RRB NTPC Salary 2024, In Hand Salary, Pay Scale

Post Name :  RRB NTPC Salary 2024, In Hand Salary, Pay Scale
Post Date :  15 February , 2024
Post Description :  The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) determines the salary structure for employees recruited through the RRB NTPC exam based on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. Vacancies are announced each year for positions ranging from Levels 2 to 6. It is essential for individuals interested in these jobs to familiarize themselves with the RRB NTPC salary structure for 2024.

RRB NTPC Salary 2024 Overview

The RRB NTPC exam in India attracts numerous applicants, as it offers opportunities to fill graduate and undergraduate positions across various units and zonal railways under the Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). Candidates aiming for these positions should acquaint themselves with the in-hand salary, perks, and allowances associated with the RRB NTPC posts they have applied for.

Salary Structure

The salary structure for RRB NTPC positions adheres to the guidelines set by the 7th Pay Commission and includes various components such as basic pay, grade pay, dearness allowance (DA), travel allowance, and house rent allowance (HRA). The salary may vary based on the location or city of the railway employee’s posting.

  • For Undergraduate Candidates: The monthly salary for RRB NTPC positions typically ranges from Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 21,700.
  • For Graduate Candidates: The monthly salary for graduate-level RRB NTPC positions falls between Rs. 25,500 and Rs. 35,400.

Benefits and Allowances

In addition to the basic salary, selected candidates are entitled to various benefits and allowances provided by the central government. These may include:

  • Dearness Allowance (DA): An allowance paid to employees to mitigate the impact of inflation.
  • Travel Allowance: Reimbursement for travel expenses incurred during official duties.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): Compensation for accommodation expenses, which may vary based on the city of posting.

Importance of Understanding Job Responsibilities

Candidates should also understand the job responsibilities, growth prospects, and promotion opportunities associated with their applied posts. This knowledge is crucial during the preparation phase, as it provides insights into the nature and potential trajectory of their future roles within the Indian Railways.

RRB NTPC Salary 2024 Salary Structure
ParticularsSalary Details
Basic PayRs. 19,000
Grade PayRs. 2,800
Dearness Allowance (DA)38% of Basic pay (Rs. 7220)
Travel AllowanceRs. 2,016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)27% of Basic pay (Rs. 5130)
Total PayRs. 36,146

RRB NTPC In Hand Salary 2024

The RRB NTPC Salary in hand varies depending on the two levels of recruitment, ranging from Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 35,400, depending on the specific level and position. The salary offered for RRB NTPC positions is considered lucrative, ensuring candidates maintain a satisfactory standard of living. The term “in-hand salary” refers to the final amount directly deposited into candidates’ bank accounts on a monthly basis.

RRB NTPC Salary for 12th Passed Candidates

For individuals who have passed the 12th grade or obtained a similar qualification, the RRB NTPC salary falls within the range of Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 21,700. However, the exact amount may vary based on the particular position and the location of the posting. After accounting for all deductions and taxes, the total salary will be within the mentioned range.

RRB NTPC Salary for 12th Passed Candidates
PostsLevel in 7th CPCInitial Pay (In INR)
Junior Clerk cum Typist219,900
Accounts Clerk cum Typist219,900
Junior Time Keeper219,900
Trains Clerk219,900
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk321,700

RRB NTPC Salary for Graduated Candidates

For candidates with a graduate degree, the RRB NTPC salary in hand for various positions ranges from Rs. 25,500 to Rs. 35,400 per month. Once again, the specific amount will depend on the level and nature of the position.

RRB NTPC Salary for Graduated Candidates
PostsLevel in 7th CPCInitial Pay (In INR)
Traffic Assistant425,500
Goods Guard529,200
Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk529,200
Senior Clerk cum Typist529,200
Junior Account Assistant cum Typist529,200
Senior Time Keeper529,200
Commercial Apprentice635,400
Station Master635,400

RRB NTPC Monthly Salary Structure

The monthly salary for RRB NTPC varies depending on the selected position. Salaries can differ significantly across different posts, based on their levels and sublevels. For undergraduates, the initial monthly salary for shortlisted candidates ranges from Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 21,700, while for graduate posts, it ranges from Rs. 25,500 to Rs. 35,400 per month. It’s important to note that candidates also receive various other perks and benefits along with their monthly salary.

What will be RRB NTPC Salary After 5 Years?

The salary offered by RRB NTPC is among the most competitive in the government sector. It includes regular incentives and yearly increments, resulting in a higher salary over time. After five years of service, there are also opportunities for promotion, leading to a significant increase in salary.

Therefore, candidates can expect their RRB NTPC Salary to rise substantially after five years, ranging approximately from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 45,000, depending on their post and pay level.

RRB NTPC Salary Structure After 7th Pay Commission

It is essential for candidates to be familiar with the salary structure of RRB NTPC. Since the pay level varies for each post, we have provided detailed information about the post-wise salary structure after the 7th Pay Commission. By referring to this information, candidates can gain a comprehensive understanding of the salary structure for different Railway NTPC posts.

