidates appearing for the exam. Here are the details:

  • Minimum age requirement: Candidates should not be younger than 21 years old to be eligible for the exam.
  • Maximum age limit: The maximum age allowed for candidates is 50 years.

Age Relaxation Policy for UPPSC 2023

CategoryAge RelaxationMaximum Age limit
OBCAge relaxation of 5 years43 years
Age relaxation of 5 years45 years
SCAge relaxation of 5 years45 years
PwDAge relaxation of 15 years55 years
Group- ‘B’ posts for the Emergency Commissioned Officers / Short Service Commissioned Officers / Ex-Army Personnel with experience of 5 yearsAge relaxation of 5 years45 years
Skilled players of U.P. of Classified GamesAge relaxation of 5 years45 years
State Govt. Employees of U.P. (including Teachers/Staff of Basic Shiksha Parishad and Govt. aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas)Age relaxation of 5 years45 years


Additionally, the board also conducts thorough physical measurements for candidates applying for specific positions. The following posts require physical appearance assessment:

For D.S.P

HeightChest (cm)
For Male candidates only General, OBC and SC1658489
For Male candidates only ST1607984
For Female candidates only General, OBC and SC152
For Female candidates only ST147
Minimum weight for female candidates of all category40 kg

For District Commandant Home Guards

HeightChest (cm)
For Male candidates1658489
For Female candidates1507984
For the candidates of ST and Male Candidates of Kumayun and Gadhwal Divisions.1608489

For Superintendent of Jail

  • Vision- 6/6
HeightChest (cm)
For All candidates168
81.3 cm
86.3 cm
For candidates of kumayun and Gadhwal Divisions163

For Excise Inspector

HeightChest (cm)
For Male candidates16781.2 cm86.2 cm
For Female Candidates (SC/ST)147
For other female candidates152

For Deputy Jailor

HeightChest (cm)
For Male candidates16881.3 cm86.3 cm
For Male candidates of ST160
For Female Candidates152
Weight 45 to 58 kg
For Female candidates of ST147


To be eligible for the PCS examination, candidates must meet the educational qualifications listed below. Please note that only eligible candidates will receive UPPSC admit cards.

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Candidates must possess at least a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university approved by the state or central government. The degree should be relevant to the post for which they are applying.
  • Final Semester/Waiting for Results: Students who are in their final semester or have not yet received their results are also eligible to apply. However, they must submit their final semester scorecard when submitting the Detailed Application Form (DAF).

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, certain posts have specific criteria. Candidates’ CGPA or percentage is not a determining factor, but they must hold an undergraduate (UG) or postgraduate (PG) degree in the relevant field.

Please keep in mind the above educational qualifications when applying for the PCS examination:

Required Educational Qualification
A candidate who has applied for post in District Basic Shiksha Adhikari, Associate DIOS and Other equivalent administrative posts, District Administrative Officer
The candidate must hold any postgraduate degree
A candidate who has applied for Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer of transport, Law officer or Mandi Parishad
The candidate must hold bachelor’s degree or postgraduate degree in law
District Audit Officer
The candidate must hold bachelor’s degree in Commerce
District Cane Officer
The candidate must hold bachelor’s degree in agriculture
Veterinary and Welfare officer
The candidate must hold degree either in B.V.Sc. and A.H or any equivalent degree
Account and Audit Officer (Mandi Parishad)
The candidate must hold a degree in Commerce with Accountancy
Senior Sugarcane Development Inspector
The candidate must hold a masters degree(PG) in Agriculture Science and the CCC Certificate
Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I)/Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-II)
The candidate must hold either bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in Science with Physics or Mechanical Engineering as one subject.
District Programme Officer
A bachelor’s degree (Sociology/ Social Science/ Home Science/ Social Work)
Assistant Labour Commissioner
Degree in Arts with Sociology or Economics as a subjectDegree in Commerce/ Law
Senior Lecturer, DIETB.Ed with Postgraduate Degree
Designated Officer/ Food Safety OfficerPostgraduate in chemistry
District Probation Officer
A postgraduate degree in any related subject
Statistical officer
Postgraduate in Mathematics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Statistics/ Agricultural Statistics
Labour Enforcement Officer
Undergraduate or postgraduate in any relevant field
Extension Service Officer Group-2
B.Sc. Agri or B.Sc.An at least 15-month post-graduate diploma course
Distt. Horticulture officer G
B.Sc Agriculture or B.Sc Horticulture
Tax assessment officer
The candidate must be an Undergraduate in commerce or in Economics
Marketing Officer Secretary Group-II (Mandi Parishad)
The candidate must either be an Undergraduate or postgraduate in any relevant subject.

