CAU Various Vacancy Offline Form 2023

Post Name:-    CAU Various Vacancy Offline Form 2023

Post Date:-      06/November/2023

Short Imformation:-   Central Agricultural University Imphal invites application for various posts. Total 53 number of vacancy/vacancies have been announced in the notification. Applications are invited with reference to advertisement number 4/2023. The minimum age limit is 18 and maximum age limit is 35 as on date. Age relaxation will be given to the following categories: SC/ST Categories, Other Backward Classes and Government Servant/Departmental Candidate will be as per the government rules. Quota/Reservation will be provided to the following categories: Unreserved, Other Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Economically Weaker Sections . The selection process will include an Interview process. After compilation of all the procedures, the candidates will be posted at Imphal, Manipur, India, 795001.

Post NameAssistant Registrar, Assistant Comptroller, Assistant Architect, Medical Officer, Assistant Engineer, Student Welfare Officer, Sports Officer, Horticulture Assistant, Junior Engineer, Senior Library Assistant, Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant, Upper Division Clerk, Junior Stenographer Grade-III, Machine Operator, Driver, Multi Tasking Staff
Recruitment TypeDirect Recruitment
Post TypeContractual
Educational QualificationGraduation, Postgraduation, CA/CMA/CS, Doctorate, Intermediate, Matriculation
Field/Area/SubjectCivil, Electrical, general
Salary32103, 34725, 40773, 47043, 53148, 63378, 79053, 102501
Work ExperienceYes
Official SiteClick Here
Official NotificationClick Here

Name of the Posts:

Assistant Registrar11
Assistant Comptroller7
Assistant Architect1
Medical Officer4
Assistant Engineer (Civil / Electrical)3
Student Welfare Officer2
Sports Officer1
Horticulture Assistant5
Junior Assistant (Civil / Electrical)3
Senior Library Assistant1
Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant2
Upper Division Clerk (UDC)3
Junior Stenographer Grade – III1
Machine Operator1
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)4

Age Limit:

The age limit criteria for the Regional Division Mumbai Recruitment 2023 vary based on the specific post. For Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), applicants must be between 18 and 25 years, born between December 1, 1998, and November 30, 2005 (both dates inclusive). For positions like Horticulture Assistant, Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical), Senior Library Assistant, Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant, and Upper Division Clerk (UDC), the age limit is 18 to 30 years, with the same date range. For all other posts, candidates should be between 18 and 35 years, born between December 1, 1988, and November 30, 2005 (both dates inclusive).

PostAge Limit
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)18 to 25 years:
Horticulture Assistant, Junior Engineer (Civil / Electrical), Sr. Library Assistant, Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant, and UDC18 to 30 years: Born not earlier than 01.12.1993 and not later than 30.11.2005 (both dates inclusive).
Other Posts18 to 35 years: Born not earlier than 01.12.1988 and not later than 30.11.2005 (both dates inclusive).


PostQualification Requirements
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)Matriculation (10th) passed.
DriverMatriculation (10th) passed and should have a valid driving license with 3 years of experience.
Machine OperatorMatriculation (10th) passed with one year certificate in the relevant trade.
Junior Stenographer Grade – IIIBachelor’s Degree in any stream with a diploma in Secretarial Practices. 80 w.p.m English shorthand and 40 w.p.m typing speed in English on a computer.
Upper Division Clerk (UDC)Bachelor’s Degree in any stream.
Field-cum-Laboratory AssistantBachelor’s Degree in Science including Agriculture and Allied Sciences.
Jr. Engineer (Civil / Electrical)Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in the relevant trade.
Horticulture AssistantB.Sc (Agri.) with Specialization in Horticulture OR B.Sc (Horticulture).
Other PostsPlease refer to the official details.

Fee for CAU :

General / OBCRs. 500/-
SC / ST / PwD / FemaleNo fees

Selection Process:

 The Selection will be based on for the posts of MTS, driver, Machine Operator, Jr. Stenographer, UDC, Junior Engineer, Sports Officer & Various Post in CAU Imphal Non Teaching Recruitment 2023 are given below:

  • Written Test
  • Skill Test (If Required)
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

Pay Scale for CAU:

These pay scales represent the monthly salaries for the respective positions in the recruitment.

PostPay Scale
Assistant RegistrarRs. 56100/-
Assistant ComptrollerRs. 56100/-
Assistant ArchitectRs. 56100/-
Medical OfficerRs. 56100/-
Assistant Engineer (Civil / Electrical)Rs. 56100/-
Student Welfare OfficerRs. 56100/-
Sports OfficerRs. 56100/-
Horticulture AssistantRs. 44900/-
Junior Assistant (Civil / Electrical)Rs. 35400/-
Senior Library AssistantRs. 35400/-
Field-cum-Laboratory AssistantRs. 29200/-
Upper Division Clerk (UDC)Rs. 25500/-
Junior Stenographer Grade – IIIRs. 25500/-
Machine OperatorRs. 21700/-
DriverRs. 19900/-
Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)Rs. 18000/-

How to Apply for CAU:

  • Visit the official website and check the eligibility criteria.
  • Access the application form, which will be available from October 30, 2023, to November 30, 2023, until 5:00 PM.
  • Fill out the application form thoroughly, providing accurate information and details.
  • Upload the required documents online as specified in the application guidelines.
  • Pay the application fee through the provided online or offline payment methods.
  • After submitting the application form and completing the payment, save the filled application form in PDF format.
  • Ensure that you have reviewed the official details and qualifications for the positions.
  • If everything is in order, submit your application as per the instructions.
  • Finally, send the printed application form, along with self-attested testimonials, to the Registrar, Central Agricultural University, Lamphelplat, Imphal, Manipur – 795004.

Make sure to carefully follow these steps to complete your application for the recruitment process.

Address to send the application:

The Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to Registrar Central Agricultural University Lamphelpat, Imphal Manipur-795004 along with relevant documents.


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