Bihar BCECE 2024 Online Form

Name of the Post: Bihar BCECE 2024 Online Form

Post Date: 20-04-2024

Brief Information: Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) has given a notification for Conducting the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Exam (BCECE) 2024. Those Candidates who are interested in the exams details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

BCECE 2024 Latest Updates

Important EventsDates
Release Date of Admit CardTo be notified
Exam DateTo be notified
Result DateTo be notified
Counselling DateTo be notified

BCECE 2024 Highlights

The candidates are required to know all the basic details about the BCECE they are writing. This will help them be prepared for the exam. Some of the important points to be noted about the BCECE are as follows.

BCECE 2024 Highlights
Full Exam NameBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Exam
Short Exam NameBCECE
Conducting BodyBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board
Official WeBCECE
Frequency of ConductOnce a year
Exam DateTo be notified
Exam LevelState Level Exam
LanguagesEnglish and Hindi
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Application Fee (General)Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1100/-
Mode of ExamOffline
Exam patternPen paper-based exam
Exam Duration1.5 Hours for each paper
Mode of CounsellingTo be notified
Exam helpdesk no.0612-2220230, 0612-2225387
Participating Colleges30
Course offeredUG

What is BCECE?

The BCECE Bihar is a state-level educational board. The BCECE Board conducts the BCECE exam to select candidates for various professional courses offered in Bihar. The courses include B.Pharm, Agriculture, and various Paramedical Courses. BCECE is a state-level exam and is conducted in a pen and paper-based mode. Candidates have to prepare for each of the four or five subjects they are appearing in separately, as the question papers for each subject will be separate. One hour and thirty minutes are provided for each paper. The syllabus for the exam is mostly based on the Higher Education Syllabus that the candidates have already learned.

BCECE 2024 Notification Important Dates

Candidates have to strictly follow the BCECE exam date and other important dates. If any candidate fails to complete any of the tasks within the specified date will not be considered eligible for the next step. All the important dates are provided on the official website.

Important EventsDates
Registration FormTo be notified
Last Date to Submit the ApplicationTo be notified
Last Date for Fee PaymentTo be notified
Correction WindowTo be notified
Admit Card Release DateTo be notified
Exam DateTo be notified
Result DateTo be notified
Counselling DateTo be notified

BCECE Eligibility Criteria 2024

Candidates have to go through all the BCECE eligibility criteria and make sure they qualify for each one of them. Only candidates who fit various eligibility criteria including age limit, educational qualification, etc. shall be considered for admission.

Educational Qualification

The educational qualifications provided for each of the courses are as follows.

Pharmacy Course

Candidates should have passed the higher secondary education or equivalent examination with a minimum of 45% marks (40% for reserved categories). They should have studied Physics and Chemistry as mandatory subjects and Mathematics/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Technical Vocational subjects as one optional subject.

Paramedical Courses

Candidates should have passed the higher secondary education or equivalent examination in English, Physics, Chemistry and Botany/ Zoology. They must have a score of a minimum of 50% for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The reserved categories should have a minimum aggregate of 45% marks.

Agriculture Courses

Candidates should have passed the higher secondary education or equivalent qualifying examination with the relevant subjects. Each candidate must have studied subjects relevant to the specific course they are applying for. The subjects needed for each course are from the group – Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics/ Agriculture.


All the candidates must be 17 years of age by the 1st of July 20. There is no specification given regarding the maximum age limit.

Number of Attempts

There are no specific limits given to the number of attempts a candidate can give.

Minimum Marks

For the Pharmacy course, the minimum mark specified is 45% and for the Paramedical Courses, it is 50%. The reservation category candidates have a relaxation of 5% marks in the minimum marks limit.


The candidates should be Indian Nationals and also qualify any one of the following pointers.

  • The candidate’s parents must be permanent residents of Bihar. OR
  • The candidate’s parents must be registered refugees of Bihar. OR
  • The candidate’s parents are residents of other states but work with the Government of Bihar. OR
  • The candidate’s parents were employees of Govt. of Bihar before reorganization and their employee cadre is yet transferable between Bihar and Jharkhand. OR
  • The candidate’s parents are employees of the national union and are currently posted in Bihar.


The candidates who are citizens of Bihar and have a reservation certificate from the Government of Bihar are eligible for the reservation category. The candidates are given relaxation in the minimum marks criteria. They are reserved a certain percentage of seats also.

CategoryPercentage of Seats Reserved
Extremely Backward Class18%
Backward Class12%
Reserved Category Class3%
Disabled Quota3% in every college
Service Men’s QuotaWill be announced

BCECE Selection Process

The candidates will have to go through certain steps to confirm their seats in the desired college and course. All the information regarding the selection process is listed on the official website. The candidates have to make sure to complete all the steps.

  • Application Submission
  • Examination
  • Result Verification
  • Counselling by the respective institute.

BCECE 2024 Registration Process

To apply for the BCECE, candidates need to register themselves and avail their respective login credentials. These details should be secured till the end of the admission process. Candidates should also make sure to fill in all the correct details, as they won’t get another chance to correct the details provided on the registration. The registration process for all the candidates is the same.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website of BCECE.

Step 2: Select the “Online Application Portal BCECE – 2024” option.

Step 3: Select the “New Registration” option.

Step 4: Fill in all the required details and submit.

Step 5: Activate your mobile number and email id using the activation code sent to both contacts.