UPPSC Application Process

Before initiating the application process, candidates are required to review the official advertisement, which will encompass comprehensive information about the examination. Additionally, they should carefully examine the instructions for completing the online form. To commence the procedure, simply click on the “Apply” button and follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Registration

  • Upon clicking “Apply,” candidates will be redirected to the Candidate Registration page, which is applicable for all exams.
  • Candidates will be prompted to indicate whether they have previously participated in any examinations conducted by UPPSC. They must select either “Yes” or “No” and proceed accordingly.
  • Make sure you select the desired position.
  • Provide all the requested details accurately.
  • It is essential to verify the provided information for accuracy.
  • Click on the “Validate and Preview” option.
  • A preview of the form will be presented for review.
  • Thoroughly examine the details once again. If any amendments are required, click the “Back” button to edit the form. Otherwise, click “Submit Application” to proceed.
  • Following this step, a registration confirmation page will be displayed, confirming the successful completion of the registration process.

Step 2: Payment of Application Fee

  • Upon receiving the registration confirmation, the application fee amount will be indicated on the page. Click on the “Pay Fees” option.
  • A small dialog box will appear, inquiring about any necessary changes related to domicile, caste category, and other details.
  • By selecting “Yes,” a new page will appear where you can make the necessary changes. Once done, click the “Update” button.
  • The final payable amount will be presented on the screen.
  • Click on the “Pay” button.
  • Candidates will be redirected to a payment module powered by the State Bank Multi Option Payment System (MOPS).
  • Choose the desired payment mode, such as Net Banking, Card Payment, or Other Payment Modes.
  • Proceed to make the application fee payment.
Category-wise ListFee Structure
Freedom Fighters/ Women
In case of their original category/ details
General/ OBC/ Economically Weaker Sections
Exam fee Rs. 100/- + Online processing fee Rs. 25/-, Total = Rs. 125/-
Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/-, Total = Rs. 65/-
Varies “Abled Person”
Exam fee NIL On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 25/-
Exam fee Rs. 40/- + On-line processing fee Rs. 25/- Total = Rs. 65/-

Step 3: Application Process

  • Visit the UPPSC Home Page and click on the “Submit Application Form” link.
  • Once your application fee information has been provided, click the “Submit” button.
  • Follow the instructions given by the Commission to upload your Photograph and Signature.
  • Click on “Final Submission of Application” to complete the process.
  • Mark the checkbox to confirm that you have read all the instructions and the official notification.
  • A comprehensive preview of the application form will be shown for your review.
  • Please review all the provided information and then select “Submit.”
  • Once the application form is successfully submitted, an application slip will appear on the screen, displaying your Application ID, Registration number, Name, and Date of Birth (DOB).
  • Ensure that you print this application slip and obtain the soft copy of the application form by downloading it, as it will be useful for future needs.

Application Form Modification

Candidates are provided with a single opportunity to rectify any errors in the submitted application form. Modifications can be made for details other than the fundamental credentials.

The following steps outline the process:

  • Access the “Modify Submitted Application” section within the online application portal.
  • The candidate’s personal details will be displayed.
  • Enter the verification code.
  • Click on the “Proceed” button.
  • An One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the registered mobile number for authentication.
  • Proceed further, and the original submitted application form will be presented.
  • Make the necessary changes and submit the modified form.

UPPSC 2023 Document Upload Guidelines

  • Affix a passport size photograph on a white sheet of paper. Sign below the photograph so that it fits within the dimensions of the photo (overall image size including photograph and signature = 3.5 cm * 6.0 cm).
  • Take a scan of both the photograph and the signature and ensure to save it in one of the given formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tif, or .png.
  • Make sure that the scanned image size does not exceed 50 kb; if it is larger, please adjust accordingly.
  • Your signature must not be written in initials or in capital letters. It should be your complete signature.
  • Do not attempt to forge your signature, as any such attempt will result in the rejection of your application.
  • If there is a disparity between the signature provided in the application form and the one made during the examination, the candidate will face disqualification.

