CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus: Download Syllabus PDF

Post Name : CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus: Download Syllabus PDF
Post Date : 02 December , 2023
Post Description :   CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus is published by Human Resource Development Group (HRDG) in the official notification. It is a popular exam with a high level of competition. The CSIR NET exam is held to test the eligibility of candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowships. Hence, candidates should ensure to understand CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus thoroughly.

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus

The CSIR NET Life Science exam is held in three parts. Part A of the syllabus is common for all and is known as General Aptitude. On the other hand, NET Life Science Syllabus for Parts B and C are subject-specific and consists of topics such as Cell Organization, Fundamental Processes, System Physiology of plants and animals, Applied Biology, Molecules and their Interaction, Ecological Principles, Inheritance Biology, Methods in Biology, etc.

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus PDF

Candidates can download CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus PDF from the link below. Having the syllabus available at all times will ensure candidates can refer to it and prepare accordingly. CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus 2023

CSIR NET Syllbus 2023 PDF
CSIR SyllbusClick Here

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus Part A

Candidates can check the CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus Part A from the table below. It consists of 20 questions worth 40 marks.

Numerical AbilityAverage, Percentage, Interest, Numbers, Profit and Loss, Quadratic Equations, Simplification, Sequence, Surd and Indices, Mensuration, Partnership, etc.
Data Interpretation and Graphical AnalysisMeasures of Dispersion, Different Types of Charts, Tabulation, Mean, Median, Mode, etc.
ReasoningCoding-Decoding, Analogy, Series Formation, Calendar and Clock, Puzzles, Ranking, Arrangements, Direction, Distance, etc.

NET Life Science Syllabus for Part B and C

Subject-wise CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus is quite vast. Hence, its knowledge is essential to scope out your preparation optimally. Check the detailed syllabus below.

CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus Unit-wise
Cellular OrganizationMembrane structure and function, Organization of genes and chromosomes, Microbial Physiology, Cell ision and cell cycle, Structural organization and function of the intracellular organelles
Molecules and their InteractionStructure of atoms, chemical bonds, and molecules, Principles of biophysical chemistry, Bioenergetics, Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides, and vitamins, B Composition, Stability of proteins and nucleic acids, etc.
Fundamental ProcessesDNA Replication, Extrachromosomal Replicons, Homologous, RNA Synthesis, Control of gene expression, Gene transcription and translation, Protein synthesis and processing, RNA Processing, etc.
Cell Communication and SignalingThe innate and adaptive immune system, Cell Signaling, Cancer, Host-Parasite Interaction, and Cell Communication.
Development BiologyMorphogenesis, Basic concept of development, Organogenesis in Animals, Gametogenesis, fertilization, early development, etc.
Inheritance BiologyMendelian Principles, Human Genetics, Gene Mapping, Pleiotropy, Quantitative Genetics, Extrachromosomal inheritance, Mutation, Microbial Genetics, etc.
System Physiology: PlantPlant Hormones, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Photoprotective Mechanisms, Photorespiration, Nitrate, Nitrogen Metabolism, Ammonium Assimilation, etc.
System Physiology: AnimalBlood and Circulation, Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Heart System, Blood Groups, Sense organs, Digestive System, Respiratory System, etc.
Diversity of Life FormsTaxonomy, Outline classification of plants, animals, and microorganisms, Adaptive Radiation, Natural history of the Indian subcontinent, Levels of Organization, Organs, and Systems, Organisms of conservation concern, etc.
Evolution and BehaviorPaleontology and Evolutionary History, Molecular Evolution, Darwin–concepts of Variation, Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, etc.
Applied BiologyBiosensors, Breeding in Plants and Animals, Bioremediation and Phytoremediation, Microbial Fermentation, Bio resources and Uses of Bioersity, etc.
Ecological PrinciplesEnvironment, Population Ecology, Habitat and Niche, Conservation Biology, Ecological Succession, Origin of Cells and Unicellular Evolution, Species Interactions, Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeography, etc.
Methods in BiologyMeasuring Central Tendency and Dispersal, Fluorescence, Histochemical and Immunotechniques, Statistical Methods, Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Methods, Circular Dichroism, etc.

CSIR NET Life Science Subject-Wise Weightage

As mentioned, the CSIR NET Life Science is a three-part exam. Candidates should note that all three parts are objective in nature. There is also a negative marking for each part. For Parts A and B, 0.5 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. For Part C, 1 mark is deducted for every wrong answer.

PartsNumber of QuestionsMinimum AttemptsMarks for Each Question
Part A20152
Part B50352
Part C75254

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