Post Name : BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2024
Post Date : 24 April, 2024
Post Description : Border Security Force (BSF) Water Wing plays a crucial role in safeguarding India’s maritime borders and ensuring the security of its coastal areas. To maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of its personnel, the BSF conducts rigorous examinations that cover various subjects relevant to maritime operations. The BSF Water Wing Exam 2024 syllabus contains multiple topics to assess the candidates’ knowledge and skills. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2024.
BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2024 Overview
Candidates can review this table for an overview of BSF Water Wing Recruitment 2024. Below is a summary of the key details regarding the recruitment:
Information | Details |
Organization Name | Border Security Force |
Department Name | Water Wing Department |
Advertisement Number | Water_Wing/2024 |
Total Vacancies | Approximately 127 |
Job Category | Central Government Jobs |
Job Location | Indian Territory |
Registration Mode | Online mode only |
Official Website | |
BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2024
The BSF Water Wing Exam 2024 syllabus is designed to assess candidates’ knowledge, aptitude, and skills across various subjects relevant to maritime operations. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the syllabus, offering insights into each subject to help aspirants prepare effectively for this prestigious examination.
General Knowledge and Current Affairs:
- Current events of national and international importance
- Indian History and Geography
- Indian Economy and Polity
- General Science and Technology
- Sports, Awards, and Honors
- Important Days and Themes
- Books and Authors
- Abbreviations
- Major Financial/Economic News
- Arithmetic: Number System, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Simple & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss
- Algebra: Basic algebraic identities, Linear equations, Quadratic equations, Polynomials, Rational Expressions
- Geometry: Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Area and Perimeter, Volume and Surface Area
- Trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric identities, Heights and Distances
- Mensuration: Area, Volume, Surface area of 2D and 3D shapes
- Statistics & Probability: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, Probability concepts
English Language:
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary: Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word substitutions, Idioms & Phrases
- Grammar: Parts of Speech, Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Rearrangement
- Writing Ability: Letter Writing, Essay Writing, Precis Writing
Reasoning Ability:
- Verbal Reasoning: Analogy, Classification, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Logical Venn Diagrams
- Non-Verbal Reasoning: Mirror Images, Water Images, Paper Cutting & Folding, Figure Matrix, Embedded Figures
- Analytical Reasoning: Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Arguments, Statement and Conclusions, Cause and Effect, Syllogism
Technical Subjects:
- Navigation and Seamanship: Basics of Navigation, Chart Reading, Use of Compass, Types of Buoys and Beacons, Nautical Terminologies
- Marine Engineering: Basics of Marine Engines, Types of Ships, Marine Propulsion Systems, Ship Stability
- Communication Systems: Radio Communication, Morse Code, Signaling Systems, Use of Radio Equipment
- Maritime Law: International Maritime Laws, Laws related to Border Security and Coastal Regulations
- Disaster Management: Handling Emergencies at Sea, Search and Rescue Operations, First Aid
Candidates will receive one point for each correct answer. For incorrect responses, 1/3 of a point will be deducted. Unattempted questions will not incur any negative marking.
The BSF Water Wing Syllabus for 2024 is designed to comprehensively evaluate candidates’ knowledge, aptitude, and skills necessary for maritime operations. By covering various subjects such as General Knowledge, Mathematics, English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Technical Subjects like Navigation, Marine Engineering, and Communication Systems, the syllabus ensures that candidates are well-equipped to handle the responsibilities of safeguarding India’s maritime borders effectively.
Candidates aspiring to join the BSF Water Wing are advised to thoroughly study each subject included in the syllabus. This preparation will not only help them excel in the examination but also enable them to contribute effectively to the BSF Water Wing’s mission of ensuring coastal security. It’s essential for aspirants to have a strong understanding of maritime-related topics, as well as a grasp of general knowledge, mathematics, English language skills, and reasoning ability to perform well in the examination and carry out their duties proficiently in the field.
BSF Water Wing Exam Pattern 2024
Candidates can review the exam structure for BSF Water Wing Recruitment categorized by post:
- The exam consists of a single composite paper.
- The duration of the exam is 2 hours.
- The question paper is an objective type with multiple choices.
- The written exam will be conducted on an OMR-based answer sheet.
For SI (Master, ED & Workshop) Posts
Part | Topics | Questions | Marks | Duration |
A | General Knowledge & Awareness | 25 | 25 | 2 Hours |
B | Reasoning Ability | 25 | 25 | |
C | Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | |
D | Trade Awareness | 25 | 25 | |
TOTAL | 100 | 100 | 120 Minutes |
For HC (Master, ED & Workshop) and CT (Crew) Posts
Part | Topics | Questions | Marks | Duration |
A | General Knowledge & Awareness | 35 | 35 | 2 Hours |
B | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | |
C | Numerical Ability | 30 | 30 | |
TOTAL | 100 | 100 | 120 Minutes |