RPF SI 2023: Notification, Exam Dates & Syllabus

Every year, RPF SI Recruitment Exam is conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board to select the eligible candidates for the post of Sub Inspector. Both males and females can give this exam. The official notification of the RPF SI Recruitment Exam will be released on the official website of Indian Railways. Take FREE Mock Test For RPF SI. The notification will contain all information related to this exam, such as important dates, vacancies, selection process, etc. In addition, application forms will be released along with the notification. Interested candidates need to fill in this application form online.

The applicants must meet the RPF Eligibility Criteria to be eligible to apply for the application process. The selection is done based on a Computer Based Test, followed by a Physical Measurement Efficiency Test, and Document Verification. Here in this video, candidates can check RPF SI Notification 2023, Eligibility, Exam Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus and many more related information. Candidates can watch below video to know about RPF SI Recruitment 2023, Application Process, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Exam dates, Admit Card, Syllabus and many more related informations.

What is RPF SI Exam?

RPF SI 2023 Exam is known as Railway Protection Force Sub-Inspector Exam and it is a national-level exam. Every year, the Ministry of Railways organizes the RPF SI exam. This recruitment is conducted to recruit eligible candidates from all over the country for the post of Sub-Inspector of Railway Protection Force for various groups and various zones of Indian Railways. Also, check the RPF Constable Exam here.

RPF SI Exam Date 2023

The authority is yet to announce RPF SI dates. Here are some tentative dates for the RPF SI Examination 2023. Check the RPF Constable Exam Date here.

EventsDates (Tentative)
Application Process Commencement Date
August to September 2023
Last Date for RegisteringSeptember to October 2023
Issuance of Admit Card
10 days prior to the commencement of the written exam
Online Exam DateOctober to November 2023
Results announcementTo be updated

RPF SI Exam Date 2022

Based on the previous year’s data regarding RPF SI exam dates, candidates can get an idea of the exam schedule:

Online Registration and Fee Payment
August 2022
Last Date of Fee PaymentSeptember 2022
Last Date of RegistrationSeptember 2022
RPF SI Exam DateOctober 2022

RPF SI Highlights 2023

Here are the highlights of the RPF SI 2023 Examination:

Exam NameRPF SI 2023
Railway Protection Force Sub-Inspector 2023
Exam Conducting AuthorityMinistry of Railways
Level of ExaminationNational-level
Exam purpose
Recruitment for SI posts in RPF and RPSF
Offered Post Name
Sub-Inspectors (SI) in Level-6 of 7th CPC
Minimum Required Qualification
GroupsGroup A, B, C, D, E, and F
Application ModeOnline
Exam Mode
Online i.e., Computer-Based Test
Stages of exam
Computer-Based Test (CBT)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) & Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Document Verification
Exam duration1 hour 30 minutes
Language of test
Hindi, Urdu, English, Telugu, Konkani, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, Odia, Manipuri, Assamese, Bengali, and Punjabi
Official Websitewww.indianrailways.gov.in

RPF SI Notification 2023

The Ministry of Railways will release the official notification of RPF SI Recruitment for the year 2023. All the details related to the RPF SI exam such as Exam date, the Application process, Exam Pattern, Exam Syllabus, etc. will be available in the notification. Candidates can regularly visit the official website of Indian Railway i.e., www.indianrailways.gov.in to get all the latest releases and updates.

RPF SI Vacancy 2023

Ministry of Railways will announce RPF SI 2022 vacancies with notification. Vacancies are declared separately for male and female candidates for different groups and railway zones. As this year’s vacancies are yet to be released, candidates can have a look at the previous years’ vacancies for male and female candidates. Also, check the RPF Constable Vacancy here.

RPF SI Vacancies For Male

The group-wise RPF SI vacancies for males are as under

roupsRailway Zones
RPF SI vacancies

RPF SI vacancies For Female

The group-wise RPF SI vacancies for females are as under

GroupRailway ZonesTotal

RPF SI Exam Pattern 2023

In the RPF SI 2023 exam, candidates will have to go through the stages mentioned below:

  1. CBT (Computer Based Test)
  2. PET (Physical Efficiency Test)
  3. PMT (Physical Measurement Test)
  4. Document Verification

Stage 1: Computer-Based Test
The exam pattern for the Computer-Based Test of RPF SI 2023 is given below:

Examination ModeOnline i.e., CBT
Total no. of Questions120 questions
Maximum Marks120 marks
Duration1 hour 30 minutes
Section-wise marks
General Awareness – 50 Marks
Arithmetic – 35 Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning – 35 Marks
English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Konkani. Malayalam, Punjabi, Manipuri, Assamese, Marathi, Odia, Gujarati, Bengali
Marking Scheme
For every correct answer, 1 mark will be given to the candidates. 1/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
The standard for the examClass X level
Qualifying marks
35% for unreserved category 30% for SC/ST category

The number of questions and marks for each section are described below:

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarks
General Science5050
General Intelligence & Reasoning

Stage 2: Physical Eligibility Test (PET)

The candidates who clear the first stage of CBT will be called for the next round, in which candidates are tested for physical requirements. Details of PET are given below:

CategoryLong JumpHigh Jump800 meters run
1600 meters run
RPF SI Male12 ft3 ft 9 inch6 min 30 sec
RPF SI Female9 ft3 feet4 min

It is important to note that all participants will have to complete these 1600m and 800m run in just a single attempt. However, two chances are given for the remaining high and long jumps.

