BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus 2024

Post Name : BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus 2024
Post Date :  16 May , 2024
Post Description :  The Bihar Public Service Commission has issued the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus 2024 so that candidates may study for the next test. Candidates preparing to take the BPSC 2024 exam can review the BPSC Syllabus 2024 for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus 2024 Section I

The table below contains the information for Section I of the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus. The subjects and subtopics covered in this article will help applicants prepare well for the next test.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus
Section I
  • Animal nutrition includes the sources of energy, the metabolism of energy, and the needs for producing and maintaining milk, meat, eggs, and wool. Assessment of feeds as energy sources.
  • Higher level research on nutrition protein: sources of protein, protein synthesis and metabolism, and protein quantity and quality with respect to needs. Protein and energy ration in a ration
  • Advanced research on nutrition minerals: sources, purposes, needs, and connections between the essential mineral nutrients, including trace elements.
  • Growth, Hormones, and Vitamins The sources, purposes, prerequisites, and interactions of stimulating chemicals with minerals.
  • Modern Nutrition for Ruminants Cows for Dairy: The metabolism of nurses in relation to the production and content of milk. requirements for nutrients for dry and milking cows, buffaloes, heifers, and calves. The drawbacks of different feeding methods.
  • Advanced Nutrition Without Rumination Poultry: Nutrition and metabolism in relation to the production of meat, eggs, and poultry. requirements for nutrients, feed composition, and broilers at various stages of development.
  • Advanced Nutrition Without Rumination Swine: The metabolism of nutrients and how it relates to the development and quality of meat produced requirements for nutrients and feed composition for pigs growing from birth to finishing.
  • Advanced Practical Animal Nutrition digestibility, balance, and feeding experiment reviews and evaluations that are done critically. feed energy measurement and guidelines for feeding. nourishment needs for development, upkeep, and output. proportions that are in balance.
  • Animal Physiology: Growth and Animal Production: development curves, measurements of growth, factors influencing development, conformation, body composition, and meat quality. Prenatal and postnatal growth maturation.
  • Production, Reproduction, and Digestion of Milk: The Current State of Hormonal Regulation of Breast Development
  • Production, Reproduction, and Digestion of Milk: Current State of Hormonal Regulation of Breast Development, Milk Ejection and Secretion, and Milk Composition in Cows and Buffaloes. The parts and purposes of the reproductive organs in men and women. The roles of the digestive organs.
  • Environmental physiology includes the study of physiological relationships and how they are regulated, adaption mechanisms, environmental influences on animal behavior, and strategies for mitigating climate stress.
  • Semen components, spermatozoa composition, the chemical and physical characteristics of ejaculated semen, and factors influencing semen in vivo and in vitro are all factors related to semen quality, preservation, and artificial insemination. variables influencing the concentration of sperm in the diluted semen and the composition of diluents used in semen preservation. Deep Freezing methods for pigs, poultry, sheep, and goats.
  • Livestock Production and Management: Comparing Indian dairy farming to that of developed nations in the context of commercial dairy farming. Dairy farming as a specialty and under mixed farming; dairy farm startup and economics. Required land and capital, the dairy farm’s organizational structure, the acquisition of commodities, and the opportunities in dairy farming all play a role in how productive the dairy animals are. budgeting, cost of milk production, herd recording, and pricing strategy; Human Resource Management
  • Dairy farm feeding procedures include creating a practical and affordable diet for the animals, as well as meeting the needs of the field, fodder, and year-round supply of greens. Feeding schedules for bulls, heifers, and breeding animals as well as day and young cattle; emerging trends in feeding juvenile and adult stock: feeding logs
  • Management issues with sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry in general
  • feeding animals while there is a drought. 4. Milk Technology: Managing the transportation, collection, and purchase of raw milk in rural areas.
  • Grading and testing raw milk for quality. Cream, skim milk, and whole milk are available in premium storage grades.
  • The following milks’ nutritious qualities and their processing, packaging, storage, marketing, and distribution flaws. Pasteurized, homogenized, reconstituted, recombined, toned, double-toned, sterilised, field, and flavoured milks.
  • Cultured milk preparation, culture management, and culture Acidified vitamin D soft curd and other specialty milks
  • Legal requirements, Sanitation is necessary for both the equipment used in the milk plant and for clean, safe milk.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus 2024 Section II

