Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) Exam 2023: Latest News, Date, Eligibility, Salary & Vacancies


The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is an agency at the state level that is responsible for recruiting candidates for a variety of posts in the ministries of administration, finance, agriculture, energy, and statistics in the state. The RAS, which stands for the Rajasthan Administrative Services examination, is a yearly test that candidates must take in either Hindi or English. The fee for the application is INR 350 for applicants who are applying under the general category, INR 250 for candidates who are applying under the Other Backward Class, and INR 50 for candidates who are applying under the SC/ST/PWD categories.

The preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview make up the three phases of the RAS. The preliminary stage of the selection process is currently being completed. Candidates are recruited and given positions according to how well they do in the several examinations and interviews that are required for the position. RPSC RAS Vacancy Notification, RAS Eligibility, Age Limit, Salary, Educational Qualification, Selection procedure, and Important Dates. [Indian Public Service Commission] The Rajasthan Public Service Commission is now accepting online applications for the Rajasthan Administrative Service (RPSC RAS Online Form).

Latest Updates:

  • RPSC 2nd Grade teacher Result out on 3rd August, 2023.
  • Admit Card released for Senior Teacher on 27th July.
  • Exam for Senior Teacher conducted on 30th July.

RPSC Exam Highlights

RPSC 2023 – Exam Summary
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Post Name
· Rajasthan Cooperative Subordinate Service
· Rajasthan Tehsildar Service
· Rajasthan Excise Subordinate Services
· Rajasthan Planning Subordinate Services
· Rajasthan Administrative Service
· Rajasthan Police Service
· Rajasthan Accountant Service
· Rajasthan Industrial Service
· Rajasthan Tourism Service
Vacancy988 (expected)
Exam DateTo be announced
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline
Recruitment ProcessPreliminary Examination
Main Examination
Education Qualification
Must be a Graduate from a recognized College/ University
Age Limit21 years – 40 years
SalaryINR 33500 – INR 66000
Official websitewww.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC 2023 Important Dates

Have a look at the latest RPSC RAS 2023 dates: Candidates may organize their study by consulting the test schedule from the year before, while the official announcement for the RPSC Recruitment Exam has not yet been posted. The following table provides an overview of the possible test dates for the RPSC RAS 2023 certification.

EventsExam Date (Tentative)
Release of Notification28th June 2023
Application Start Date1st July 2023
Application End Date31st July 2023
Correction in Application Start DateTo be announced
Correction in Application End DateTo be announced
Release of Preliminary Exam Admit CardTo be announced
Preliminary Exam DateTo be announced
Release of AnswerTo be announced
Release of Preliminary Exam ResultTo be announced
Release of Main Exam Admit CardTo be announced
Main Exam DateTo be announced
Main Exam ResultTo be announced

RPSC 2023 Vacancies

The RPSC Notification for State Service and Subordinate jobs will include the complete list of available openings. The official notification for the same will be made public soon. In the year 2022, a total of 988 job openings were advertised, 363 of which were for different State Service Posts, while the remaining 625 openings were for Sub-ordinate Posts. The following table provides a breakdown of the vacant posts according to post.

Check out the vacancies released by RPSC for the positions at the State level Services:

State-level ServicesNo. of Posts
Rajasthan Administrative Services – RAS76
Rajasthan Cooperative Services33
RPS – Rajasthan Police Services77
Rajasthan State Insurance Services3
Rajasthan Account Services32
Rajasthan Labour Welfare Services1
Rajasthan Industry Services4
Rajasthan Transport Services7
Rajasthan Tourism Services4
Rajasthan Excise (Preventive Force) Agriculture Service37
Rajasthan Jail Services9
Rajasthan Commercial Tax Services38
Rajasthan Planning Services7
Rajasthan Integrated Child Development8
Rajasthan fertilizer and Civil Supplies6
Rajasthan Rural Development21

Check out the vacancies released by RPSC for the positions at the Subordinate level Services:

Subordinate level servicesNo. of posts
Rajasthan Excise Subordinate Services32
Rajasthan Cooperative Subordinate Service146 and 2 TSP
Rajasthan Judicial and Jurisdiction19
Rajasthan Agriculture Subordinate Services68
Rajasthan Planning Subordinate Services2
Rajasthan Labour Welfare Subordinate Services70 and 10 TSP
Rajasthan fertilizer and Civil Supplies Subordinate Services106 and 20 TSP
Rajasthan Integrated Child Development Subordinate36
Rajasthan Industry Subordinate Services3
Tehsildar96 and 15 TSP

Aspirants must check out their preferred position for which they will apply when the notification will be released. Taking an idea beforehand of the position adds clears most of the doubts of the aspirant.

RPSC 2023 Eligibility

Aspirants who are willing to apply for RPSC RAS 2023 exam must pass the eligibility criteria set by authorities officially. Eligibility criteria briefs about age limit, nationality, academic qualification, and many more. If candidates failed to meet the given eligibility criteria, then-candidates are not allowed to appear for the exam. So before applying for RPSC 2023 exam, the candidate should go through the eligibility criteria given below.

