UPSC Cut Off 2023 – UPSC Prelims, Mains, and Final Cut Off Marks

Post Name:-      UPSC Cut Off 2023 – UPSC Prelims, Mains, and Final Cut Off Marks
Post Date:-         17 November , 2023
Short Description:-     The UPSC Cut Off is an integral component of the Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in India. It plays a pivotal role in determining the fate of thousands of aspirants vying for prestigious positions in the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Foreign Service, and other elite services. UPSC Cut Off 2022 was released along with the final result on 23rd May 2023. The UPSC Prelims Cut Off 2022 was 88.22 for the General Category. Read this article till the end to know more about the previous year’s UPSC Cut Off, factors affecting the cut-off marks, last 5 years’ marks, etc.

UPSC Cut Off 2023:

The UPSC Cut Off is the minimum marks candidates need to secure to qualify for the subsequent stages of the Civil Services Examination. The examination comprises three stages: Preliminary Examination, Mains Examination, and Personality Test (Interview). Each stage has its own cutoff, and only candidates meeting these criteria progress to the next level.

The UPSC Cut Off 2023 for Prelims and Mains will be released along with the final result in April/May 2024. Based on trends from previous years, the expected cut-off for Prelims could range between 85 to 92.

UPSC Prelims Cut Off:

The UPSC Prelims cut-off marks play a crucial role in determining an aspirant’s progression toward their goal of becoming a civil servant in India. The Preliminary Examination consists of two papers, General Studies I and General Studies II. It’s important to note that while General Studies I is considered for merit ranking, General Studies II is qualifying in nature, requiring candidates to secure a minimum of 33% to pass.

UPSC Prelims Cut Off Last 5 Years:

UPSE prelims Cut off
PWD 149.8468.0270.0653.3473.34
PWD 258.5967.3363.9444.6653.34
PWD 340.4043.0940.8261.3440.00
PWD 441.7645.8042.8661.3445.34

UPSC Mains Cut Off:

After securing more than the UPSC Mains Cut Off marks, candidates become eligible for the final round of the selection process, which is the Interview.

UPSC Mains comprises nine papers, out of which seven papers contribute to merit ranking. The other two papers, the English Language Paper and the Indian Language Paper, are of qualifying nature. Candidates need to secure a minimum qualifying mark in these language papers as specified by the UPSC.

Mains Cut Off
PWD 1677688648663711
PWD 2706712699698696
PWD 3351388425374520
PWD 4419560300561460

UPSC Final Cut Off

The UPSC Final Cut Off marks are determined by amalgamating the scores obtained by candidates in the Mains Examination and the Personality Test (Interview) stage. The Mains Examination carries the weightage of seven papers, while the Interview stage contributes the remaining. Each candidate’s performance is evaluated, and the final cut-off is calculated based on their combined scores.

Aspirants who manage to surpass the UPSC Final Cut Off marks are eligible for appointment to the various civil services based on their merit ranking. The allocation of services is done according to the candidate’s rank, preference, and availability of vacancies.

Final Cut off
PWD 1879892867861899
PWD 2913932910890908
PWD 3632689675653754
PWD 4590701465708718


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