The table below contains the information for Section II of the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus. The subjects and subtopics covered in this article will help applicants prepare well for the next test.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus Section II
Section 2
  • Mendelian inheritance and Genetics in Animal Breeding: A Probabilistic Approach The Hardy Weinberg Law Understanding and quantifying heterozygosity and inbreeding Wright’s method as opposed to Melecot’s Estimation of Measurements and Parameters. Natural selection, polymorphism, polygenic systems, and quantitative trait inheritance are all explained by Fisher’s theorem. Unexpected Elements of Variation Covariance among relatives and biometrical models. A quantitative genetic analysis using the principle of path coefficient. Models of selection, repeatability, and heritability.
  • Populace Animal breeding using genetics. Individual vs. population, population size, and variables influencing it. Gene frequencies and zygotic frequencies, as well as the processes that alter them, gene numbers and their estimation in farm animals, Subdivision of phenotypic variance, mean and variance approach to equilibrium under various conditions, and calculation of additive and nonadditive genetic and environmental variations in animal populations
  • Breeding systems: techniques of estimation and the accuracy of animal estimates; heritability, repeatability, genetics, and environmental correlations Examining the biometric relationships amongst family members. Selections are made using phenotypic assortative mating aids, inbreeding, outbreeding, and mating systems.
  • Animal population family structure in non-random mating systems. selective index, accuracy, and threshold trait breeding. Ability to combine both general and specific knowledge
  • Health and Sanitation: Anatomy of poultry and ox. paraffin embedding, freezing, histological method, etc. Blood film preparation and coloring.
  • typical histology stains, A cow’s embryology
  • The blood’s circulation, breathing, and excretion mechanisms Endocrine glands in both well-being and illness
  • Basic understanding of pharmacology and medication reputes.
  • Veterinary-Hygiene concerning air, water, and living quarters.
  • Common diseases in cattle and poultry, including how they are contracted, how to prevent them, how to cure them, etc. Immunity, Overarching Concepts, and Meat Inspection Issues Veterinarian practice law.
  • Slaughterhouses and their commercial application.
  • Techniques for gathering, preserving, and processing hormone glands for use in medicine.
  • Addendum:
  • Extension Various approaches were used to teach farmers in rural areas.
  • Using dead animals for commercial, educational, or other purposes.
  • Various options and strategies for offering educated youngsters in rural areas self-employment.
  • Cross-breeding as a means of improving the livestock in the area.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Exam Pattern 2024

The BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Exam Pattern 2024 along with the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Syllabus is available for candidates to review, and it contains information about the format of the test, the amount of questions, the marking scheme for each subject, and how long it will take. General Hindi is a qualifying exam included in the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Prelims Exam. The 900 marks in the mains are broken down into three categories: general studies, general Hindi, and an optional paper.

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Exam Pattern 2024
SubjectTotal MarksTime
General Hindi (Prelims)1003 Hours
General Studies 13003 Hours
General Studies 23003 Hours
Optional Subject3003 Hours
Total10003 Hours/Paper

BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Preparation Tips

The candidates can go through the BPSC Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Preparation Tips which have been mentioned below. They can include these tips in their preparation strategies to prepare effectively for the upcoming BPSC Exam 2024.

  • Recognize the exam format and syllabus before anything else. For the best chance of receiving the most points, cover every subject listed in the syllabus. To ace the test, arm yourself with the greatest literature and reference materials.
  • Make it a habit to write more quickly on the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science test. The applicants must write more quickly since they must provide lengthy responses that they must demonstrate with the aid of charts, diagrams, and pictures.
  • The candidates should thoroughly complete all of the charts and diagrams because they improve the answer’s readability and presentability and make it easier to understand. When needed, diagrams must be included in the exam.
  • Use the previous year’s question papers as a practice to improve your speed and lessen your exam anxiety.


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