JAIIB Cut Off 2023, Check Minimum Qualifying Mark

Post Name :    JAIIB Cut Off 2023, Check Minimum Qualifying Mark
Post Date :      21 November , 2023
Post Description:     Cut-off marks are the lowest scores needed to pass and receive a JAIIB certificate. To become JAIIB-certified, candidates must reach these minimum marks. Those applying for the exam should know about the JAIIB Cut Off and how to get it. This knowledge helps them understand what’s required to pass and prepares them effectively. You can find more information about the JAIIB Cut Off 2023 in the full article.

JAIIB Cut Off 2023 Overview

The following table will give you a quick overview of JAIIB Cut Off 2023.

JAIIB Cut Off 2023: Overview
Exam conducting BodyIndian Institute of Banking and Finance
Exam NameJAIIB 2023
CategoryCut Off
Exam LevelNational Level
Mode of ExamOnline
Exam Date08, 14, 15, 29 October 2023
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions
No. of Papers4 Papers
No. of Questions100 each paper
Negative MarkingNo Negative Marking
Selection ProcessComputer Based Test
Official WebsiteClick Here

JAIIB Cut Off 2023 Calculation Process

The determination of the JAIIB Cut off for 2023 hinges on the following key factors:

  • A minimum score of 50 out of 100 is required to pass each subject.
  • To pass the examination, candidates must secure at least 45 marks in each subject and attain a total of 50 percent across all examination subjects within a single attempt.
  • Credits for subjects successfully cleared in an attempt can be retained by candidates until the time limit for passing the examination expires.
    JAIIB Cut Off 2023: Calculation Process
    Total No. of MCQsCut off MarksTotal MarksNegative Marks
    120 (Approx)501000

    In simple terms, you need at least 50% overall and 45 marks in each subject to pass the JAIIB exam. If you pass a subject, you won’t lose that credit, and you can use it until the time limit for passing the whole exam runs out.

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