Post Wise RRB NTPC Salary 2024

Post Wise RRB NTPC Salary 2024 is as follows:

Accounts Clerk cum Typist & Others:

ParticularsSalary Details
Basic PayRs. 19,000
Grade PayRs. 2800
Dearness Allowance (DA)28 % of Basic pay (Rs. 5572)
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay (Rs. 1592)
Total PayRs. 30,980

Accounts Senior Clerk cum Typist & Others:

ParticularsSalary Details
Basic PayRs. 29,200
Grade PayRs. 2800
Dearness Allowance (DA)28 % of Basic pay (Rs. 8176)
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay (Rs. 2336)
Total PayRs. 41,728

Commercial Apprentice and Station Master:

ParticularsSalary Details
Basic PayRs. 35,400
Grade PayRs. 4200
Dearness Allowance (DA)28 % of Basic pay (Rs. 9912)
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay (Rs. 2832)
Total PayRs. 54,360

Traffic Assistant:

ParticularsSalary Details
Basic PayRs. 25,000
Grade PayRs. 2800
Dearness Allowance (DA)28 % of Basic pay (Rs. 7000)
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay (Rs. 2040)
Total PayRs. 36,056

RRB NTPC Salary Level 2 Structure

The salary for RRB NTPC Level 2 is determined by the Board for undergraduate-level positions. To gain a clear understanding of the salary structure specific to each post, candidates can refer to the provided RRB NTPC post-wise salary structure.

PostLevel in 7th CPCRRB NTPC Salary
Junior Clerk cum Typist219,000
Accounts Clerk cum Typist219,000
Trains Clerk219,000
Junior Time Keeper219,000

RRB NTPC Salary Level 3 Structure

The salary for RRB NTPC Level 3 is applicable to the position of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk. As per the provisions of the 7th Pay Commission, the salary for this post is Rs. 21,700.

RRB NTPC Salary Level 4 Structure

The salary for RRB NTPC Level 4 is specifically determined for the Traffic Assistant position. To view the comprehensive salary structure for this post, candidates can refer to the table below.

Basic PayRs. 25,000
Grade PayRs. 2800
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
Dearness Allowance (DA)28% of Basic pay
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay
Total PayRs. 36,056

RRB NTPC Salary Level 5 Structure

The salary structure for RRB NTPC Level 5 is applicable to several positions, namely Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Time Keeper, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, and Goods Guard. The detailed salary structure for Level 5 can be found below.

Basic PayRs. 29,200
Grade PayRs. 2800
Dearness Allowance (DA)28% of Basic pay
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay
Total PayRs. 41,728

RRB NTPC Salary Level 6 Structure

The salary for RRB NTPC Level 6 is applicable to two posts, namely Station Master and Commercial Apprentice. Many candidates are particularly interested in the Station Master salary due to its popularity. Therefore, we have provided the detailed salary structure for RRB NTPC Level 6 below.

Basic PayRs. 35,400
Grade PayRs. 4200
Dearness Allowance (DA)28% of Basic pay
HRA (Depending on the Place or City)8% of Basic pay
Travel AllowanceRs. 2016
Total PayRs. 54,360

RRB NTPC 2024 Allowances and Perks

Alongside the salary, candidates are eligible for various perks and allowances provided by RRB NTPC. These additional benefits greatly contribute to the appeal of this job for many applicants. Below, you can find a list of essential allowances offered by RRB NTPC.

  1. Dearness Allowance (DA)
  2. Travel Allowance (TA)
  3. House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  4. Pension Benefits
  5. Medical Reimbursements

Moreover, depending on the city of posting, candidates may also receive additional perks and benefits, apart from the RRB NTPC salary. It’s important to note that the percentage of Dearness Allowance (DA) may vary based on the location, so candidates should take this into consideration as well.

Job Profile for RRB NTPC 2024 Recruitment

Understanding the RRB NTPC job profile is crucial for candidates to gain insights into the nature of work they can expect. The Railway NTPC presents a multitude of positions across various levels, and having knowledge about these roles is vital to make an educated choice when applying for the examination. Explore the diverse range of RRB NTPC posts outlined below:

  1. Junior Clerk Cum Typist
  2. Account Clerk Cum Typist
  3. Trains Clerk
  4. Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk
  5. Traffic Assistant
  6. Goods Guard
  7. Senior Commercial
  8. Senior Clerk Cum Typist
  9. Junior Accountant Cum Typist
  10. Commercial Apprentice
  11. Station Master

The level wise allotments of posts is as follows:

Level 5Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum

Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist and Senior Time Keeper

Level 6Commercial Apprentice and Station Master
Level 4Traffic Assistant
Level 3Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
Level 2Junior Clerk cum Typist,Assistant Clerk cum Typist, Assistant Clerk cum Typist, Train Clerk

By comprehending the RRB NTPC job profile, candidates can make well-informed decisions while preparing for their desired position.

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