GATE Cutoff Comparison (2021 vs 2020 vs 2019)

Post Name:-    GATE Cutoff Comparison (2021 vs 2020 vs 2019)
Post Date:-         18 November , 2023
Short Description:-   For your reference, we have gathered the GATE cutoff for 2021, 2020, and 2019. Applicants can refer to the following tables to compare the cutoff. Also, it will help you to understand how the GATE cutoff has varied over the years.
cut Off Gate (2021 vs 2020 vs 2019)
GATE Paper NameGATE Cutoff 2021GATE Cutoff 2020GATE Cutoff 2019
Aerospace Engineering (AE)26.327.233.5
Agriculture Engineering (AG)2526.328.3
Architecture and Planning (AR)40.934.841
Biomedical Engineering (BM)2525
Biotechnology (BT)3030.735.9
Civil Engineering (CE)29.232.928.2
Chemical Engineering (CH)35.135.734.8
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS)26.128.529.5
Chemistry (CY)36.226.732
Electronics Communication Engineering (EC)2528.826.7
Electrical Engineering (EE)30.333.439.6
Environmental Science & Engineering (ES)39.6
Ecology Evolution (EY)35.742.237.1
Geology Geophysics38.9 44.838.4 51.944.5
Instrumentation Engineering (IN)3634.631.9
Matdematics (MA)292525
Mechanical Engineering (ME)333434.1
Mining Engineering (MN)3132.731.5
Metallurgical Engineering (MT)48.549.253.5
Petroleum Engineering (PE)51.439.849.9
Physics (PH)32.837.225.2
Production & Industrial Engineering (PI)35.736.632.2
Statistics (ST)252532.5
Textile Engineering & Fiber Science (TF)41.837.140.1
Engineering Sciences (XE)372626.7
Life Sciences (XL)3631.736.7
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C1 (Economics))29.4
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C2 (English))41.7
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C3 (Linguistics))35.3
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C4 (Philosophy))37.9
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C5 (Psychology))48.5
Humanities and Social Sciences (XH-C6 (Sociology))34.3

Certainly, the note emphasizes that qualified GATE applicants seeking admission to NITs and other esteemed institutes can utilize CCMT (Centralized Counselling for M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan admissions). This centralized counseling system streamlines the admission process for postgraduate programs. As a valuable resource, applicants are encouraged to review previous years’ cutoff data for NIT admissions. Analyzing this information aids in understanding the competitive landscape and can be instrumental in making well-informed decisions during the counseling and admission processes. Prospective candidates can use past cutoff trends as a benchmark to assess their chances of securing admission to their preferred institutes based on their GATE scores.

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