BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023

Post Name:- BPSC 69th Combined State Service Pre Examination 2023

Post Date:- 1 November 2023

Short Description:-If you have given BPSC BPSC 69th Pre Exam, then there is an important update for you. The BPSC had conducted the examination on 30 September 2023 at the prescribed examination centers in the state, after which the candidates are waiting for their results to be released.

According to official reports, BPSC 69th Pre Exam Final Answer Key has released. Now, The wait for the pre exam result will be over very soon. As the results are going to be announced soon, you will be able to check the results by visiting the link which has been provided below.

Let us tell you that the Bihar Public Service Commission going to announced the 69th Pre Exam result at any time. However, the result date of 69th CCE has not been announced by Bihar Public Service Commission. But it is believed that BPSC Chairman can announce the result date soon. To check the result, students will need roll number, registration number and other details. So, Keep an eye on the this portal for the latest updates on the result.

Important Details
Official WebsiteClick Here
Date Of Examination30 September 2023
Admit Card Date15 September 2023
Download ResultAvailable soon

Instructions for Downloading the BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023:-

  • In order to download their Bihar BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023, candidates are required to go to the important link section provided below.
  • After getting the link candidates need to click it for downloading their Bihar BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023.
  • Candidates will be redirected to the login page, here they can download the Result PDF by providing their following details -:
  1. Registration No. /Roll No.
  2. DOB/Password
  3. Captcha Code(if specified)
  4. After providing their details appropriately candidates will be able to download their Bihar BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023.
  5. Candidates can also download their Bihar BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023 from official site of the BPSC.

BPSC 69th Result Dates 2023:-

The commission will release BPSC 69th result dates soon on the official website. Aspirants can check the important dates of BPSC results and other events in the table shared below.

BPSC 69th Result Dates 2023
BPSC 69th Notification 2023June 27, 2023
BPSC 69th Registration Start DateJuly 15, 2023
69th BPSC Last Date to ApplyAugust 5, 2023
Bihar BPSC 69th Prelims Admit Card 2023September 2023
BPSC 69th Prelims Exam Date 2023September 30, 2023
Bihar BPSC 69th Prelims Result 2023 to be Updated soon.

Steps to Download BPSC Result 2023:-

The BPSC results for all the exam stages will be released separately on the official website. Follow the steps shared below to download BPSC 69th result without any hassles.

  • Go to the official BPSC website i.e. bpsc.bih.nic.in.
  • On the homepage, click on the “Result” link.
  • Find the 69th Combined Preliminary Competitive Exam Result link and click on it.
  • The BPSC result PDF will appear on the screen.
  • Click on “CTRL + F” and type your roll number.
  • If the roll number is displayed, aspirants are declared qualified for the exam.
  • Download BPSC 69th Result PDF for future reference.

Mentioned Details in BPSC 69th Result 2023:-

Aspirants must carefully verify the details mentioned in BPSC result 2023 to avoid any sort of discrepancies in the future. The details printed in BPSC 69th result are as follows.

  • Exam Name
  • Roll Number
  • Category-wise Cut Off
  • Number of Qualified Aspirants
  • Instructions related to the result

BPSC Result 2023-Stages:-

The Bihar Public Service Commission declares the BPSC results separately for all the exam stages on its official website. Aspirants who will clear the BPSC prelims exam will be called to appear in the mains exam, followed by the interview round. The final BPSC 69th merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in the mains and interview rounds. The BPSC result comprises three stages i,e.

  • Preliminary
  • Mains
  • Final BPSC Result

BPSC 69th Prelims Result 2023:-

The commission will release BPSC 69th result for the prelim exam on the official website. The BPSC Prelims Result PDF comprises roll numbers of aspirants shortlisted for the mains exam. As per BPSC exam pattern, the preliminary exam comprises one General studies paper carrying 150 marks.

Moreover, there shall be a negative marking of 1/4th or 0.25 marks for every incorrect response. Aspirants need to obtain more than or equivalent to the prelims cut off marks to appear in the mains exam.

BPSC 69th Mains Result 2023:-

As per the revised BPSC 69th mains exam pattern, the mains exam comprises 5 papers, out of which a General Hindi paper and an optional paper will be qualifying in nature. The BPSC 69th mains exam carries a total of 1100 marks, including qualifying papers. Aspirants will be shortlisted for the interview based on the marks obtained in the mains exam in BPSC result 2023.

BPSC Final Result 2023:-

The final BPSC result will be prepared based on the performance of the aspirants in the main exam and interview rounds. The commission will release the BPSC 69th result based on the total marks secured in the mains and personality tests. Candidates will be allotted various services on the basis of the final BPSC result.

BPSC Cut Off 2023:-

The Bihar Public Service Commission releases cut off along with the BPSC result on its official website. The category-wise BPSC cut off will be mentioned in BPSC 69th result PDF. Aspirants scoring more than or equivalent to BPSC cut off marks will be called to appear in the next round.

The cutoff marks will be released separately for every stage of the Bihar BPSC 69th exam. Till then, they can check the BPSC 68th cut off marks shared below for reference purposes.

BPSC 68th Prelims Cut Off 2023
Cut-Off Marks (Out of 150)
Disabled (VI)69.5
Disabled (DD)62.75
Disabled (OH)79.25
Disabled (MD)54.75
Grandchild of Ex-Freedom Fighter80.75

We hope this article on BPSC 69th Pre Result 2023 was informative and helpful.

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