UPPSC Admit Card

The UPPSC Prelims Admit Card for the UPPSC Provincial Civil Service (PCS) exam in 2023 has been officially published on the organization’s website. Scheduled for the 14th of May 2023, the UPPSC 2023 Preliminary examination requires candidates who have applied successfully to obtain and secure their admit cards for the day of the exam. You can find the updated direct link to download the UPPSC admit card below:

To successfully download the UPPSC admit card, candidates are required to follow a step-by-step process. Please follow the instructions provided below:

  • Go to the official website of UPPSC.
  • Look for the “Activity Dashboard” section on the website and locate the link to download the admit card for the UP PCS Examination 2023. Click on this link.
  • You will be directed to the UPPSC Prelims admit card page. Click on the link and provide the following details:
  • Enter your registration number.
  • Enter your date of birth.
  • Select your gender.
  • Fill in the captcha code as shown on the screen.
  • Upon filling in the required information, proceed by clicking the ‘Download Admit Card’ button.
  • Once the admit card is showcased on the screen, it is recommended to take a printout of it for future reference.

By following these steps, candidate will be able to successfully download your UPPSC admit card for the year 2023.

Important Points to Note for UPPSC

  • Providing incorrect information on the application form or failing to provide relevant documents to support the claims will result in disqualification of the candidate.
  • The candidate’s High School certificate will serve as the date of birth and ,the birth certificate mentioned on it should be entered consistently in all application forms.
  • During the Mains examination, candidates must attach self-attested copies of their mark sheets, certificates, and degrees with the application form.
  • Physically handicapped applicants need to submit a certificate of their handicap, duly signed by a higher medical authority.
  • Ex-Army personnel who wish to apply must have been discharged from duty on or before the last date of application.
  • E-Admit cards will serve as the sole means of communication for the venue, time, and date of the examination. Kindly be aware that no modifications can be accommodated concerning the date, time, or venue.
  • Candidates who have applied but are found to be ineligible will be disqualified immediately.
  • Accuracy is crucial when providing the information requested in the application form. Failure to do so may have consequences, including the cancellation of the candidate’s candidature.
  • Submitting the application form only ensures provisional admission of the candidate. It does not guarantee final selection.
  • The Commission possesses the right to revoke the candidacy of any individual who breaches the prescribed rules and regulations or participates in unfair practices.
  • Candidates finally selected for appointment will be required to undergo a Medical Examination.
  • For each vacancy, 13 candidates will be shortlisted for the Mains examination based on the Preliminary exam, and 2 candidates will be selected for an interview based on the Mains exam.
  • Only a black Ball Point pen should be used to mark responses on the OMR sheet.
  • The OMR sheet must be filled accurately. In case of any mistakes, candidates should not use whitener, blade, rubber, or similar tools.
  • Candidates will be provided with an original copy and a candidate’s copy of the OMR sheet. Only the original copy is to be submitted to the examiner, while the candidate’s copy should be retained by the candidate.
  • For incorrect answers, one-third of the marks (0.33) will be deducted. If multiple responses are marked for the same question, it will be considered wrong, and marks will be deducted accordingly. Unattempted questions will not have any negative marking.
  • The minimum qualifying marks are 35% for SC/ST candidates and 40% for candidates from other categories.
  • The same minimum marks scheme applies to the compulsory paper of General Hindi.
  • In Paper II of the Preliminary examination, candidates must secure a minimum of 33% marks for qualification.
  • The Mains exam shortlisting process will consider the performance of candidates in both papers of the Preliminary examination.

Exam Centres

BarabankiKanpur NagarRae Bareli
Gautam Buddha NagarMathuraVaranasi

UPPSC Exam Pattern

In order to assess candidates thoroughly, the UPPSC PCS Exam is structured into three distinct stages:

  • Preliminary Examination: This stage includes two papers conducted in an objective format.
  • Main Examination: The main exam consists of eight papers in an essay/descriptive format.
  • Interview: The final stage is a personal interview conducted by a board appointed by UPPSC.


The PCS Prelims Exam acts as a filtering mechanism to identify eligible candidates. It includes two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, consisting of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each paper is worth 200 marks.