Check out some critical points for the candidate’s reference provided in this section. The criteria are about Degree, Age limit, and nationality of an aspirant.


An applicant must attain a certain age to be eligible to apply for RPSC positions. Candidates must be at least 21 years old to be eligible for RPSC positions, and they can be no older than 40. However, RPSC allows age relaxations for some categories. The table below lists the details of the age relaxation for each RPSC category:

CategoryAge Relaxation in upper limit
PwD (General)10 years
PwD (OBC)13 years
PwD (SC/ST)15 years
Rajasthan Domicile – SC/ ST/OBC (Male)5 years
Rajasthan Domicile – SC/ ST/OBC (Female)10 years


The following academic requirements must be met by applicants for RPSC positions:

  • Applicant must have their Graduation from a college or institution that the government has approved.
  • There is no required minimum percentage to apply for the positions.

Educational qualification for various posts varies a bit from each other. But the basic requirement for all the RPSC posts is mentioned above.


The applicant must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the vacant posts.

RPSC 2023 Application

Candidates who are interested in working for the government of Rajasthan state should grab this opportunity. Applicants who are interested in filling these positions should check out this section for further information. The RPSC Recruitment 2023 will be accepting applications only via the online format. Applicants must keep a check at the official website. RPSC will soon release the Application for the year 2023. January 2023 was the last month in which applicants may submit their RPSC Online Application Form for 2022-23. Applicants of 2023-24 can get similar timelines.

Application fees

Candidates must know the application fee for the RPSC exam is different for different categories. They can submit their fee through the online mediums only. The application fee is non-refundable in any case. The candidate must keep the printout of the payment slip.

Applicants should check out the following table to know more about the fee structure as per their category before applying to the RPSC RAS exam.

Sr. No.Category
Application Fee for RPSC RAS Exam
1General categoryINR 350
2Other Backward Class (OBC) categoryINR 250
3Scheduled Cast (SC) / Schedule Tribe (ST)INR 50
4PWD categoryINR 50

The fees can be paid online through various mediums. For instance, UPI, Net banking, Debit Card, Credit Cards, Payment wallets, etc.

Application Steps

RPSC will soon publish the application for the recruitment process 2023. To appear for the RPSC examination, candidates need to fill up the application form for the exam. In order to fill up the form, candidates have to follow specific steps:

Candidates must get themselves registered on the official website. The registration process includes,

  1. To register, the candidate needs to visit the official website of RPSC.
  2. Enter the valid email id and phone number.
  3. After the registration, they will get their login credentials via email or message.

After getting login credentials the registration process is completed, candidates have to fill the Application form. The process includes,

  1. Candidate needs to log in with the id and passwords provided on the official website of RPSC.
  2. After logging in to the website, the candidate needs to fill up the form with data, such as academic data, personal information, and contact information.
  3. Once done with the application form, candidates have to upload the necessary documents on the official portal of RPSC, such as scanned photographs and scanned signatures.
  4. After uploading the documents on the official portal, candidate can make their payment as per their category. The fee structure is already shown above in the table format.
  5. Take a print of the downloadable form.

The above-mentioned process must be carried out correctly in order to avoid rejection of the application.

RPSC 2023 Admit Card

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission is in charge of administering the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam. This exam is conducted by the Rajasthan government to select applicants for state and subordinate service positions. Following successful completion of the RAS examination, the officers are required to complete a training program that lasts for a duration of two years at the HCM Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration.

Most of the candidates come across this query about how to download the admit card. Candidates have to follow simple steps to download the admit card. Here is the step-by-step procedures to download the admit card for the candidate’s prelims/ mains examination.

  1. Visit the official website of Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC).
  2. Once entered the link, the candidate will be there on the admit card download page.
  3. After reaching the download page, the candidate must enter the application ID and date of birth to download the admit card.
  4. If the candidate is stuck somewhere while downloading the admit card, the candidate can use the “Contact us” option, where RPSC will resolve the candidate’s query.

In this way, candidates can simply download the admit card for the RPSC exam 2023.

Candidates need to carry some documents with admit cards while appearing for the exam. They should carry valid Identification proof when going for the exam. Keeping original and photocopy of Identification proof will be a good choice. Candidates can also keep voter id as Identification proof during the preliminary examination. Without ID proof, no candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall.

Here is the list of documents from which candidates should carry any one along with admit cards.

  1. Aadhar card
  2. Voter ID card
  3. Employee ID card
  4. PAN card
  5. Driving License card
  6. Passport

Candidates can keep original and photocopy of documents and Admit card and any one ID proof along with the Admit card among the documents mentioned above.