BCECE 2024 Application Process

The candidates then have to submit their application forms. This will complete their application process. After this candidates can wait for their admit card and prepare for the exam. Candidates should make sure to fill in all the correct details, as these details will be printed everywhere during the admission process. The application process for all the candidates is the same.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website of BCECE.

Step 2: Select the “Sign-in” option.

Step 3: Log in to your profile using your credentials.

Step 4: Fill in all the required details, verify them and submit.

Step 5: Upload the required documents in the specified size and format.

Step 6: Pay the application fee specified using any of the payment gateway provided.

Step 7: “Final Submit” the application form.

BCECE 2024 Application Fee

The candidates have to pay a certain amount as the BCECE application fee. They can pay the application fee through any of the payment gateways provided. No applications will be considered for verification without the application fee. The application fee for each of the candidates is as follows.

Subject GroupGeneral/ OBC/ BCSC/ ST/ Disability Quota
PCB/ PCM/ CBA/ PCA/ MBA/ MCARs. 1000/-Rs. 500/-
PMCB (Combined)Rs. 1100/-Rs. 550/-

BCECE 2024 Syllabus

BCECE is conducted as per papers. Candidates have to select the subjects relevant to the course they are applying for and attend only the exams of the particular subjects. To prepare for the exam, the candidates can use the syllabus. This will help the candidates’ BCECE preparation be at ease and will make the process fast. The BCECE syllabus for each subject is as follows.

  • Physical World and Measurement
  • Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Kinematics
  • Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
  • Laws of Motion
  • Oscillations and Waves
  • Work, Energy and Power
  • Electrostatics
  • Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
  • Current Electricity
  • Gravitation
  • Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism
  • Properties of Bulk Matter
  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Optics
  • Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
  • Atoms and Nuclei
  • Electronic Devices
  • Communication Systems
  • Some basic concepts of Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  • Structure of Atom
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  • Solutions
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  • Electrochemistry
  • States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Surface Chemistry
  • Equilibrium
  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
  • Redox Reactions
  • p-Block Elements
  • Hydrogen
  • d and f Block Elements
  • s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
  • Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  • Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  • Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
  • Organic compounds containing Nitrogen
  • Biomolecules
  • Polymers
  • Chemistry in Everyday life
  • Diversity In Living World
  • Structural Organisation In Animals And Plants
  • Cell: Structure And Function
  • Plant Physiology
  • Human Physiology
  • Sexual Reproduction
  • Genetics And Evolution
  • Biology And Human Welfare
  • Ecology & Environment
  • Biotechnology And Its Applications
  • Sets and Functions
  • Algebra I and Algebra II
  • Functions and Relations
  • Vector
  • Calculus I and Calculus II
  • Linear Programming
  • Three-Dimensional Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Agrometeorology
  • Crop Production
  • Horticulture

BCECE 2024 Exam Pattern & Test Structure

The BCECE exam pattern mentioned below will give the candidates an idea about the basic details of the question paper. Candidates can make use of this to find out how to prepare with the syllabus. The BCECE exam pattern for all candidates is the same.

BCECE Exam Pattern
Duration90 minutes for each paper
No. of Questions100 questions for each paper
Marks for each answer4 marks
Negative marking1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer
MediumHindi and English

BCECE 2024 Exam Centres

The candidates can choose their preference of the BCECE exam centres during the application process. The candidates must reach the BCECE exam centre at least one hour before the commencement of the examination. All the important details and instructions to be followed by the candidates at the exam centre will be provided on the BCECE admit card.

BCECE Exam Centres
East ChamparanWest Champaran
Jharkhand (Outside Bihar)

BCECE 2024 Counselling

The BCECE counselling for the confirmation of seats will be done online. Candidates have to confirm their seats by following the instructions provided to them through the admission portal. The counselling process will begin soon. Once the webpage for the counselling opens, candidates have to register themselves for the BCECE counselling process. The candidates can select their preference of college and course as per the instructions. According to this, a provisional merit list will be released by the authority. Candidates can check these lists and confirm their seats by paying the admission fee. Then, candidates will have to go to the respective institute for further procedures with all the certificates proving the candidate’s application form to be true in all aspects.

Top BCECE Participating Colleges 2024

Given below is the list of top engineering colleges/ institutes in India accepting BCECE 2024 scores.

College/ Institute NameLocation
Muzaffarpur Institute of TechnologyMuzaffarpur, Bihar
Nalanda College of EngineeringDasturpur, Bihar
Gaya College of EngineeringGaya, Bihar
Sityog Institute of TechnologyAurangabad, Bihar
Siwan Engineering and Technical InstituteSurapur, Bihar
Vidya Vihar Institute of TechnologyMaranga, Bihar
RP Sharma Institute of TechnologyPatna, Bihar
Loknayak Jai Prakash Institute of TechnologyChapra, Bihar
Darbhanga College of EngineeringMabbi Belauna, Bihar
Millia Institute of TechnologyPurnea, Bihar

BCECE 2024 Cut Off

The expected Cut Off for the BCECE 2024 is given in the below table. These BCECE Cut Off marks have been formulated following the previous year’s trends.

CategoryCut Off PercentageCut Off Marks
General (PWD)45%540
SC/ ST/ OBC40%480
Reserved PWD40%480

Important Links

Important Links
Apply OnlineClick Here
Important DatesClick Here
Detailed NotificationClick Here
Short NotificationClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

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