Name of the Post: TNUSRB Constable, Jail Warden & Fireman 2023 CV PMT ET PET Admit Card Download
Post Date: 01/01/2024
Brief Information: Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has given a Notification for the recruitment of Constable Grade II (Armed Reserve, Special Force). Jail Warden & Fireman in Department Vacancy. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification & apply online.
TNUSRB Constable Result 2023-24 Out: The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) released the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 on the official website on 12th January 2024 for the Preliminary Exam held across various centres in Tamil Nadu. Selected candidates will be called to appear for the Certificate Verification, PMT, ET and PET scheduled to be held on 6th February 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results below.
TNUSRB Constable Result 2023-24
The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) is conducting the TNUSRB Constable Recruitment 2023 to recruit 3359 candidates for the post of Gr – II Constable, Gr – II Jail Warders, and Fireman posts. The first stage of the selection, i.e., the prelims exams has been conducted on 10th December 2023. The result for the TNUSRB Constable Prelims Exam has been declared on 12th January 2024. Selected candidates will now appear for the next stage of selection
TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 Link
The TN Police Constable Result 2023 for the Prelims Exam was released on 12th January 2024 in enrolment numbers and roaster-wise. The direct link to download the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 has been shared in the article below for the convenience of the candidates. Candidates can download their results PDF using the direct link we have shared below.
How to Download the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 Link?
To download the Tamil Nadu Constable Prelims Result 2023-24, candidates should follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 01: Go to the official TNUSRB website.
Step 02: Click on the result link for ‘List of candidates eligible for CV-PMT-ET-PET (Enrolment No. wise)’ or ‘List of candidates eligible for CV-PMT-ET-PET (Roster wise)’.
Step 03: Download the Result PDF.
Step 04: Check for your roll number in the list.
Step 05: Print out the result for your records.
What Next After TNUSRB Constable Result 2023?
Candidates whose name is mentioned in the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 PDF will be called for the next stages of selection which are- PET, PMT, Endurance Test and Certificate Verification. The TNUSRB Constable PET, PMT, Endurance Test and Certificate Verification are scheduled to be held on 6th February 2024. The admit cards for these will be released shortly
<“posttable”>>Name of the Post:> TNUSRB Constable, Jail Warden & Fireman 2023 CV PMT ET PET Admit Card Download<“posttable”>>Post Date: >01/01/2024<“posttable”>>Brief Information:> Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has given a Notification for the recruitment of Constable Grade II (Armed Reserve, Special Force). Jail Warden & Fireman in Department Vacancy. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification & apply online.<“posttable”>>TNUSRB Constable Result 2023-24 Out:> The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) released the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 on the official website on 12th January 2024 for the Preliminary Exam held across various centres in Tamil Nadu. Selected candidates will be called to appear for the Certificate Verification, PMT, ET and PET scheduled to be held on 6th February 2024. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results below.<“posttable”>>TNUSRB Constable Result 2023-24>
The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) is conducting the TNUSRB Constable Recruitment 2023 to recruit 3359 candidates for the post of Gr – II Constable, Gr – II Jail Warders, and Fireman posts. The first stage of the selection, i.e., the prelims exams has been conducted on 10th December 2023. The result for the TNUSRB Constable Prelims Exam has been declared on 12th January 2024. Selected candidates will now appear for the next stage of selection<“posttable”>>TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 Link>
The TN Police Constable Result 2023 for the Prelims Exam was released on 12th January 2024 in enrolment numbers and roaster-wise. The direct link to download the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 has been shared in the article below for the convenience of the candidates. Candidates can download their results PDF using the direct link we have shared below.<“posttable”>>How to Download the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 Link?>
To download the Tamil Nadu Constable Prelims Result 2023-24, candidates should follow the steps mentioned below.Step 01: Go to the official TNUSRB website.
<“posttable”>>Step 02:> Click on the result link for ‘List of candidates eligible for CV-PMT-ET-PET (Enrolment No. wise)’ or ‘List of candidates eligible for CV-PMT-ET-PET (Roster wise)’.
<“posttable”>>Step 03:> Download the Result PDF.
<“posttable”>>Step 04:> Check for your roll number in the list.
