RRC, East Central Railway Act Apprentice Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 1832 Posts

Post Name :    RRC, East Central Railway Act Apprentice Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 1832 Posts
Post Date :      21 November , 2023
Post Description:   Railways  Recruitment Cell (RRC), East Central Railway has given a notification for the recruitment of Act Apprentices vacancy for Apprenticeship Training under the Apprentices Act, 1961 over East Central Railway. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
Important Dates
Starting Date For Apply Online & Payment of fee10-11-2023 at 11:00 hrs
Last Date for Apply Online & Payment of fee09-12-2023 till 17:00 hrs.

Application Fee:

Application Fee
For General/OBC Candidates Rs. 100/-
For SC/ ST, EWS & Women candidates Rs. 100/-
Payment Mode:Through Online

Age Limit:

Age Limit (as on 01-01-2023)
Minimum Age Limit15 Years
Maximum Age Limit27 years
Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Vacancy Details for RRC ,East:

Vacancy Details
Name of tde DivisionTotal
Danapur Division675
Dhanbad Division156
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Division518
Sonpur Division47
Samastipur Division81
Plant Depot/ Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya135
Carriage & Wagon Repair Workshop/ Harnaut110
Mechanical Workshop/ Samastipur110

Qualificaion for RRC:

  • Candidate must have passed Matric/10td class exam or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) and ITI (Relevant trade).


  • Selection for Apprenticeship training will be on the basis of merit list prepared in respect of all the candidates who apply against the notification for a particular Division/Unit. The merit list will be prepared taking the average of the %age marks obtained by the candidates in both Matriculation with minimum 50% (aggregate marks) and ITI examination giving equal weightage to both.
    For the purpose of calculation of percentage of matriculation, marks obtained by the
    candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or a
    group of subjects.
  • In case of two candidates having the same marks, the candidate with older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, then the candidate who passed matriculation exam earlier shall be considered first.
  • Candidature of finally enlisted candidates for Apprenticeship Training will be subjected to verification of original documents and being found fit in appropriate Medical examination. During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration number will be issued to each applicant. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration Number for further stages of recruitment process/correspondence with RRC.
  • To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to submit
    ONLINE application suitably before the closing date, so that inconvenience on account
    of heavy load on the website during the last days may be avoided.
  • RRC does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their
    application within the last day on account of aforesaid reasons or any other reason.
  • Candidates have to choose only one Division/Unit. Details of Divisons/Units and
    number of slots (trade-wise) are as under:-

How To apply:

  • Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting the official website of RRC (ECR) www.rrcecr.gov.in. Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the website.
  • Candidates should log on to the official website of RRC (ECR) www.rrcecr.gov.in provided for filling ONLINE applications and carefully fill up the Personal details/Bio-data, etc.
    • NOTE-1:
      • Candidates should be in possession of Aadhar Card.
      • At the time of registration, candidates have to fill 12 digits Aadhar Card number.
      • Candidates without an Aadhar number can enter 28 digits Aadhar Enrolment ID printed on the Aadhar enrolment slip.
      • This provision is applicable to candidates of all states and union territories except Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, and Assam.
      • Applicants from these states can enter their voter ID number, valid passport number, driving license number, or any other valid government identity card at the time of online application.
      • Candidates must produce the original Aadhar Card or the document mentioned above at the time of document verification.
    • NOTE-2:
      • Candidates should ensure that their name, father’s name, date of birth, percentage of marks in Matric(10th) and ITI, etc., match exactly as recorded in Matriculation/ITI certificate.
      • Any deviation found during any stage will lead to the cancellation of candidature.
    • NOTE-3:
      • Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid email id in the ONLINE application.
      • Keep them active during the entire engagement process as all important information/messages will be sent by email/SMS, deemed to have been read by the candidates.
  • Candidates trying to submit more than one application with different particulars (Name/Father’s name/Community/Photo/Educational and/or Technical qualification, etc.) or with different e-mail ID/Mobile number will have all such applications summarily rejected and liable to be debarred.
  • Candidates must keep printouts of their ONLINE application. If found eligible, he/she will be called for document verification, and the printout of the online application will be required to be produced at the time of document verification.

Important Links to apply RRC,East:

Important Links
Apply OnlineClick Here
NotificationEnglish | Hindi
Official WebsiteClick Here


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