DMF, Keonjhar Doctor Walk in 2023

Post Name:-     DMF, Keonjhar Doctor Walk in 2023

Post Date:-       06/November/2023

Short Description:-   DMF Keonjhar Recruitment 2023 Notification for 120 Posts | Application Form: District Mineral Foundation Keonjhar (DMF Keonjhar) officials issued a recruitment notification for 120 Specialist Doctor Posts. Eligible candidates must attend the DMF Keonjhar Specialist Doctor Walkin Interview on 19th November 2023. Download the DMF Keonjhar Recruitment 2023 Notification & Application Form PDF from the below provided link.

Latest DMF Keonjhar Jobs 2023 Notification
Organization NameDistrict Mineral Foundation Keonjhar (DMF Keonjhar)
Post NameDoctor
No. of Posts120
Advt. No.3231/ DMF
Walk-in Date19th November 2023
Mode of ApplicationOffline
CategoryGovernment Jobs
Selection ProcessWalkin Interview
Job LocationOdisha
Official SiteClick Here
Official notification/Application FormClick Here

DMF Keonjhar Specialist Doctor Vacancy Details:

District Mineral Foundation Keonjhar (DMF Keonjhar) has released a recruitment notification for various medical positions with a total of 120 vacancies. The available positions include Anaesthetist (4), Cardiologist (2), ENT Surgeon (2), Endocrinologist (2), Gastroenterologist (1), Gynaecologist (16), Haematologist (1), Nephrologist (2), Ophthalmologist (1), Oncologist (3), Pulmonologist (1), Paediatrician (8), Physician (10), Radiologist (4), RMO (49), Surgeon (11), Skin & VBD (2), and Neurologist (1). This is a great opportunity for medical professionals to join the healthcare sector in Odisha and serve the community. Make sure to mark your calendar for the walk-in interview on 19th November 2023, and visit the official website for further details.

Vacancy Details
Sl. No.
Description of PostsVacancy
3ENT Surgeon2
17Skin & VBD2
Total120 Posts

DMF Keonjhar Doctor Jobs 2023 – Educational Qualification:

1AnaesthetistMD (Anaesthesia)
2CardiologistDM (Cardiology)
3ENT SurgeonMS (ENT)
4EndocrinologyDM (Endocrinology)
5GastroenterologistDM (Gastroenterology)
6GynaecologistMD/MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
7HaematologistMD (Pathology)
8NephrologistDM (Nephrology)
9OphthalmologistMS (Ophthalmology)
10OncologistDM (Oncology)
11PulmonologistMD (Pulmonary Medicine)
12PaediatricianMD (Paediatrics)
13PhysicianMD (Medicine)
14RadiologistMD (Radiology)
16SurgeonMS (General Surgery)
17Skin & VBDMD/MS (Dermatology)
18NeurologistDM (Neurology)

DMF Keonjhar Doctor Salary:

These are the salary details for the various medical positions available in DMF Keonjhar Recruitment 2023. Please refer to the official notification for more comprehensive information.

Pay scale
Sl. No.
Description of PostsSalary
1AnaesthetistRs. 2,00,000/-
2CardiologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
3ENT SurgeonRs. 1,50,000/-
4EndocrinologyRs. 30,000/- per visit
5GastroenterologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
6GynaecologistRs. 1,50,000/-
7HaematologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
8NephrologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
9OphthalmologistRs. 1,50,000/-
10OncologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
11PulmonologistRs. 30,000/- per visit
12PaediatricianRs. 1,50,000/-
13PhysicianRs. 1,50,000/-
14RadiologistRs. 2,00,000/-
15RMORs. 80,000/-
16SurgeonRs. 1,50,000/-
17Skin & VBDRs. 1,50,000/-
18NeurologistRs. 30,000/- per visit

DMF Keonjhar Doctor Recruitment 2023 – Selection Process:

Interested candidates must attend the Walking Interview on 19th November 2023.


Adress for Interview
Address to attend the Walk-in-InterviewDurbar Hall,  Collectorate,  Keonjhar

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