Stage 3: Physical Measurement Test (PMT)

Physical measurements of the chest (for men only) and height are given below:

CategoryChest (in cms)Chest (in cms)Height (in cms)Height (in cms)
Garhwalis, Gorkhas, Marathas, and other Govt. Specified categories

Applicants who are ex-servicemen will have to go through PMT only, not PET.

Stage 4: Document Verification

Only those candidates who qualify for CBT, PMT, as well as PET, are called for the document verification stage. It is a compulsory stage, so if one misses this round he will be disqualified irrespective of his performance in PET/PMT. Finally, if two candidates score equal marks, then, preference will be given to the candidate of a higher age group.

Also, the shortlisted candidates will have to undergo and pass the Medical Fitness Test conducted by the Railway Administration. Additionally, verification of their past record, character, education, and category certificates from the local administration is also used. In addition, initial training should be completed successfully.

RPF SI Syllabus 2023

The RPF SI syllabus consists of three parts:

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • Arithmetic
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Similarities and Differences
Visual Memory
Arithmetic Number Series
Spatial Visualization
Coding and Decoding
Statement Conclusion
Problem-Solving Analysis
Spatial Orientation
Arithmetical Reasoning
Decision Making
Discriminating Observation
Relationship Concepts
Verbal and Figure Classification
Non-Verbal Series
Syllogistic Reasoning
General AwarenessGeneral Polity
Indian History
Art & Culture
General Science, etc.
Indian Constitution
Number systems
Relationships between numbers
Ratio and Proportion
Profit and Loss
Time and Distance
Whole numbers
Decimal and Fractions
Use of table and graphs
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
Ratio and Proportion

RPF SI Exam 2023 Books

Now aspirants are clear with the exam pattern and syllabus, let’s check the subject-wise RPF SI books below

General Awareness
General Knowledge by Arihant
General Studies by Disha
General Knowledge Manual by Pearson
General Knowledge by Lucent
Fast track objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude for all Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha
Objective Arithmetic by S Chand
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
A new approach to Reasoning by B S Sijwali & S Sijwali Arihant
Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey
Reasoning Book for Competitive Examinations by Pearson
Multi-Dimensional Reasoning by Mishra & Kumar Dr. Lal

RPF SI Exam 2023 Study Notes

In order to get success in the exam, it is very important for the candidates to follow the study notes related to the exam point of view. RPF SI Exam 2023 Study Notes not only cover the exam syllabus but also prove to be a very good source of practice questions. Check the RPF SI Practice Papers here.

RPF SI Eligibility Criteria 2023

The detailed eligibility criteria are mentioned below:

RPF SI Age Limit 2023

There are different age criteria for different categories of candidates, which are tabulated below:

Category of candidatesMinimum Age Limit
Maximum Age Limit
General Candidates20 years25 years
SC/ST CandidatesSame as above30 years
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer candidates)
Same as above28 years

Age Relaxation for Other Category Candidates: Apart from SC/ST and OBC, there are other candidates, who are given age relaxation:

CategoryRelaxation in Age
Central Govt employees (Unreserved) other than ex-servicemen who have served 3 years or more of regular & continuous service on the date of reckoning.
Unreserved –5 years
OBC (Non-creamy layer)—8 years
SC/ST –10 years
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989 (Unreserved)
General—5 years
OBC (Non-creamy layer) —8 years
SC/ST –10 years

RPF SI Application Form 2023

The online registration process for the RPF SI exam will start in the month of August 2023. Candidates have only one way to apply for the RPF exam, only through online mode. The steps they need to follow include the following:

RPF SI Registration Process 2023

First, RPF SI candidates have to register on the official website for the exam. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Indian Railways i.e., www.indianrailways.gov.in.
Step 2: Click on the ‘register’ button.
Step 3: Provide basic details, such as name, email id, date of birth, father’s name, Aadhar number, etc.
Step 4: Click Submit. After clicking on submit, Candidates will receive an OTP on the registered email and another OTP to their mobile number.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Verify through OTP’ link on the home page of the online registration portal and enter the OTPs in the respective fields.
Step 6: Proceed with the registration by entering both the OTPs.
Step 7: On successful verification, a unique registration number and password will be generated by the system.

RPF SI Application Form 2023

In the next step, candidates need to fill up the application form for RPF SI with the help of the below steps:

Step 1: Log in with the system-generated registration ID and Password on the RPF SI official website.
Step 2: Fill in the personal details such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, education, email id, etc.
Step 3: Upload the scanned photograph and signature.
Step 4: Pay the application fee through Debit Card/Credit Card or Internet Banking
Step 5: Submit the application form
Step 6: Finally, do not forget to take a printout for further reference

RPF SI Application Fee 2023

In the table given below, the RPF SI Application fee for the year 2023 is mentioned:

CategoryApplication Fee
GeneralRs 500/-
Female CandidatesRs 250/-

RPF SI Admit Card 2023

The RPF SI Admit Card 2023 will be available on the official website 10 days before the commencement of the written exam. RPF SI Admit Card contains important information such as Exam Date, Venue, Exam Time, etc. Candidates are required to follow the below-mentioned steps to download their admit cards:

Step 1: Visit the RPF official website.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Careers Section’.
Step 3: Select download ‘RPF SI 2022 call letter’.
Step 4: Enter your registration number and password.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 6: RPF SI Admit Card will be generated.
Step 7: Take a printout of it.

