HP TET Syllabus 2024

Post Name : HP TET Syllabus 2024 For TGT, JBT, Medical & Other Posts
Post Date :  13 May , 2024
Post Description : The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) has issued the HP TET Syllabus 2024. The HP TET 2024 Syllabus varies for each of the seven papers: Shastri, TGT (Non-Medical), TGT (Medical), TGT (Arts), Language Teacher, Punjabi, and Urdu. Know the HP TET Syllabus 2024.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 Overview

The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) will conduct the Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET) from June 22 to July 2, 2024. The HP TET Syllabus 2024 has been released and is available on the official website of HPBOSE.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 Overview
Exam Conducting BodyHimachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE)
Exam NameHimachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET)
Post CategoryHP TET Syllabus 2024
Exam LevelState Level
HP TET Exam Date 2024June 22 to July 2, 2024
Frequency of HP TET ExamTwice a Year
Exam ModeOffline
Exam Duration150 minutes
Language of PaperEnglish and Hindi
HPTET Qualifying Marks90 Marks (60%) (Relaxation upto 5% for SC/ST/OBC & PHH categories in qualifying marks)
HP TET Certificate ValidityLifetime
Official Websitewww.hpbose.org

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for TGT (Arts)

The TGT(Arts) exam assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of child psychology, pedagogy, teaching-learning processes, and the characteristics, needs, and psychology of diverse learners. The exam also tests candidates’ ability to interact with learners and possess the attributes of a good facilitator of learning. In addition to these general areas, the exam also covers specific topics from the prescribed syllabus of classes 6 to 8. The difficulty level of the questions is comparable to the 10+2 level of HPBOSE.

Also check : HP TET June 2024 Online Form

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for TGT (Medical and Non-Medical)

The HP TET Syllabus 2024 includes a section on Medical and Non-Medical topics. The Medical section assesses candidates’ understanding of the human body, health and diseases, and first aid. The Non-Medical section evaluates candidates’ knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. This section is essential for candidates who wish to teach subjects related to medical and non-medical fields and provides a comprehensive understanding of these topics.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Shastri Teacher

The HP TET Shastri Exam syllabus is divided into two sections. The first section covers questions from the Shastri degree course, while the second section covers questions from General Awareness, including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, and Environmental Studies. The Shastri degree course covers various topics, including Sanskrit language, literature, philosophy, and religion. The exam will assess candidates’ knowledge of these topics in detail. The General Awareness section of the exam will test candidates’ knowledge of current events, Himachal Pradesh history and geography, and environmental issues.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Junior Basic Training

The HP TET Syllabus for JBT covers various topics, including child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching-learning processes, English literature and grammar, Hindi literature & grammar, mathematics, social sciences, environmental studies, general awareness, and current affairs.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Punjabi Language

The Punjabi TET exam assesses candidates’ knowledge and proficiency in the Punjabi language for teaching positions in Himachal Pradesh. The exam covers various aspects of Punjabi language and literature, including grammar, vocabulary, translation, comprehension, and creative writing.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Urdu Language

The Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET) is an exam conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for teaching the Urdu language in primary and upper primary schools in Himachal Pradesh. The syllabus for the HP TET Urdu TET is based on the Urdu Course of Graduation level of Jammu and Kashmir University and includes questions on General Awareness, including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, and Environmental Studies.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Child Development and Pedagogy

The HP TET Child Development and Pedagogy syllabus is provided here in detail. The HP TET Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus is divided into three sections. Child development, concept and pedagogy of inclusive education. It is further divided into subtopics.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Child Development and Pedagogy
Child Development
  • Concept of development and learning
  • Concepts of child-centric progressive education
  • Social World & Children
  • Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
  • Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
  • Language & Thought
  • Assessment of readiness levels of learners
  • Learning and critical thinking in the classroom
  • Gender as a social construct & gender roles
Learning and Pedagogy
  • Thinking & Learning in Children
  • Basic processes of teaching and learning
  • Child as a problem solver
  • Child as a ‘scientific investigator’
  • Cognition & Emotions
  • Motivation and learning
  • Personal & environmental factors contributing to learning.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for General Awareness

The HP TET Syllabus 2024 for General Awareness covers various topics, including Indian history, culture, geography, and current affairs. Candidates should be familiar with the following key areas:

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for General Awareness
HP HistoryThe history of Himachal Pradesh, including its major events, rulers, and cultural developments.
HP CultureThe culture of Himachal Pradesh, includes its folk traditions, art, music, and dance.
SportsPopular sports in Himachal Pradesh, include cricket, hockey, and kabaddi.
ZoologyAn overview of the animal kingdom, with a focus on animals found in Himachal Pradesh.
Famous Days & DatesImportant national and international days and dates.
BotanyAn overview of the plant kingdom, with a focus on plants found in Himachal Pradesh.
Indian PoliticsThe political system of India, including its major parties, leaders, and current events.
PhysicsBasic concepts of physics, including mechanics, electricity, and magnetism.
Indian ParliamentThe structure and functioning of the Indian Parliament.
Basic GKGeneral knowledge of current affairs, geography, and history.
ChemistryBasic concepts of chemistry, including elements, compounds, and reactions.
GeographyPhysical and political geography of India, with a focus on Himachal Pradesh.
EnvironmentEnvironmental issues, including pollution, conservation, and climate change.
Indian EconomyThe Indian economy, including its major sectors, challenges, and future prospects.
Inventions in the WorldImportant inventions that have shaped the world.
Basic ComputerBasic computer concepts, including hardware, software, and the internet.
Famous Books & AuthorsFamous books and authors from India and around the world.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Physics

The Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (HP TET) 2024 syllabus for Physics includes a comprehensive understanding of fundamental physics principles. Here is the HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Physics:

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for Physics
MechanicsLaws of motion, work, energy and power, momentum and collisions, rotational motion, gravitation, oscillations, elasticity
Thermal Properties of MatterHeat, temperature, specific heat capacity, latent heat, thermal expansion, ideal gas laws, thermodynamic processes
Units and MeasurementsDimensional analysis, SI system, conversion of units, error analysis
Kinetic TheoryKinetic theory of gases, molecular motion, Brownian motion
Wave OpticsInterference, diffraction, polarization, optical instruments
Physical-WorldApplication of physics in everyday life, environmental physics, energy resources, scientific method
Mechanical Properties of SolidsStress and strain, Young’s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus
Ray Optics and Optical InstrumentsReflection, refraction, mirrors, lenses, prisms, optical instruments
Motion in a Straight LineKinematics, dynamics, Newton’s laws of motion, applications of motion in a straight line
Motion in a PlaneKinematics, dynamics, projectile motion, circular motion, applications of motion in a plane
Mechanical Properties of FluidsDensity, pressure, buoyancy, viscosity, surface tension, fluid flow
Systems of Particles and Rotational MotionCenter of mass, momentum conservation, angular momentum conservation, rotational motion
Electric Charges and FieldsElectric charge, Coulomb’s law, electric fields, electric potential, electric circuits
Moving Charges and MagnetismMagnetic field, Lorentz force, motion of charged particles in magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction
Electromagnetic InductionFaraday’s law, Lenz’s law, generators, transformers
Electrostatic Potential and CapacitanceElectric potential, potential difference, capacitance, electric energy, electric field lines
Magnetism and MatterDiamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, electromagnets
Atomic Structure and Chemical BondingFundamentals of atomic structure, electron arrangement, orbitals, and types of chemical bonding.
Periodic ClassificationPrinciples of periodic classification and its significance in understanding the properties of elements.
Chemistry of f-block ElementsCharacteristics and applications of f-block elements (lanthanides and actinides).
General Principles of MetallurgyPrinciples of metallurgy, including extraction of metals from ores, purification, and properties of alloys.
Chemical Kinetics and Chemical EquilibriumConcepts of chemical kinetics, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, and Le Chatelier’s principle.
ElectrochemistryBasics of electrochemistry, redox reactions, electrochemical cells, and applications in various fields.
Solids and SolutionsProperties of solids, crystal structures, types of solutions, and colligative properties.
Organic Reaction MechanismsMechanisms of organic reactions: substitution, addition, elimination, etc.
Heterocyclic CompoundsStructure, properties, and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds.
Amines, Amino Acids, and ProteinsCharacteristics and roles of amines, amino acids, and proteins.
Chemistry of Natural ProductsStudy of natural products: sources, structures, properties, and applications.
Separation Methods (Unit Operations)Principles and techniques of separation methods used for isolation and purification.
Ceramic IndustriesProduction, properties, and applications of ceramics.
Sources of Water and QualitySources of water and factors affecting water quality.
General Purification Methods of WaterTechniques such as coagulation, filtration, and disinfection for water purification.
Water Softening MethodsMethods like ion exchange and reverse osmosis for water softening.
Qualitative and Quantitative AnalysisPrinciples and techniques for identifying and determining substance quantities in a sample.
The s-block ElementsCharacteristics, properties, and reactions of s-block elements.
P-block Elements – Group 14 (Carbon Family)Study of Group 14 elements (carbon family) and their compounds.
Organic Chemistry – Basic Principles and Techniques and HydrocarbonsNomenclature, bonding, and reactivity in organic chemistry, including hydrocarbons.
Surface ChemistryAdsorption, desorption, and surface tension phenomena.
Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-BasesConcepts of chemical equilibrium, acids, bases, and pH calculations.
Hydrogen and Its CompoundsProperties and compounds of hydrogen, including water, acids, and bases.
d and f block Elements and Coordination CompoundsTransition metals, lanthanides/actinides, and coordination compounds.
Environmental ChemistryStudy of pollutants, environmental effects, and remediation strategies.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureConcepts of ionic, covalent, and metallic bonding, and molecular structure.
Solid-StateProperties of solids, crystal structures, and types of solids.

HP TET Syllabus 2024 for English

Here is the HP TET Syllabus 2024 For English

  • Spelling Test: Spell words correctly
  • Sentence Arrangement: Rearrange jumbled sentences to form a coherent paragraph
  • Error Correction (Underlined Part): Identify and correct grammatical errors in underlined parts of sentences.
  • Transformation: Transform sentences into different forms, such as changing direct speech to indirect speech or changing active voice to passive voice.
  • Passage Completion: Complete incomplete passages by inserting appropriate words or phrases.
  • Spotting Errors: Identify and correct errors in grammar, usage, and punctuation
  • Antonyms: Identify antonyms (words with opposite meanings)
  • Homonyms: Identify homonyms (words that sound alike but have different meanings)
  • Synonyms: Identify synonyms (words with similar meanings)
  • Direct and Indirect Speech: Convert direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa
  • Active and Passive Voice: Convert active voice to passive voice and vice versa
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Prepositions
  • Sentence Improvement

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