UP NHM Staff Nurse Result 2023 [Announced]: Check Merit List, Cut Off

Post Name:-    UP NHM Staff Nurse Result 2023 [Announced]: Check Merit List, Cut Off
Post Date:-         17 November , 2023
Short Description:-   The UP NHM Staff Nurse Result 2023 is available on the department’s website as a list of the shortlisted applicants. These applicants will participate in the next selection stage for appointment to their respective posts. All applicants who took part in the UP NHM Staff Nurse and Other Posts Exam will learn all the information for this exam’s result and the associated selection process through this article. So, kindly read all the topics covered in this article through to the end.
Classification of the ArticleResult
Result ForUP NHM Various Posts Online Exam 2023
Name of the Advertised PostsANM, Staff Nurse, Lab Technician and Pharmacist-Allopathic
Number of Vacancies17000+
Exam DatesFor ANM, Lab Technician and Pharmacist Posts- 27 to 29 December 2022
For Staff Nurse Posts- 18 to 20 January 2023
Status of Availability of Answer KeyAvailable
Date of Result Declaration8th November 2023
Mode of Announcement of ResultOnline
UP NHM Official WebsiteClick Here

ANM, Staff Nurse, LT and Pharmacist UP NHM Cut-Off Marks 2023:

The UP NHM has established specific cut-off marks for the online examination conducted for ANM, Staff Nurse, Laboratory Technician (LT), and Pharmacist positions. To qualify for each category, candidates must achieve scores equal to or higher than the designated cut-off marks. The details of these cut-off marks, categorized by the respective posts, are provided in the table below:

Name of the CategoryCut-Off Marks
UR and EWS33 marks
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)30 marks
SC, ST and PWD24 marks

Check upnrhm.gov.in Staff Nurse Result 2023 Online:

To check the UP NRHM Staff Nurse Result 2023, registered applicants can follow the steps outlined below. It’s essential to have exam-related details handy before proceeding with the process:

  1. Start by opening your browser and navigating to the homepage of UP NHM’s official portal using the link https://upnrhm.gov.in/.
  2. Once on the homepage, scroll down to locate the “Updates” section.
  3. Within the “Updates” section, find the result link corresponding to the post for which you applied under UP NHM.
  4. Click on the result link, and it may direct you to the next page where you need to enter your login details, if prompted.
  5. After entering the required login details, access the list of shortlisted applicants for the specified posts.
  6. Download the PDF of this list to your device.
  7. Additionally, it is recommended to take a printout of this list for reference during the upcoming selection round.

By following these steps, applicants can conveniently check and download the UP NRHM Staff Nurse Result 2023 from the official portal, ensuring they are well-informed about their selection status and any further steps in the recruitment process.

Important Links:

Check OnlineUttar Pradesh NHM ANM, LT, Pharmacist and Staff Nurse Result 2023 (Released)
Follow For Relevant UpdatesNVSHQ Homepage

UP NHM Merit List 2023 PDF Staff Technician , SLT meriat List:

UP NHM Lab Technician Result 2023Check Link
UP NHM SLT Merit List 2023Check Link

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