Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2022

Post Name:-        Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2022
Post Date:-           18 November , 2023
Post Description:-    Recommendation Details and Cut-off Marks (Category wise)
Cut off list category Wise
S.No.CategoryVacancyRecommendation of Ex-Servicemen candidatesVacancy after recommendation of Ex-Servicemen candidatesRecommendation of candidates (Non-Ex-S)Minimum qualifying standards in paper-I (out of 250)Minimum qualifying standards in paper-I + Paper-II [Written Stage] (out of 450)Marks secured by tde last recommended candidate [Final Stage] (Out of 600)
6.Ex-S2311 [02-Gen, 06-OBC, 02-SC, 01-ST]25.5457#139
  • including 10% (23) vacancies reserved for Ex- Servicemen.
  • Subject to minimum of 25% (50) Marks in Paper-II.
  • Subject to minimum of 15% (30) Marks in Paper-II.

Reserve List:

Reserve list

Tie Principle:

Wherever two or more candidates have secured equal aggregate marks in CAPF (ACs) Examination, 2022, the tie cases have been
resolved in accordance with the following tie breaking principle approved by the commission:-
(i) Candidate senior in age is ranked higher;
(ii) If age of candidates is same, the candidate getting more marks in the written total is ranked higher;
(iii) If the marks in the written total are equal, the candidate getting more marks in Paper-I (General Ability & Intelligence) is ranked

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