ICAR JRF Previous Year Cut Off

Post Name : ICAR JRF Previous Year Cut Off
Post Date :  19 April, 2024
Post Description In the previous year of the ICAR JRF exam, various colleges provided cut-off ranks and scores for different categories. The ICAR JRF Cut Off ranks and scores are as follows:
ICAR JRF Previous Year Cut Off (2019)
CollegeCategoryCut Off RankScore
Nagaland UniversitySC14515283
RLBCAU (Rani Laxmi Bhai Central Agricultural University)ST13659289
Banaras Hindu UniversityST4525382
Central Agricultural UniversityST13018293

ICAR JRF Percentile Score and Normalization Procedure

To ensure equivalency in the difficulty level during multi-shift exams, the following procedure will be followed:

  • Convert the raw marks obtained by candidates in different shifts/sessions into NTA Scores (percentile).
  • In case a subject test is conducted in multiple shifts, calculate the NTA Score corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate. Merge the calculated NTA Scores for all shifts for further processing when deciding the allocation.
  • If the percentiles for the multi-shifts are dissimilar or unequal, use the lowest percentile as the eligibility cut-off for that category for all candidates (i.e., all shifts). For instance, in an examination held in two shifts, if 40% of marks correspond to a Percentile score of 78 in Shift 1 and 79 in Shift 2, then all those with a percentile of 100 to 78 in both shifts will be eligible in the General Category.
  • The same principle will be applied for other categories to determine eligibility cut-offs. If the examination is held in more shifts, follow the same procedure.

Factors Affecting ICAR JRF Cut Off 2024

Several factors influence the ICAR JRF cut off. These factors determine the minimum marks a candidate must achieve to qualify for the examination.

  • Difficulty Level of the Exam: The difficulty level of the ICAR JRF exam directly influences the cutoff marks. If the exam is more challenging, the cutoff tends to decrease as fewer candidates achieve high scores. Conversely, if the exam is relatively easier, the cutoff may increase due to more candidates scoring higher marks.
  • Reservation Policy: ICAR follows a reservation policy that allocates a certain percentage of seats to candidates from various categories such as SC, ST, OBC, and EWS. The cutoff for each category may vary based on the number of candidates applying under each reservation category and their performance.
  • Overall Performance of Candidates: The overall performance of candidates in the exam influences the cutoff. If many candidates perform exceptionally well, the cutoff may increase to select the most meritorious candidates.
  • Normalization Process: In cases where multiple shifts or versions of the exam are conducted, ICAR may employ a normalization process to ensure fairness. The normalization process adjusts the scores of candidates based on the difficulty level of their respective exam papers, which can affect the final cutoff.
  • Qualifying Criteria: Any specific criteria set by ICAR for qualifying the exam, such as minimum marks required in each section or overall, also impact the cutoff. Meeting these criteria is essential for candidates to be considered for the JRF positions.


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