RRB JE EE Recruitment 2023: Notification, Exam Date, Syllabus, Result

Railway Recruitment Board Junior Engineer Electrical Engineering exam will be conducted for the recruitment of Junior Engineers. The notification is released on the official website of RRB. The RRB JE EE exam is conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board. The RRB JE EE application process is carried out in online mode.

The RRB JE EE exam will be conducted offline in three stages. The selected candidates enjoy salaries and other benefits as decided by RRB. The official notification is yet to be released on the official website. Candidates can check the latest notification regarding RRB Recruitment here.

In the article below, all the important details regarding the RRB JE EE Exam like syllabus, exam date sheet, exam format, admit card, preparation books and others are explained. The candidates can read the article and learn about all the important dates and information.

RRB JE EE Highlights 2023

All the summarized important details regarding the RRB JE EE Exam are mentioned in the table below.

Exam ParticularsDetails
Conducting Body
Railway Recruitment Board
Exam Name
RRB JE Electrical Engineering Exam
Application mode
Application beginning
To be notified
Exam Date
To be announced
To be announced
Examination mode
Selection levels
Medical Test
Document Verification
Admit Card release date
To be notified
Both Hindi and English
Official website

RRB JE EE Vacancy 2023

The vacancies for Junior Engineers for Railway Board will be released by Railway Recruitment Board on the official website. The vacancies are released for various posts for engineers. The list for the year 2023 has not been released yet. Below is the table, vacancies are mentioned for the respective post.

Junior Engineer Electrical

RRB JE EE Region-wise Vacancy

This total figure of 2192 is released for the whole nation region wise. In conclusion, a fixed number of candidates are selected from every particular region. The table shows the seats from every region:

Number of Vacancies

RRB JE EE Eligibility Criteria 2023

For applying for the RRB JE EE Examination, the candidates need to clear the eligibility criteria prescribed by the Railway Recruitment Board. Below is the article, all the details and information regarding the eligibility criteria is explained. A candidate in general needs to pass:

  • Age Limit
  • Nationality &
  • Educational Qualification

RRB JE EE Age Limit Criteria 2023

The age criteria is meant to be followed strictly. The criteria varies as per category of the candidate. Those candidates who fit in the age group mentioned below can apply and appear for the examination. The appropriate age group is:

  • Minimum Age Limit: 18 years
  • Maximum Age Limit: 33 years

Relaxation is allowed in the upper age limit for certain categories. The table below covers the varied upper age for the candidates of different categories:

Age Relaxation
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe
5 years
Other Backward Classes
3 years
Females( irrespective of caste)
UR & OBC- 38 years SC/ST- 40 years of age
Ex-Serviceman already served more than 6 months of service after attestation.
UR -33 years adding the length of service rendered IN Defense or 5 years plus three years.
OBC- 36 years adding the length of service rendered IN Defense or 5 years plus three years.
SC/ST- 38 years adding the length of service rendered IN Defense or 5 years plus three years
UR- 10 years
OBC- 13 years
SC/ST-15 years
Kashmiri domicile candidates in the period of 1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989.
UR – 38 years
OBC- 41 years
SC/ST- 43 years
Candidates who are working in Quasi- Administrative offices of railways like- Railway organization, Canteens, Co-operative Societies and others
UR- 33 years adding the length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
OBC -36 years adding the length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
SC/ST- 38 years adding the length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
Candidates of Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes with a minimum of 3 year of service.
UR- 40 years
OBC- 43 years
SC/ST- 45 years


A candidate appearing for the RRB JE EE Exam should be from any of the categories:

  • Citizen of India,
  • A subject of Nepal or Bhutan,
  • Tibetan refugee permanently residing in India, having arrived before 1st January, 1962.
  • Any person belonging from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam who is of Indian Origin and shifted to India, with the intention of permanently settling down.

