SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024

Post Name : SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024
Post Date :  09 April, 2024
Post Description : layout of the question paper is based on the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024. As a result, candidates should pay attention to it in order to comprehend the exam structure. Because there will be fierce competition in the exam, hopefuls must be strategic in their preparation to obtain the highest possible score. Knowing the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern is undoubtedly the initial step in this process. For the benefit of candidates, we have included the detailed SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for each tier below.

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 Overview

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Examination in two tiers: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 is conducted in an online mode, while Tier 2 is also conducted online. To succeed in the SSC CHSL Exam, it’s crucial for candidates to understand the exam pattern for the SSC CHSL Exam for both tiers.

The exam includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and skill tests/typing tests for assessing typing speed, with a negative marking scheme in place. To excel in the upcoming SSC CHSL Exam, it’s essential to be aware of the latest SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024. Here are the details of the new SSC CHSL Tier 1 and 2 Exam Patterns:

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024
Stage/TierSSC CHSL Exam PatternMode of Exam
Tier 1Objective- Type Multiple ChoiceOnline mode
Tier 2Tier 2 will consists of three sections having two modules in each sectionOnline mode

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern 2024

According to the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024, SSC CHSL Tier 1 comprises 100 questions with a maximum score of 200. The duration of SSC CHSL Tier 1 is 60 minutes. It is divided into four sections, each containing 25 questions, with a maximum score of 50 in each section. If the exam is conducted in multiple shifts, SSC will normalize the scores. The sections included in SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam are: 1. General Knowledge 2. Quantitative Aptitude 3. General Reasoning 4. English Comprehension

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Pattern
SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Allotted
English255060 minutes or 1 hour [80 minutes allotted to PWD candidates]
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
General Intelligence and Reasoning2550

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SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2024

The revised SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern is as follows: Candidates who qualify for SSC CHSL Tier 1 will proceed to SSC CHSL Tier 2, which consists of two sessions, each with specific sections. In Session I, the questions are MCQ-type, while in Session II, there’s a typing test/skill test to assess typing speed and skill.

Session I: – Module-I: Mathematical Abilities – Module-II: Reasoning and General Intelligence

Session II: – Module-I: English Language and Comprehension – Module-II: General Awareness

Section 3: In this section, there’s a Computer Knowledge Test (Module-I) and a Skill Test/Typing Test (Module-II).

SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern
SessionsSubjectsNumber of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
Session-ISection I Module 1: Mathematical Abilities Module 2: Reasoning and General Intelligence.30 30 Total = 6060*3 = 1801 hour (for each section) (1 hour and 20 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2)
Section II Module 1: English Language and Comprehension Module 2: General Awareness40 20 Total = 6060*3 = 180
Section III Module 1: Computer Knowledge Module1515*3 = 4515 Minutes (20 minutes for the candidates eligible for a scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2)
Session-IISection 3: Module 2: Skill Test/ Typing Test ModulePart A: Skill Test for DEOs.15 Minutes (20 minutes for the candidates eligible for a scribe as per Para 8.1 and 8.2)
Part B: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA.10 Minutes (15 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribe as per Para 8.1 and 8.2)

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 Negative Marking

Candidates often have questions about the negative marking norms in the SSC CHSL Exam. As per the SSC CHSL Exam pattern:

  • There is a deduction of 0.50 marks for every wrong answer.
  • In Sections 1, 2, and the first Module of Section 3 under Tier 2, there is a negative marking of 1 mark for every wrong answer.
  • Hence, candidates must prioritize accuracy in their answers. On the exam day, it’s advisable to read the question paper carefully before attempting the questions to minimize deductions and achieve better scores.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2024 

The syllabus for the SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam comprises a range of subjects including Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Intelligence, and General Awareness. This comprehensive assessment evaluates candidates’ proficiency in numerical abilities, language comprehension, logical reasoning, and awareness of current affairs.

The upcoming announcement of the SSC CHSL 2024 Notification will provide candidates with updated information regarding the syllabus for the current year. A clear understanding of the exam syllabus will undoubtedly aid candidates in their preparation, allowing them to anticipate and focus on the specific areas covered in the exam.

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