SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 for Prelims and Mains Exams

Post Name : SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 for Prelims and Mains Exams
Post Date : 28 November , 2023
Post Description :  Clerk Prelims & Mains Exams are conducted to select eligible candidates for the post of Junior Associates in one of the many branches of the State Bank of India across the country. State Bank of India has released the official SBI Clerk Notification 2023 for 8773 Junior Associates. The official SBI Clerk syllabus topics have also been released along with its notification pdf. The SBI Clerk syllabus is similar to that of any other bank exam. Mention below is the detailed Syllabus for the SBI Clerk 2023 Exam. The banking aspirants who are planning to appear for the upcoming SBI Clerk exams must be aware of the detailed SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 to secure good marks in the examination. Go through the complete SBI Clerk Syllabus for Prelims & Mains from the below article.

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 The SBI Clerk syllabus is similar to that of any other bank exam. There are three major sections that a candidate needs to prepare to ace the preliminary exam. These are Reasoning, Numerical Ability and English Language. The sections have a wide range of topics on which questions are based. It is recommended that candidates have a look at the previous year’s papers and know about the weightage of each topic. Before going through the SBI Clerk Syllabus, you need to know about the SBI Clerk Exam Pattern.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

SNo.SectionNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 for Prelims Exam

The preliminary examination syllabus of SBI Clerk 2023 will comprise Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English Language. Here is the detailed syllabus:

SBI Clerk Prelims Syllabus 2023
Reasoning SyllabusNumerical Ability SyllabusEnglish Language Syllabus
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures & AlligationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMiscellaneous
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMultiple Meaning /Error Spotting
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData Interpretation
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood RelationsNumber Systems
Input OutputSequence & Series
Coding DecodingPermutation, Combination &Probability

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2023 for Mains Exam

The Mains Examination of SBI Clerk exam 2023 will constitute 4 sections: Reasoning and computer Awareness, General English, General/Financial Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. The complete syllabus is discussed below:

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2023

S No.SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
1.General English404035 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
4.General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

SBI Clerk Mains Syllabus 2023

SBI Clerk Syllabus for Mains Exam has been tabulated below.

Quantitative Aptitude SyllabusGeneral English SyllabusGeneral/Financial Awareness SyllabusReasoning Ability SyllabusComputer Awareness Syllabus
SimplificationReading comprehension including Synonyms and Antonyms
  1. Current Affairs
  2. News on the banking industry
  3. Awards and honours
  4. Books and authors
  5. Latest appointments
  6. Obituaries
  7. New schemes of central and state governments
  8. Sports, etc.
InternetBasics of Computer: Hardware, Software, Generation of Computers
Number SeriesSentence rearrangement or Para jumblesStatic GK –

  1. Country-capital
  2. Country-currency
  3. Headquarters of financial organizations (of insurance companies)
  4. Constituencies of ministers
  5. Dance forms
  6. Nuclear and thermal power stations, etc.
Machine Input/OutputDBMS
Data SufficiencySentence Correction/ Error FindingBanking/Financial termsSyllogismNetworking
Data InterpretationSpell ChecksStatic AwarenessBlood RelationInternet
Quadratic EquationFillersBanking and Financial AwarenessDirection SenseMS Office
Time & Distance, WorkCloze TestInequalitiesInput-Output Devices
PartnershipPuzzlesImportant Abbreviations
Profit & LossCoding-Decoding
Simple and Compound InterestRanking
Mixture and AllegationsStatement and Assumptions
Ratio & Proportion, Averages, Percentages

SBI Clerk 2023 Exam Preparation:

Besides knowing the detailed SBI Clerk Syllabus, the candidates must also be aware of the type of questions asked in previous SBI Clerk Exams. For helping the candidates, our faculty has prepared SBI Clerk Mock Test 2023 and the candidates must practice them before going to exam.

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