RRB JE EE Educational Qualification 2023

The educational qualification criteria must match the aspiring candidate against the prescribed qualifications. There is no relaxation for any category in the educational qualifications. Every criterion needs to be met by the candidates who are applying, in order to appear for the exam. Below is given in detail what a candidate needs to possess in order to surpass the educational qualification:

  • Three years Diploma in Engineering OR
  • A Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering OR
  • Combination of sub-streams of basic streams of Electrical Engineering.
  • The certificates of Diplomas and degrees are required to be from an institution or University recognized by the central or state government.
  • It is to be kept in the notice, only graduated degree holders can apply for the job post. Final years or students currently graduating are prohibited to apply.

RRB JE EE Medical Test Criteria 2023

After clearing two stages of the RRB JE EE Exam the selected students will be called for a medical check-up to check their eligibility for the RRB JE EE Exam medical criteria. The criteria is prescribed by the authority of the Railway Recruitment Board. No announcement has been made on the official website yet. Though, an analysis of the previous year is mentioned in the table below for students to have reference:

Medical StandardGeneral Fitness
Vision Standards
A-3Physically fit in all aspects
In case of distance vision- 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses.
In case of Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.
The candidates must pass a test for color vision, Binocular vision,night and mesopic vision.
B-1Physically fit in all aspects
In case of distance vision- 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses.
In case of Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.
The candidates must pass tests for color vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, and Mesopic vision.
B-2Physically fit in all aspects
In case of distance vision- 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses.
In case of Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.
The candidates must pass a test for binocular vision.
C-1Physically fit in all aspects
In case of distance vision- 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.
In case of Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.

RRB JE EE Application From 2023

The application date for RRB JE EE 2023 has not been updated on the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board. The application process will be conducted online. The candidates can register themselves with the help of a good internet connection and a computer by visiting the official website. The procedure of doing the same is explained below:

Step 1: Visit the official website and log in using credentials on the RRB Official website-www.rrbcdg.gov.in

Step 2: Search for the option -”RRB JE EE Recruitment 2023” and click on it to choose it.

Step 3: An option showing “apply” will be visible. Click to select it.

Step 4: Register using email id and mobile number. All the information related to registration, examination and application will be sent on the email, thus, it is necessary to remember the email.

Step 5: Enter all the asked details and upload the relevant documents under the aforementioned size limit.

Step 6: Click on “preview” before final submission.

Step 7:Pay the required application fees to finalize the application.

Step 8: Download the application form for future reference.

RRB JE EE Application Fees 2023

The application fee can be paid online using many of the available methods. The application is different as per the candidate’s category. All candidates should check the table below to learn about the amount they will be required to pay:

CategoryApplication fee
Unreserved/General and OBC
Rs. 500 (400 Rs. subject to refund)
SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman/Female/Transgender/Minorities/Economically backward class
Rs. 250 (Subject to refund)

The fee is subject to refund as well on clearance of Stage 1 of the RRB JE EE Exam.

  • Rs. 400 is refundable to candidates belonging to Unreserved categories.
  • Rs. 250 that is the whole amount of the fee will be refunded to the candidates belonging to reserved categories/Ex-Serviceman/Minorities and economically backward classes.

RRB JE EE Admit Card 2023

An admit card is the entry card for every examination. Admit cards will be released soon after the closure of the application process and before two weeks of the conduction of the examination. The admit card can be easily downloaded from the official website by following the procedure below. The candidates can follow the steps below to download their respective admit cards:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Railway Recruitment Board by clicking on the link provided-www.rrbcdg.gov.in

Step 2: Search the RRB JE EE Admit Card 2023 option.

Step 3: Login using your registration number and password.

Step 4: The admit card will open up on the screen. The candidates can download it and save for future reference.

Important points related to RRB JE EE Admit Card 2023

The important points related to the 2023 RRB JE EE Admit Card are:

  • The admit card must be carried to the venue of the examination.
  • No entry will be allowed to any candidate without the admit card.
  • Any discrepancy found in the Admit card must be contacted with the concerned authorities immediately, under the time limit mentioned.

Mentioned Details on RRB JE EE Admit Card 2023

Admit Card consists of the following relevant details of the candidate:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Signature of the candidate
  • Photograph of the candidate
  • Name of the examination
  • Duration and Time of examination
  • Roll number of the candidate.

