RRB Recruitment Current Notifications


RRB Recruitment is conducted by Indian Railways for employment in various departments like NTPC, Group A, B, C, D and other various positions. Various notifications are released by the Indian Railways every year for vacancies. Interested candidate must choose their preferred field of career and then follow the notifications for that post. RRB will be releasing notifications for various regions and also the metro department. Check RRB Recruitment Latest News.

RRC Northern Railway Senior Technical Associate 2023 Notification Out

RRC Northern Railway Senior Technical Associate 2023 notification has been released on the official website – nr.indianrailways.gov.in. There are a total of 93 vacancies to be filled. The application forms were available till August 28, 2023. Download RRC Northern Railway Recruitment 2023 Notification Here.

RRB Recruitment West Bengal: RRB Kolkata

RRB recruitment for West Bengal is conducted by Railway Recruitment Board of Kolkata. It recruits candidates for mutiple posts like Junior Engineer, Technician, Junior Translator, Stenographer, Goods Guard, Clerk, and more. Even though no new vacancies have been announced recently, they are expected soon. The aspirants of West Bengal RRB Recruitment must check the official website of RRB Kolkata to get the latest notification details. It must be noted that the application process will be online. They must check the notification for important dates, eligibility criteria and other details before filling the application forms.

What is RRB Recruitment 2023?

RRB recruitment exam is the recruitment exam held by the Indian Railways for recruitment of candidates to various positions in the Indian Railways. It is a national-level exam. The selection process is divided into three stages i.e., Computer Based Test, Physical Efficiency Test, and then Document Verification. Here are the list of exams conducted by RRB:

RRB Recruitment Cell: RRB Vs RRC

RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) and RRC (Railway Recruitment Cell) are two different recruitment bodies of Indian Railways. While RRB conducts exams for Group C posts like Loco Pilot, Junior Engineer, and more, those for Group D posts are conducted by RRCs. These Group D posts have a lower pay scale than that of Group C posts. There are 21 RRBs based on the names of the cities and 16 RRCs divided into different zones.

The exam for Group D posts, popularly known as RRB Group D exam, is actually conducted by the Railway Recruitment Cell. Even though the eligibility and selectrion process of RRBs and RRCs are mostly the same, the main differences are in the job profiles and the pay scales.

RRB Recruitment 2023: Exam Dates

Here are the expected dates for the RRB 2023 recruitment exams:

RRB Group D Exam Dates 2023

Here are the expected dates for the RRB 2023 group D recruitment exams:

Release of Notification and Applications
Expected Soon
Last date to apply
To be Announced
Admit card
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced

RRB NTPC Exam Dates 2023

Here are the expected dates for RRB NTPC recruitment exams:

Release of Notification and Application
Expected Soon
Last date to apply
To be Announced
Admit card
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced

RRB Group C Exam Dates 2023

Here are the expected dates for the RRB Group C recruitment exams:

Release of Notification and Application
Expected Soon
Last date to apply
To be Announced
Admit card
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced

RRB JE Exam Date 2023

Here are the expected dates for the RRB Junior Engineer recruitment exams:

Release of Notification and Application
Expected Soon
Last date to apply
To be Announced
Admit card
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced

RRB SSE 2023: Exam Date

The tentative exam dates for RRB SSE (Senior Section Engineer) are given in the table below. The official dates will be announced in the RRB SSE notification.

Release of Notification and Application
October/ November 2023 (Expected)
Last date to apply
To be Announced
Admit card
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced

RRB Recruitment 2023: Highlights

Name of the Exam
Various exams
Conducting Body
Railway Recruitment Boards
Exam LevelNational
Exam Frequency
Depends on vacancies
Exam LevelsCBT
Physical Test
Application Mode
Mode of Examination
Post Name/Purpose of the exam
For recruitment of candidates as various positions in departments of Indian Railways
Official Website

RRB Recruitment 2023: Notification

RRB releases notification when there are vacancies in any department of the Indian Railways. There is no fixed time period fixed for the RRB to post notification as it is dependent on various factors. Candidates can check the RRB Latest news here.

It is important for the candidates to keep themselves updated with the recruitment notification updates as they may miss an employment opportunity if they miss a notification. The notification carries important information regarding the RRB Exams including exam dates, exam pattern, syllabus, and exam day guidelines. Candidates can download the RRB Recruitment Previous years’ papers here.

RRB Recruitment News

There are multiple exams conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) for different posts in varied cities. The board releases the notification announcing the vacancy on its official website. However, most of these vacancies depend upon several factors and do not have fixed recruitment cycles. Thus, the aspirants must keep an eye out for RRB Recruitment News and stay updated with notifications.

RRB Recruitment 2023: Vacancy

RRB regularly releases recruitment vacancies for various posts in their departments. Here is the expected list of vacancies of RRB 2023:

RRB Group D Vacancy 2023

Here are the expected vacancies for the RRB 2023 Group D recruitment exams:

Name of department
Number of vacancies
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced
To be Announced
Signal and telecommunication
To be Announced

RRB NTPC Vacancy 2023

Here are the expected vacancies for RRB NTPC recruitment exams:

UG Posts

Post Names
RRB NTPC UG Vacancy 2023 (Expected)
Junior Clerk cum Typist
Accounts Clerk cum Typist
Junior Time Keeper
Trains Clerk592
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk

Graduate Posts

RRB NTPC Graduate Vacancy 2023 (Expected)
Traffic Assistant (TA)
Goods Guard5,748
Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
Senior Clerk Cum Typist
Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist
Senior Time Keeper
Commercial Apprentice (CA)
Station Master (SM)

RRB Recruitment : Exam Pattern

RRB recruitment exams have different exam patterns depending on the stage of exam and kind of exam. Here are exam patterns for RRB exams:

RRB Group D CBT Exam Pattern

SubjectTotal number of questionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Science
90 Minutes (120 Minutes for the PwD Candidates)
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Awareness and Current Affairs

RRB Group D Physical Efficiency Test

Male Candidates
Female Candidates
You should be able to lift and carry 35 kg for 100 metres in one attempt without putting the weight down in 2 minutes.
You should be able to run 1000 metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds, in a single attempt.
You should be able to lift and carry 20 kg for 100 metres in one attempt without putting the weight down in 2 minutes.
You should be able to run 1000 metres in 5 minutes, 40 seconds, in a single attempt.

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2023

RRB CBT 1 Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
90 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Awareness

RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
90 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Awareness

RRB Group C Exam Pattern

Here are exam patterns for RRB Group C Exam:

SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTime
60 minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Science
General Awareness on Current Affairs

RRB JE Exam Pattern 2023

CBT – 1
90 minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning25
General Awareness15
General Science30
CBT – 2
General Awareness50
120 minutes
Physics and Chemistry50
Basics of Computer and Applications10
Basics of Environment and Pollution control10
Technical Abilities100

RRB Recruitment 2023: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in the Group D Level 1 exam?

Ans. The subjects which form the syllabus for the Group D RRB recruitment exam are Mathematics General Intelligence & Reasoning General Science General Awareness and Current Affairs.

Ques. Can a person who is still pursuing his degree apply for the exam?

Ans. The person must wait to get their degree before applying for the exam. People still busy with their studies should not apply.

Ques. Can ladies apply for all RRB jobs?

Ans. There is no restriction on ladies from joining jobs notified by the RRB. However, all jobs are of different conditions and the persons concerned must check the notification before applying for any special conditions that may be mentioned.

Ques. What type of questions can be expected in RRB recruitment exams?

Ans. All Questions are unbiased and objective. For technical positions, questions may include general knowledge, arithmetic, general intelligence, reasoning, and technical subjects.

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