Name of Exam
UPPSC (PCS & ACF/ RFO) Preliminary Exam
No. of Papers (2)
Paper 1 – General Studies, Paper 2 – General Studies 2 (CSAT)
Duration of ExamTwo hours for each paper
Maximum Marks200 marks each
Number of Questions
Paper 1: 150 questions & Paper 2: 100 questions
Nature of QuestionsMCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Exam Type
Offline using OMR sheets (Pen-paper)
  • The cutoff for the exam is determined based on the marks obtained in Paper 1. Candidates should atleast score a minimum of 33% marks in Paper 2.
  • Negative marking of 0.33% is applied for each incorrect answer.
  • For instance, if a question carries a maximum of 2 marks, an incorrect answer will result in a penalty of 0.66 marks.
  • Marking multiple circles for the same question on the OMR sheet is considered incorrect and incurs negative marking. No negative marking is applied for leaving a question blank.


Candidates who qualify in the PCS Prelims Exam proceed to the Mains Exam, which plays a crucial role in the final selection. The Mains Exam consists of eight descriptive papers, carrying a total weightage of 1500 marks. Two notable changes have been introduced in the UPPSC Main Exam pattern:

  • The objective type papers have been replaced with descriptive type papers, resembling the format used in the past but with an increased number of papers.
  • A new addition is the inclusion of an ‘Ethics’ paper, which was not present in the earlier pattern.


Interview is the last round of the UPPSC Exam. Candidates who clear the Mains Exam are invited for a personal interview, which carries a weightage of 100 marks. The interview is conducted by an impartial board appointed by UPPSC.

  • The objective of the interview is to gauge the candidate’s compatibility with a career in the state services, appraised by neutral evaluators and a capable committee.
  • Apart from academic knowledge, candidates should have awareness of current affairs at the state and national levels.
  • The interview aims to explore the candidates’ analytical abilities and mental qualities through purposeful conversations.

UPPSC Syllabus


Prelims Syllabus Paper 1
● National and International Current Affairs
● Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian History
● Physical, Social and Economic Geography- India and the World.
● Indian Governance- Polity, Economy and Culture
● Social and Economic Development
● General Science
● Biodiversity, Climate Change and, Environmental Ecology
Prelims Syllabus Paper 2- Civil Service Aptitude Test
● Communication and Interpersonal Skill
● Comprehension
● Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
● Problem Solving and Decision Making
● Elementary Mathematics (up to Class-X)
● General English (up to Class-X)
● General Hindi (up to Class-X)
● General Mental Ability


Students who pass the preliminary exams proceed to the Mains, comprising eight descriptive type papers. The initial paper, worth 150 marks, focuses on General Hindi, while the second paper, also worth 150 marks, involves Essays. The subsequent four papers, each worth 200 marks, cover General Studies, and the final two papers, each worth 200 marks, allow students to choose optional subjects.