RRB JE EE Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates appearing in the exam of RRB JE EE need to be familiar with the exam pattern, in order to prepare for the exam accordingly. The final date for the conduction of examination has not been released on the official website, but is expected to be released soon. However, from the analysis of the previous year, students can draft a plan of the exam pattern. The table below will prove to be helpful.

RRB JE EE Stage-1 C.B.T. Exam Pattern

There are a few points which the students must remember about the Stage-1 C.B.T. Exam:

  • The exam will be objective in nature.
  • The exam in total will consist of 100 questions, divided into 4 categories.
  • Each question carries one mark.
  • The marking scheme involves negative marking. 0.33 will be deducted for every wrong answer and a mark will be allotted for every correct answer.
  • The duration of the examination is 90 minutes.
  • PwBD enjoys additional time. Their duration is 120 minutes.
  • The exam will be conducted in offline mode.
SubjectTotal questionsTotal Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning
General Awareness
General Science

RRB JE EE Stage-2 C.B.T.

There are few points which the students must remember about the Stage-1 C.B.T. Exam:

  • The exam will be objective in nature consisting of Multiple Choice Questions.
  • The exam in total will consist of 150 questions, divided into 5 categories.
  • Each question will carry one mark.
  • The marking scheme involves negative marking. 0.33 will be deducted for every wrong answer and a mark will be allotted for every correct answer.
  • The duration of the examination is 120 minutes.
  • PwBD enjoys the additional time. Their duration is 160 minutes.
  • The exam will be conducted in offline mode.
SubjectTotal QuestionsTotal Marks
Basics of Computers and Applications
Basics of Environmental and Pollution Control
General Awareness
Physics and Chemistry
Technical Abilities

RRB JE EE Syllabus 2023

The Railway Recruitment Board is responsible for releasing the revised syllabus for the RRB JE EE Exam 2023. Any update regarding the same will be updated on the official website by the RRB. However, for the candidates who are willing to apply for the exam can have a check on the content of the table below:

Level of the ExamSubjectTopic
Stage -1 C.B.T.
Number System Fractions and Decimals
Ratio and Proportion
Profit and Loss
Square & Cube roots
Mixture and Alligation
Linear Equations
DI – Bar Graph, Pie chart, Caselet
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Arithmetic Reasoning
Number Series
Coding and Decoding
Non-Verbal series
Statement conclusion
Figure Series
Small & Capital letters
Blood Relation
General Awareness & Science
Current Affairs
Awards and honors
Books and authors
International and National news
New Government schemes
Stage-2 C.B.T.
General Awareness
Current Affairs
Awards and honors
Indian HIstory
Environmental Sciences
New Government schemes
Basics of Computers and Applications
Components of Computers
Storage devices
Operating Systems
Internet & Email
Computer Virus
Input and Output devices
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control
Basics of Environmental Science
The adverse effects of pollution
Environmental control strategies
Ozone depletion
Acid Rain
Global warming
Waste Management
Technical abilities
Basic Concepts
Circuit law
Magnetic CIrcuit
AC Fundamentals
Electrical Machines
Synchronous Machines
Generation,transmission and distribution

RRB JE EE Selection Process 2023

The complete selection process comprises a total of three levels. In order to be selected, the candidates are required to pass all three levels. The aforementioned levels are :

Stage 1- C.B.T.
Stage 2: C.B.T
Stage 3: Medical Examination and Identity Verification.

In order to appear for the next stage, it is mandatory, as per the guidelines for candidates to qualify the cutoff of Stage 1 C.B.T. After clearance of both the stages, the candidates are called for a medical examination. On qualifying the medical exam the candidates are required to show relevant documents in order to confirm their identity. In the table below other details are mentioned regarding the three stages of the RRB JE EE Selection Round:

Stage 1- C.B.T
Nature of Examination- Objective Type
Number of Questions- 100
Duration- 90 minutes/1.5 hours
Marking scheme- 0.33 negative marking for every wrong question.
Stage 2- C.B.T
Nature of the Examination- Objective Type
Number of questions- 150
Duration- 120 minutes/ 2 hours
Marking Scheme-0.33 negative marking for every wrong question.
Document Verification
Original and photocopies of the asked documents are required to be submitted.

