COEP Pune Cut Off 2024, Previous Year Cut Off Trends

Post Name : COEP Pune Cut Off 2024, Previous Year Cut Off Trends
Post Date :   24 January , 2024
Post Description:   The COEP Pune Cut Off 2024 will be released in 3 rounds by the State Cell Maharashtra on their official website. The candidates who score more than the COEP Cut Off in the MHT CET will be able to take admission in the College of Engineering Pune. The candidates have to meet the required cut off as per the State CET Cell to take admission on the offered private and government colleges in Maharashtra. Get more details of the COEP Pune Cut Off and the previous year trends.

COEP Pune Cut Off

The COEP Pune Cut Off is the minimum mark the candidates need to score to qualify for the entrance examination and take admission for their desired courses. The COEP Pune Cut Off is generally released by the State CET Cell, Maharashtra in three rounds. The candidates shortlisted in the merit list will be allotted seats in the colleges based on their score, seat, and availability.

COEP Pune Previous Year Cut Off

The candidates must go through the details of COEP Pune Previous Year Cut Off. This will help the candidates to understand the trends of the cut off which is the minimum mark. The cut-off usually depends on the previous year’s trends and a few other factors.

COEP Pune Cut Off 2023

The COEP Pune Cut Off for 2023 has been mentioned in the table given below for the general category BTech courses.

COEP Pune Cut Off 2023
CoursesCut Off
BTech Civil Engineering23391
BTech Mechanical Engineering18805
BTech Electrical Engineering9436
BTech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering6968
BTech in Computer Engineering4593
BTech in Manufacturing Science and Engineering22130
BTech in Robotics and Artifical Intelligence7717

COEP Pune Cut Off 2022

The COEP Pune Cut Off for 2022 has been mentioned in the table given below for the general category BTech courses.

COEP Pune Cut Off 2022
CoursesCut Off
BTech Civil Engineering36102
BTech Mechanical Engineering25769
BTech Electrical Engineering15894
BTech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering9730
BTech in Computer Engineering5773
BTech in Manufacturing Science and Engineering50312
BTech in Robotics and Artifical Intelligence

COEP Pune Home State Cut Off

The candidates can go through the COEP Pune Home State Cut Off for the year 2023, 2022, and 2021 from the table given below.

COEP Pune Cut Off (MHT CET)
BTech Civil Engineering97.5198.1798.90
BTech Mechanical Engineering98.7298.7299.16
BTech Electrical Engineering99.0699.1999.41
BTech in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering99.5399.599.71
BTech Instumentation and Control Engineering98.7998.6799.19
BTech in Metallurgical Engineering96.2394.9897.49
BTech in Computer Engineering99.7599.7799.85
BTech in Manufacturing Science and Engineering97.1897.0598.77
BTech in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence99.67

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