Paper 1General Hindi● Vilom Shabd
● Muhavrein & Lokoktiyaan
● Ashuddhiyaan, Anek ke ek shabd
● Patra Lekhan
● Taar lekhan, others.
Paper 2Essay
Students have to write three essays in about 700 words each in this paper, choosing one topic from each of the three sections.
● Section-A: Literature and Culture/ Social Sphere/ Political Sphere.
● Section-B: Science, Environment, and Technology/ Economic Sphere/ Agriculture, Industry, and Trade.
● Section-C: National and International Events/ National Calamities- Earthquake, Landslide, others/ National Development Programs and Projects.
Paper 3General Studies I
● Modern Indian History
● Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History of Indian Culture
● Salient Features of Indian Culture and Society
● Indian Freedom Struggle
● Post-Independence consolidation and reorganisation of India (till 1965)
● World History from 18th Century to mid 20th Century
● Role of Women in Society and their populations, organisation, and related issues, poverty, development, urbanisation
● Liberalisation, Globalization, and Privatization
● Social empowerment, Regionalism, Secularism, and Communalism
● Distribution of important natural resources of the world and factors responsible for the location of the industries with special reference to India
● Salient Features of Physical Geography
● Oceanic Resources of India
● The human migration-refugee problem in the world with a special focus on India
● Boundaries and frontiers of the Indian sub-continent
● Population and Settlement
● Historical knowledge of Uttar Pradesh
● Geographical Knowledge of Uttar Pradesh
Paper 4General Studies II
● Indian Constitution, with the role of the Supreme Court in the evolution of basic provisions of the Constitution
● Responsibilities and functions of the Unions and the States
● Role of the Finance Commission in the Centre-State financial relations
● Separation of powers, dispute redressal mechanisms (with the emergence of alternate dispute redressal mechanisms), and institutes
● Parliament and State Legislatures
● The Executive and the Judiciary, and Public Interest Litigation (PIL)
● Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act
● Indian Constitutional schemes in comparison to that of other major democratic countries
● Constitutional Posts
● Statutory, regulatory, and quasi-Judicial bodies including NITI Aayog
● Governmental Policies and Interventions for development, and Indian Communication Technology (ICT)
● Developmental processes with the roles of NGOs, Self-Help Groups, others
● Welfare Schemes for the vulnerable of the population
● Issues related to Health, Education, Poverty and Human Resources
● Role of Civil Services
● India’s relations with the neighbouring countries
● Global, Bilateral and Regional Groupings
● International Institutes and Agencies
● Political knowledge of Uttar Pradesh
● Current Affairs
Paper 5General Studies III
● Food Processing and related industries of India
● Economic Planning in India
● Poverty, Unemployment, Social Justice and Inclusive Growth
● Government Budgets and Financial System
● Major Crops, Irrigation, and Agriculture
● Farm Subsidies
● Land Reforms since Independence
● Liberalisation and Globalization
● Infrastructure
● Science and Technology including ICT
● Environment and Ecosystem
● Disaster mitigation and management
● International and Internal Security
● Security forces and organisations of India
● The Economy of Uttar Pradesh
● Horticulture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry
● Law and Order (special reference to UP)
Paper 6General Studies IV (Ethics)● Ethics and Human Interface
● Attitude
● Emotional Intelligence
● Contributions of moral thinkers
● Civil Service values and ethics
● Probity in Governance
Paper 7-8Optional Papers (I-II)● Law
● Botany
● Agriculture
● Mechanical Engineering
● Electrical Engineering
● Civil Engineering
● Animal Husbandry
● Chemistry
● Medical Science
● Psychology
● Zoology
● Physics and Veterinary Science
● Mathematics
● Statistics
● Urdu Literature
● Hindi Literature
● Sanskrit Literature
● English Literature
● Management
● Geography
● Economics
● Political Science
● Sociology
● Philosophy
● History
● Public Administration
● Geology
● Anthropology
● Commerce


Successful candidates are required to travel to Prayagraj for the in-person interview. The interview does not follow a specific syllabus; however, significant attention is placed on the optional subject chosen by the candidate. To prepare effectively for the interview, it is advisable to remain well-informed about current affairs, as well as the history, politics, and geography of both your state and, more importantly, your local area.

UPPSC Results

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) will declare the results after the completion of the preliminary examination. Candidates who qualify the preliminary exam will proceed to the mains exam. The result for the mains exam will be published subsequent to its completion. Only the shortlisted candidates from the UPPSC mains exam will be invited for the final stage of the selection process, which is the interview round.

Compilation of UPPSC PCS Result

The UPPSC PCS Result is compiled by taking into account several factors, including:

  • Total number of vacancies
  • Number of candidates who appeared for the exam
  • Selection ratio
  • Marks obtained by the candidates
  • Cut-off marks

Candidates with the highest marks will be ranked at the top of the merit list, while those with the lowest marks will be placed at the bottom. The selection of candidates for UPPSC jobs follows a ratio of 13 times the total number of vacancies.

The same process is repeated for the main exam, but the selection ratio changes to twice the total number of vacancies.

How to Check UPPSC PCS Result ?

To check the UPPSC PCS Result, candidates should follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of UPPSC.
  • On the right side of the homepage, you will find notices related to various exams.
  • Look for the UPPSC PCS 2022 result, which will be available in PDF format.
  • Click on the provided link to access the result.
  • In the PDF, the merit list will contain the names and roll numbers of all the shortlisted candidates.
  • Candidates need to search for their names in the merit list.
  • Only the qualifying and deserving candidates will be called for the interview.
  • Details Included in UPPSC PCS Result 2023

The UPPSC PCS Result merit list 2023 will contain the following details about the candidates:

  • Name of the organizing body (UPPSC)
  • Notice Number
  • Date of Notice
  • Exam date
  • Serial Number
  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll number
  • Category
  • Sub-Category
  • Whether the selection is conditional or not


The cut-off marks for UPPSC PCS 2023 are provided below, categorized according to different groups:

Preliminary Exam

  • Paper-1 (General Category Candidates): Minimum score of 40%
  • Paper-1 (SC/ST Category Candidates): Minimum score of 35%
  • Paper-2: Minimum score of 33%

Main Exam

  • For all candidates: Minimum score of 40%
  • For SC/ST candidates: Minimum score of 35%

Expected Cut-off Marks for UPPSC PCS 2023.


