SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 Notification For 94 Vacancies

Name Of Post: SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 Notification For 94 Vacancies

Post Date:  2 November 2023

Short Information: State Bank of India, SBI has released the official notification for Resolver posts on the official website at Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the 94 vacancies and apply online window will remain open till 21st November 2023. Aspirants can bookmark the article for all the details related to SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023.

Important Links
Total Vacancy   94
Apply NowClick Here
Download NotificationClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 Important Dates:

The SBI Resolver Recruitment details has been released along with the SBI Resolver Notification PDF. The online registration process has been started on 01st November 2023. Go through the details tabulated below to have a quick glance.

Important Dates
Application Begin:01/11/2023
Last Date for Apply Online:21/11/2023
Pay Exam Fee Last Date:21/11/2023
Exam Date:As per Schedule
Admit Card Available:Before Exam

SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 Application Fee:

There is no application fees to apply for the post. For more related details candidates can check the official website of SBI.

Application Form Fee
General / OBC / EWS:0/-
SC / ST/Female:0/-
No application fees to apply for the post

SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 – Eligibility Criteria:

The candidate must fulfill the following  criteria to be eligible for the SBI Resolver 2023 Exam.

SBI Resolver Experience:

The retired officers of SBI and its e-ABs (Erstwhile Associate Bank of SBI) with unblemished service records who retired as MMGS-II, MMGSIII & SMGS-IV shall be considered for engagement for the above positions

SBI Resolver Age Limit (as on 01/11/2023):

The candidates who are retired from the service after attaining 60 years of age are eligible to apply for the posts. The engagement shall be up to the maximum age of 65 years, subject to satisfactory performance and renewal of contract.

SBI Resolver Selection Process 2023:

In addition to the selection process, there is an interview round. In order to be considered for shortlisting/interview, candidates must upload all required documents (Assignment details, ID proof, age proof, etc.). Interview will carry 100 marks. Interview qualifying marks will be determined by the Bank. Final selections will be made based on descending order of scores obtained in interviews only, subject to candidates scoring a minimum of qualifying marks.

  1. Shortlisting
  2. Interview
  3. Merit List

SBI Resolver Salary 2023:

The remuneration will be paid at monthly intervals for the resolvers as under:

SBI Resolver Salary
Grade of the Retired OfficersMonthly Remuneration Payable (Fixed)
MMGS-IIRs. 40,000/-
MMGS-IIIRs. 40,000/-
SMGS-IVRs. 45,000/-

SBI Resolver Vacancy 2023:

Under this recruitment drive, a total of 94 vacancies for Resolver posts are to be filled. We have tabulated below the circle-wise vacancies.

SBI Resolver Vacancy 2023
CircleNo of Vacancies
Mumbai Metro3

SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 Apply Online:

Interested and eligible candidates for the SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 can apply online either from the official website or by clicking on the direct Apply online link provided below. State Bank Of India has invited online applications from eligible candidates for SBI Resolver Recruitment on 01st November 2023. The last date to apply online is 21st November 2023. It is suggested that the candidates must apply well in advance to avoid the last minutes rush.

How to Apply for SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023:

Following are the steps that should be followed for applying for the Posts covered under SBI Resolver Recruitment-

Step 1. First you need to visit the official website or Click on the Online Form link mentioned above.

Step 2. On the homepage search for “New Registration” and click on that link.

Step 3. There do all the required steps to create your Registration ID and password that will be required for filling up the application form.

Step 4. Once your login credentials are made, then log in using those credentials.

Step 5. After login you can see the application form. Fill the form carefully. Try not to make any mistakes in order to avoid future problems.

Step 6. After correctly filling in all the details you will be asked to upload some documents. Upload everything as per specifications along with your scanned photograph and signature and click on the “Continue” option.

Step 7. Preview the form once again. If everything is correct click on the “Submit” button.

Step 8. Your application will be submitted. You can download and take a printout for future correspondence.

                                      We hope this article on SBI Resolver Recruitment 2023 was informative and helpful.

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