Details mentioned in the RPF SI Admit Card

The following information will be mentioned in the admit cards of the candidates:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Date of birth
  • Category
  • Venue of exam
  • Date and time of exam
  • Exam day guidelines

RPF SI Answer key 2023

RPF SI Answer Key contains answers to all the questions asked in the exam. It will be published on their official website. Candidates can raise objections after the declaration of the answer key for wrong answers to questions. The details regarding raising objections will be updated after the release of the official notification. Candidates can download the answer key of RPF SI by following the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Select Group
Step 3: Enter name, date of birth, exam date, batch, and captcha
Step 4: Click the tab ‘View attempted Question Paper’
Step 5: The answer key is displayed on the screen

RPF SI Result 2023

Railway Protection Force will declare the result for Sub Inspector after releasing RPF SI Answer Key. RFI SI results will be released separately for each group, i.e., A, B, C, D, E, and F. RPF SI Result shows the roll number of qualified candidates. According to

RPF SI Expected Cut-off Marks 2023

RPF SI Cut-Off 2023 will be released with a scorecard separately for Computer Based Test (CBT) and Final Selection. To qualify for CBT, candidates need to secure category-wise qualifying marks and overall cut-off marks. There are no qualifying marks for PET/PMT, however, it is mandatory to qualify. The cut-offs for male and female candidates are released separately. The cut-off marks for all Groups of RPF SI for the year 2019 are mentioned below:

RPF SI Cut Off for Group A (Male/ Female)

The details are given below:

Category NameFemaleMale

RPF SI Cut Off for Group B (Male/ Female)

The details are given below:

Category NameFemaleMale

RPF SI Cut Off for Group C (Male/ Female)

The details are given below:

Category NameFemaleMale

RPF SI Cut Off for Group D (Male/ Female)

The details are given below:

Category NameFemaleMale

RPF SI Cut Off for Group E (Male/ Female)

The details are given below:

Category NameFemaleMale

RPF SI Cut Off for Group F (Male)

The details are given below:

Category NameMale

RPF SI Salary and Benefits 2023

The basic salary of RPF SI is INR 35,400. With additional benefits, the total salary range is between INR 43,000-Rs 52,000. The salary of RPF SI as per the 7th Pay Commission is given below:

  • Old Pay Scale and Grade Pay (6th Pay Commission): INR 9,300-34,800. Grade Pay is INR 4,200.
  • New Basic Pay after 7th Pay Commission: Basic pay is INR 35,440.
  • Total salary: The total salary is INR 43,300-INR 52,030 per month.

Candidates selected for the post of RPF SI enjoy good perks and benefits. Benefits are given in addition to their monthly salary income. The following benefits and allowances are provided to the candidates:

  • Provident fund
  • Overtime Allowance
  • Ration Allowance
  • Dress Allowance
  • Gratuity
  • Monthly Pension (After retirement)
  • Medical facilities
  • Pass and Privilege Ticket Orders
  • Dress Allowance
  • Night Duty Allowance
  • Educational assistance
  • Ration Allowance and
  • Traveling and transfer allowance
  • Other financial matters


The notification for the RPF SI Recruitment 2023 will be released on the official website. Candidates can crack RPF SI Exam 2023 with a proper study and practice plan. Candidates will get many benefits after clearing the exam.


Ques. Why is RPF SI Answer Key Important?

Ans. RPF SI answer key helps the candidates to calculate the possible score. Hence, it is important for RPF SI candidates.

Ques. When the RPF SI recruitment notice is going to be out?

Ans. The recruitment notice for RPF SI exam is expected to be released soon.

Ques. What are the job responsibilities of candidates if selected by RPF SI?

Ans. The job responsibility of the selected candidates would be to ensure the safety of all passengers and takes necessary steps regarding issues related to passengers.

Ques. Do candidates get a stipend during their training period?

Ans. Yes, candidates get a stipend during their training period, which is INR 35,400 plus other allowances as admissible under Railway Rules.

Ques. How many selection stages are there in the RPF SI exam?

Ans. The selection stages of the RPF SI exam include CBT, (PET) & (PMT), and Document Verification. Candidates giving the exam must clear all the selection stages.

Ques. What is the minimum education qualification to take the RPF SI exam?

Ans. Candidates applying for the RPF SI exam must have passed their 10+2 or graduated from recognized universities.

Ques. What is the mode of filling out the application form for RPF SI recruitment?

Ans. Candidates planning to apply for the RPF SI exam can fill out the application form in online mode. The official website of Indian Railways will host the online application form.


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