UPPSC Salary and Benefits

The salary structure for the Upper Subordinate Services in UPPSC is well-organized, with a clear distinction between Junior and Senior pay scales. Additionally, there are several other distinct positions available. Among the Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officers, we have the Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) and the Range Forest Officer (RFO). Here is the revised UPPSC PCS pay scale for these roles, providing details about the pay matrix and grade pay associated with each position:

Post NameUPPSC Pay ScaleUPPSC Pay MatrixUPPSC Grade Pay
PCS (Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services)Junior Scale Pay Band: ₹ 9300-34800
Senior Time Scale Pay Band: ₹15600-39100
₹ 4600
₹ 5400
Assistant Conservator of Forest₹ 15600/- to ₹ 39100/-Level 10₹ 5400/-
Range Forest Officer₹ 9300/- to ₹ 34800/-Level 8₹ 4800/-

In addition to the attractive UPPSC salary, PCS Officers are entitled to a wide range of benefits and allowances. As esteemed civil servants of the state, these employees enjoy numerous facilities, including a mobile allowance, travel allowance, coverage of basic utility bills, and various other similar benefits. To assist candidates in understanding the complete spectrum of perks and allowances provided by the UPPSC, we have compiled a comprehensive list below:

  • Government-provided accommodations.
  • Workplace vehicles.
  • Coverage for medical treatment expenses.
  • Payment of electricity and water bills.
  • Transportation allowances.
  • Household helpers and a security guard.
  • Dearness Allowance of 65 percent, linked to the inflation rate.
  • Study leave.
  • Free phone calls.
  • Rest assured that the UPPSC offers these perks and allowances to ensure the well-being and convenience of its officers.


Q1 What is the UPPSC Exam?

Ans. The UPPSC Exam is an annual state-level PCS (Provincial Civil Service) examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Its purpose is to recruit civil servants through a competitive selection process. Successful candidates are appointed to various gazetted posts, including Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Block Development Officer (BDO), and other Group A positions.

Q2 When was the UPPSC 2023 notification released?

Ans. The UPPSC notification for the PCS Prelims 2023 exam was released on March 3rd, 2023. The notification contains detailed information about the exam, such as eligibility criteria, application form, application fee, exam pattern, syllabus, and more.

Q3. What is the UPPSC 2023 exam date?

Ans. The UPPSC exam date for 2023 is specified in the exam calendar. The Prelims occurred on May 14th, 2023. The Mains exam for the PCS will take place from September 23rd, 2023, onwards.

Q4. What is the new UPPSC Exam Pattern for 2023?

UPPSC has introduced changes to the UPPSC 2023 exam pattern for the Mains stage, while the Prelims pattern remains the same. The optional subjects in the UPPSC Mains exam have been replaced with two Uttar Pradesh general studies papers. The marking scheme and other aspects remain unchanged.

Q5. How can I fill the UPPSC 2023 Application Form?

Ans. For the successful submission of the UPPSC Application Form 2023, individuals are advised to visit the UPPSC’s official website. The application form for PCS 2023 was available from March 3rd to April 6th, 2023, on the official website.
Here are the steps to fill the UPPSC PCS 2023 application form:
a. Visit the official UPPSC website and click on the registration tab on the homepage.
b. Register by providing the necessary details and then complete the application form.
c. Upload all the required documents as per the provided specifications.
d. Pay the application fee and take a printout of the UPPSC PCS 2023 application form for future reference.

Q6. What is the UPPSC Syllabus for 2023?

Ans. The UPPSC 2023 Syllabus is released by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC). The UPPSC PCS exam syllabus encompasses three distinct stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. The Prelims examination is designed with objective-type questions, whereas the Mains examination requires descriptive answers. The important topics and subjects covered in the UPPSC syllabus include Polity, Geography, Reasoning, Economy, Current Affairs, Indian History and National Movement, Nationalism, and more.

Q7. How many vacancies are available for UPPSC 2023?

Ans. The number of vacancies for the UPPSC 2023 exam is announced along with the notification. The UPPSC has released a total of 173 vacancies. The UPPSC notification PDF provides detailed information on the distribution of vacancies based on posts and categories.



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