NIMCET 2023 Cut Off: NIT Wise Cut-Off Marks

Post Name:-      NIMCET 2023 Cut Off: NIT Wise Cut-Off Marks
Post Date:-         17 November , 2023
Short Description:-   The NIT MCA Common Entrance Test (NIMCET) is conducted by various institutions in India. NIMCET is a national-level exam through which students can secure admission into the MCA (Master of Computer Application) program. The Cut Off marks for NIMCET 2023 will be announced shortly after the result declaration. Students appearing in the entrance test can check the cut-off list online. This article provides comprehensive information about NIMCET Cut Off 2023 and NIT-wise cut-off, so continue reading for detailed insights

NIMCET 2023 Cut Off:

The National Institute of Technology will publish the cut-off once the NIMCET 2023 result will be declared. The result and cut-off marks will be accessible on the official portal. Candidates who will qualify for the entrance test will receive admission into various best colleges in India.

The NIMCET 2023 cut-off will be determined based on the difficulty level of the entrance test and the highest scores obtained by the candidates. Once the result of NIMCET 2023 is released, officials will calculate and prepare the cut-off marks for the students.

This entrance test is conducted annually for students in India, and cut-offs represent the minimum marks a student must secure. If a candidate scores zero or a negative number in maths, they will be excluded from the exam. Cut-offs play a crucial role in determining the eligibility of candidates for admission to the MCA program.

NIMCET 2023 Cut Off Marks Aspects:

The cut-off marks for NIMCET 2023 are determined based on several factors that officials take into consideration. These factors include:

  1. All students who have appeared in the entrance exam: The total number of candidates who participated in the entrance exam.
  2. The toughness level of the examination paper: The difficulty level of the question paper plays a significant role in determining the cut-off marks.
  3. The total number of colleges or institutions that are competing: The competition among the participating institutions affects the cut-off marks.
  4. All those applicants who have cleared the entrance test: The performance of candidates who have successfully cleared the entrance test.
  5. Total number of seats available in the participating organizations: The availability of seats in the participating institutions influences the cut-off.
  6. Cut off aims of the past year’s examinations: Previous years’ cut-off marks provide a benchmark for setting the cut-off for the current year.

Considering these aspects, officials formulate the cut-off marks for NIMCET 2023, providing a fair evaluation of candidates’ performance in the entrance exam.

Expected NIMCET Cut Off Marks for 2023

In this section of the article, we have mentioned the expected cut off which may differ from the actual cut-off. After the announcement of the actual NIMCET Cut Off, we will update it here.

EXPEctd cut off marks
NIT CampusExpected Cut Off Range
NIT, Bhopal296 – 320
NIT, Agartala650 – 670
NIT, Allahabad200 – 222
NIT, Warangal80 – 110
NIT, Jamshedpur500 – 530
NIT, Trichy30 – 48
NIT, Calicut240 – 264
NIT, Durgapur456 – 470
NIT, Suratdkal167 – 180
NIT, Kurukshetra520 – 548
NIT, Raipur630 – 649

Previous Year NIT Wise Cut-Off:

In this section of the article, we will have mentioned the last year cut off marks:

General Category Statistics
Name of tde OrganizationGENERALGEN-PH
NIT Bhopal3154065
NIT, Kurukshetra5454469
NIT, Calicut261N/A
NIT, Jamshedpur5111487
NIT, Durgapur467N/A
NIT Allahabad2131238
NIT, Suratdkal1751138
NIT, Trichy34897
NIT, Agartala662N/A
NIT, Raipur261N/A
NIT, Warangal97N/A
ST Statistics
Name of tde OrganizationSTST-PH
NIT Bhopal4892N/A
NIT, Kurukshetra1603N/A
NIT, Calicut4239N/A
NIT, Jamshedpur2821N/A
NIT, Durgapur4767N/A
NIT Allahabad4839N/A
NIT, Suratdkal3303N/A
NIT, Trichy1052N/A
NIT, AgartalaN/AN/A
NIT, Raipur4812N/A
NIT, Warangal2468N/A
SC Statistics
Name of tde OrganizationSCSC-PH
NIT Bhopal3159N/A
NIT, Kurukshetra4178N/A
NIT, Calicut2277N/A
NIT, Jamshedpur3681N/A
NIT, Durgapur3739N/A
NIT Allahabad23814519
NIT, Suratdkal1915N/A
NIT, Trichy632N/A
NIT, Agartala4263N/A
NIT, Raipur4248N/A
NIT, Warangal1222N/A
OBC Statistics
Name of tde OrganizationSTST-PH
NIT Bhopal8344331
NIT, Kurukshetra1596N/A
NIT, Calicut641N/A
NIT, Jamshedpur12804671
NIT, Durgapur1254N/A
NIT Allahabad5762107
NIT, Suratdkal5001868
NIT, Trichy174N/A
NIT, Agartala1711N/A
NIT, Raipur1709N/A
NIT, Warangal300N/A

NIMCET 2023 Result

Authorities of NIT will release the result of NIMCET 2023 on the official portal. Applicants can download the result from their official website online. To check the result candidate, have to log in with the details like registration and password.

An applicant who will be shortlisted can appear in another round of the test. The result has some vital info regarding candidates and their scores like the name of the applicant, rank, roll number, registration number, name of exam conducting officials, and the qualifying status of the candidate.



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