NDA Cut off 2022 ,Check Previous year 2012 to 2022

Post Name:-       NDA Cut off 2022 ,Check Previous year 2012 to 2022
Post Date:-         17 November , 2023
Short Description:-   NDA Cut Off 2023: On September 3, 2023, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) held the NDA 2 2023 exam. NDA Cut Off 2023 will be released after completing the NDA 2 Examination along with the NDA Result. The exam was somewhat challenging overall. After reviewing the questions, it is predicted that the NDA 2 cut off for the written exam will fall between 340 and 350 marks in 2023. NDA cutoff is officially release by UPSC following the announcement of the final result. The cut off is the minimum score required to pass the exam, which candidates must obtain. Candidates must have a 25% grade point average in each course. In both the written exam and the SSB interview, candidates must score above the NDA cut off of 2023.
Following the official release of the final results, the NDA cutoff for both exam sessions is published. The NDA cutoff is presented separately for the written exam and the final selection process. The written exam cutoff is calculated out of 900 marks, while the final selection cutoff is based on the candidates’ scores out of 1800 marks (900 for the written exam and 900 for the SSB interview).
The qualifying NDA cutoff marks for each subject are set at 25%. To qualify for the NDA exam, candidates must secure separate cutoff marks in the written exam and the SSB interview. Based on the NDA cutoff, candidates are recommended for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy.

Minimum Marks Required in NDA Exam:

On September 19, 2022, the final result of the UPSC NDA 2 exam was announced. The UPSC NDA 2 cut-off marks and the candidates’ mark sheets will be made available on the official website of the commission after the final result. Estimated cut-off scores for the written exam are provided in the table below for candidates to reference.

Candidates need to pass each subject with a minimum of 25% marks. However, there is no sectional cut-off. The cutoff for the written exam is cumulative of marks of both the subjects (Mathematics and General Ability Test).

Min. Marks Required
SubjectMinimum Marks Required
General Ability Test (GAT) 25%

NDA Exam Cut-Off Marks 2022:

Cut off 2022
S.No.Exam StageNDA I ExamNDA II Exam
1.Written Examination360355
2.Final: Written Exam + SSB720726

NDA Cut-Off Marks: Previous Year :

Cut off 2022 – 2012
PaperMinimum Qualifying Marks at tde Written Stage (out of 900 marks)Marks secured by tde Last Candidate (out of 1800 marks)
NDA (II) 2022355720
NDA (I) 2022360720
NDA (II) 2021355726
NDA (I) 2021343709
NDA (II) 2020355719
NDA (I) 2020355726
NDA (II) 2019346709
NDA (I) 2019342704
NDA (II) 2018325688
NDA (I) 2018338705
NDA (II) 2017258624
NDA (I) 2017342708
NDA (II) 2016229602
NDA (I) 2016288656
NDA (II) 2015269637
NDA (I) 2015306674
NDA (II) 2014283656
NDA (I) 2014360722
NDA (II) 2013360721
NDA (I) 2013333698
NDA (II) 2012335699

NDA Cut-Off Marks: Affecting Factors:

The cut-off is based on a number of variables, some of which are listed below:

  • Number of available seats
  • Level of NDA exam difficulty
  • Number of applicants who appeared for the NDA exam


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