There is relaxation in the duration of the examination for reserved categories. Additional timing is allotted for such candidates. The table below shows the time duration for candidates from reserved categories:

Stage 1- C.B.T
PwBD candidates120 minutes
Stage 2- C.B.T
PwBD candidates160 minutes

RRB JE EE Answer Key 2023

The RRB releases the JE Electrical Engineering answer key after approx two weeks of the conduction of the examination. The answer key will be available on the official website. The answer key can be downloaded from the official website. An answer key is very handy for matching the number of correct answers.

How to Download the RRB JE EE 2023 Answer Key?

The procedure to download the answer key is as such:

Step 1: Visit the official website of RRB-www.rrbcdg.gov.in

Step 2:Look for the option “Answer Key RRB JE EE 2023”,

Step 3: A new page will open displaying the answers.

Step 4: Download and save the answer key.

RRB JE EE Result 2023

The result will be announced after the declaration of the answer key. The results will be announced on the official website. After the declaration of the result, the candidates who are selected will be called for medical examination and identification. The results can be downloaded following the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the RRB-www.rrb cdg.gov.in.

Step 2: Search for RRB JE EE Result 2023 notification.

Step 3: Login using the registration number and password.

Step 4: The result sheet will open, containing a list of selected students. Go through the list cautiously to check if the candidate’s name is on the list. If it is, that means, the candidates are selected, else not.

Step 5: Download a copy of the pdf and save it for future reference.

RRB JE EE Recruitment Cut off 2023

Cut-offs are minimum marks required to pass an examination. The cut off varies year wise and exam wise every year. The cut off is influenced by many factors discussed below. The cut-off for RRB JE EE Exam 2023 has not been released yet. The table below consists of data of previous years. The cut off may vary for the current year. However, an estimation can be formed.

Unreserved40 %

Factors affecting RRB JE EE 2023 Cut-off

  • Difficulty Level: It is a major factor affecting the Cut Off. If the difficulty level is tough, the cutoff is lowered as candidates tend to score less and vice versa.
  • Number of Applications: If the number of applications is huge, then the cutoff is increased, as the competition increases.
  • Number of Vacancies: If the number of vacancies is more, then the cutoffs are lowered too,as there are more seats and less competition.

RRB JE EE PGT Salary 2023

The candidates who are selected for the post of Junior Engineers by the Railway Recruitment Board are entitled to their share of salary. Apart from salary candidates receive allowances as well.

The salary is paid as per Level 6 of the 7th pay Commission. Candidates are not permanent on recruitment. First, they are under training. During the training period, the candidates are paid on the basis of a monthly stipend. After joining, an indemnity bond needs to be signed by the candidates. The table below summarizes more about the salary structure of an RRB JE EE employee.

LevelGrade PayInitial Pay
Level-6Rs. 4,200/-Rs. 35,400/-

Besides this annual salary, the candidates enjoy few other perks and allowances as well. The other allowances are-

  • Dearness Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance
  • Transport Allowance


The candidates can apply easily online. The registration is completed as soon as the fee is paid. The final examination date is yet to be announced on the official website. The syllabus is uploaded on the official website alongside the exam pattern.

All the important dates will be updated on the official website. All the important details have been mentioned in this article for candidates to have a reference. As soon as the dates are updated, we will update on our website too. The candidates can have a reference from here as well.


Ques1: Can a candidate belonging to the USA of Indian origin apply for the post of Junior Engineer?

Ans: No, only students of India or Indian origin citizens who have migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam to India, with the intention of permanently settling down, are allowed to appear for the exam.

Ques 2: How many vacancies are released by RRB JE EE Recruitment 2023?

Ans: Annually RRB released a total number of vacancies around 2000. The vacancy may vary for the year 2023. Vacancies are released as per the requirements.

Ques 3: What is the marking scheme of RRB JE EE 2023?

Ans: The RRB JE EE Exam is subject to negative marking. Each question carries a mark. For every wrong answer 0.33 marks are deducted and for every correct answer a mark is allotted.


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