KPSC Previous Year Question Paper

Post Name : KPSC Previous Year Question Paper
Post Date : 27 November , 2023
Post Description : This post is for KPSC Previous Year Question Paper, candidates can check the post and can prepare for the exam with solved answers.

KPSC Previous Year Question Paper With Solutions

The candidates try to solve as many question papers as they can. It increases their level-of-preparation and builds their focus. The KPSC previous year question paper with answer key saves their time and allows them to go through maximum question papers in less time.

Attempting multiple question papers allows them to increase their speed and accuracy when it comes to solving questions. In this article, the KPSC aspirants will get the KPSC previous year question paper PDF link.

KPSC Previous Year Question Papers with Answer Key- Free PDF Download

Once the candidates go through the KPSC syllabus and topics, they can test their preparedness by solving question papers of previous years. After solving a paper, they can check their scores using the answer key.

The links for the KPSC previous year question paper with answer key have been provided in the below table:

YearQuestion papersAnswer keys
2023Click hereClick here
2022Click hereClick here
2021Click hereClick here
2020Click hereClick here

Benefits of Solving KPSC Previous Year Question Papers

Following are the key benefits of solving KPSC previous year question paper:

  • The candidates will get an idea about the key topics that can be covered in the upcoming KPSC exam.
  • The candidates can create a strategy of answering the questions correctly after going through multiple KPSC previous year question papers. For instance, they can cover the objective questions quickly and save time for the descriptive questions towards the end.
  • They get an idea about whether they are prepared for the type of questions that will be asked in the exam. If they feel that they need to prepare more dedicatedly, they can also order the KPSC previous year question paper book.
  • The candidates can keep solving the KPSC previous year question papers PDF. It will eventually increase their answering speed and accuracy.
  • They can determine their mistakes by comparing the answers that they have selected against the answers that are mentioned in the answer key. It will help them to avoid the same mistakes in the examination.
  • Some questions from previous year question papers tend to appear in the current paper. By going through such questions, the candidates can improve their scores and save time for the fresh set of questions.

KPSC Previous Year Question Paper Analysis

After analysing the KPSC previous year question paper PDF, it is clear that the difficulty level for the prelims exam ranges from moderate to difficult. Most of the questions were based on topics of constitution, history, geography, and Karnataka state politics and current affairs. The below table shows the subject-wise difficulty level of the various questions that were asked in the previous year question paper:

KPSC Exam Analysis 2021
SubjectWeightage of marksDifficulty Level
General Studies (National & International)40Moderate
Humanities (History, Constitution of India, Economy,

Geography of the country and state)

50Moderate to difficult
General Studies (State)40Moderate to difficult
Science & Technology, Ecology, and Environment30Moderate to difficult
Mental Awareness (Data Interpretation, Logical

Reasoning, Comprehension, and Problem Solving)


KPSC Question Paper Pattern 2023

The Karnataka PSC exam comprises three rounds viz. prelims, mains, and interview round. The candidates should gain an in-depth understanding of the KPSC previous year question paper to get acquainted with the exam format, sections, total questions, marking scheme, and other details of the KPSC exam. The KPSC exam paper pattern for all the stages have been specified in the below table:

KPSC Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

Exam ModeOffline
Questions typeMCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Total number of questions100
Total weightage200 (2 marks for each question)
Number of papers2 (Paper 1 & Paper 2)
Duration of the exam2 hours for each paper

KPSC Mains Exam Pattern 2023

English2 hours150
Kannada2 hours150
Essay paper (Paper 1)3 hours250
General Studies 1 (Paper 2)3 hours250
General Studies 2 (Paper 3)3 hours250
General Studies 3 (Paper 4)3 hours250
General Studies 4 (Paper 5)3 hours250
Optional Paper 1 (Paper 6)3 hours250
Optional Paper 2 (Paper 7)3 hours250
Interview Round50
Total Marks2100

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