<“posttable”>>Step 05:> Print out the result for your records.<“posttable”>>What Next After TNUSRB Constable Result 2023?>
Candidates whose name is mentioned in the TNUSRB Constable Result 2023 PDF will be called for the next stages of selection which are- PET, PMT, Endurance Test and Certificate Verification. The TNUSRB Constable PET, PMT, Endurance Test and Certificate Verification are scheduled to be held on 6th February 2024. The admit cards for these will be released shortlyLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.Eum facete intellegat ei, ut mazim melius usu. Has elit simul primis ne, regione minimum id cum. Sea deleniti dissentiet ea. Illud mollis moderatius ut per, at qui ubique populo. Eum ad cibo legimus, vim ei quidam fastidii.Quo debet vivendo ex. Qui ut admodum senserit partiendo. Id adipiscing disputando eam, sea id magna pertinax concludaturque. Ex ignota epicurei quo, his ex doctus delenit fabellas, erat timeam cotidieque sit in. Vel eu soleat voluptatibus, cum cu exerci mediocritatem. Malis legere at per, has brute putant animal et, in consul utamur usu.Te has amet modo perfecto, te eum mucius conclusionemque, mel te erat deterruisset. Duo ceteros phaedrum id, ornatus postulant in sea. His at autem inani volutpat. Tollit possit in pri, platonem persecuti ad vix, vel nisl albucius gloriatur no.Ea duo atqui incorrupte, sed rebum regione suscipit ex, mea ex dicant percipit referrentur. Dicat luptatum constituam vix ut. His vide platonem omittantur id, vel quis vocent an. Ad pro inani zril omnesque. Mollis forensibus sea an, vim habeo adipisci contentiones ad, tale autem graecis ne sit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.Eum facete intellegat ei, ut mazim melius usu. Has elit simul primis ne, regione minimum id cum. Sea deleniti dissentiet ea. Illud mollis moderatius ut per, at qui ubique populo. Eum ad cibo legimus, vim ei quidam fastidii.Quo debet vivendo ex. Qui ut admodum senserit partiendo. Id adipiscing disputando eam, sea id magna pertinax concludaturque. Ex ignota epicurei quo, his ex doctus delenit fabellas, erat timeam cotidieque sit in. Vel eu soleat voluptatibus, cum cu exerci mediocritatem. Malis legere at per, has brute putant animal et, in consul utamur usu.Te has amet modo perfecto, te eum mucius conclusionemque, mel te erat deterruisset. Duo ceteros phaedrum id, ornatus postulant in sea. His at autem inani volutpat. Tollit possit in pri, platonem persecuti ad vix, vel nisl albucius gloriatur no.Ea duo atqui incorrupte, sed rebum regione suscipit ex, mea ex dicant percipit referrentur. Dicat luptatum constituam vix ut. His vide platonem omittantur id, vel quis vocent an. Ad pro inani zril omnesque. Mollis forensibus sea an, vim habeo adipisci contentiones ad, tale autem graecis ne sit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.Eum facete intellegat ei, ut mazim melius usu. Has elit simul primis ne, regione minimum id cum. Sea deleniti dissentiet ea. Illud mollis moderatius ut per, at qui ubique populo. Eum ad cibo legimus, vim ei quidam fastidii.Quo debet vivendo ex. Qui ut admodum senserit partiendo. Id adipiscing disputando eam, sea id magna pertinax concludaturque. Ex ignota epicurei quo, his ex doctus delenit fabellas, erat timeam cotidieque sit in. Vel eu soleat voluptatibus, cum cu exerci mediocritatem. Malis legere at per, has brute putant animal et, in consul utamur usu.Te has amet modo perfecto, te eum mucius conclusionemque, mel te erat deterruisset. Duo ceteros phaedrum id, ornatus postulant in sea. His at autem inani volutpat. Tollit possit in pri, platonem persecuti ad vix, vel nisl albucius gloriatur no.Ea duo atqui incorrupte, sed rebum regione suscipit ex, mea ex dicant percipit referrentur. Dicat luptatum constituam vix ut. His vide platonem omittantur id, vel quis vocent an. Ad pro inani zril omnesque. Mollis forensibus sea an, vim habeo adipisci contentiones ad, tale autem graecis ne sit.