Admit Card Details

Candidates must cross-check all the information in order to reduce any conflict at the time of exam. In case there’s anything wrong, the applicant needs to mail the concerned authorities. Following are the information that the applicant needs to cross-check:

  1. Name of the student
  2. Exam type and date
  3. Centre name
  4. Exam time
  5. Category (SC/ST/OBC & Other)
  6. Centre code
  7. Latest photograph
  8. Gender
  9. Mother’s name
  10. Father’s name
  11. Roll number of the applicant
  12. Essential instructions for the exam
  13. Digital Signature of the candidate
  14. Applicant’s photograph
  15. Date of birth of the applicant

Candidates should carry the RPSC admit card 2023 to the exam hall as it one of the mandatory documents.

Exam Centre Details

The RPSC 2023 Admit Card of the candidate contains the exam center details. The exam center is chosen by the applicant at the time of filling the application form. Candidates are asked to give their preferences for the examination centers. Based on the availability of the examination centers candidates are allotted the centers. The table below shows the list of the centers of the RPSC exam 2023:

Exam CentersExam Centers
AlwaSawai Madhopur
Sri Ganganagar

The candidates must pick centers correctly as per their preferences because RPSC avoids changing or altering exam centers after the download of the admit card.

RPSC 2023 Exam Pattern

The aspirant must understand the exam pattern set by the RPSC before starting the exam preparation. Once aspirants understand the exam pattern, then they can go for their exam preparation. RPSC conducts two papers.

RPSC Exam pattern: Prelims
PaperSubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Prelims Examination
General Questions &150100
3 hours
General Questions – Rajasthan150100


  • Two question papers worth 200 points each make up the preliminary exam.
  • Each paper of the exam lasts three hours and is made up of multiple-choice questions.
  • General Knowledge questions make up the majority of the preliminary exam.
RPSC Exam pattern: Mains
PaperSubjectsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Mains Examination
Paper 1 – General Studies IPaper I – 48 questions2003 hours
Paper 2 – General Studies IIPaper II – 39 questions2003 hours
Paper 3 – General Studies IIIPaper III – 48 questions2003 hours
Paper 4 – General Hindi & General EnglishPaper IV –Not specified2003 hours


  • The four question papers in the main exam have 200 marks each.
  • Each paper’s exam lasts three hours, and the questions are all of a descriptive character.
  • Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3 questions are based on broad studies.

RPSC 2023 Syllabus

Candidates must be well familiar with the RPSC exam syllabus when they study for any of the RPSC Recruitment exams. The RPSC syllabus and RPSC Exam Pattern vary depending on the specific exam being taken. Generally, the RPSC exams cover a wide range of topics related to the field of the exam. As a result, they will be able to create a strategy for preparing that works and work towards getting the score they want. The RPSC RAS preliminary exam syllabus is anticipated to be as follows based on the previous year’s syllabus:

RPSC 2023 Syllabus – Prelims
Specific Topics on Rajasthan
1. Literature and tradition of Rajasthan
2. Art and Culture of Rajasthan
3. Fairs and festivals of Rajasthan
4. Customs, Dresses, and Ornaments of Rajasthan
5. Music Dance and Culture of Rajasthan
6. History and Heritage of Rajasthan
7. Religious beliefs, warrior saints, poets, ‘Lok Devtas’ and ‘Lok Deviyan’ of Rajasthan
8. Freedom struggle and political awakening
9. Geography of Rajasthan
10. Current Affairs of Rajasthan
11. Ecology and Wild-life of Rajasthan
12. Wildlife conservation
13. Physical Divisions of Rajasthan
14. Physiography of Rajasthan (Climate, Vegetation, and Soil)
15. Economy of Rajasthan
16. The political and administrative system of Rajasthan
17. Natural Resources of Rajasthan (Forests, land, water, mines, minerals, and animal resources)
18. Food and Commercial Crops of Rajasthan, Irrigation and river valley projects, Projects on development of deserts and wasteland
19. Mineral-based industries, tribes and their economy, handicrafts, small-scale, and cottage industries Conventional and non-conventional energy resources in Rajasthan
20. Industrial Development, Indira Gandhi Canal Project
General Questions
1. The economy of India, Economy of Rajasthan
2. Geography of India, Geography of Rajasthan
3. Ancient History, Modern History, Medieval History, Rajasthan history, and The emergence of modern Rajasthan are topics from history.
4. The Indian constitution, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, preamble are topics from Indian polity
5. Current Affairs
6. Science and Technology
7. Indian Political system and Indian governance system
8. Indian Art, Culture and Literature
9. Analytical reasoning and mental ability
RPSC Syllabus – Mains
Paper 1 – General Studies I
1. Major monuments and literary works
2. History
3. Landmarks in the political and cultural history of India
4. Accounting and Auditing
5. Renaissance
6. Freedom struggle and national integration
7. Economics
8. Sociology and Management
Paper 2 – General Studies II1. Science and Technology
2. Ethics in Administration
3. Geography and Geology
Paper 3 – General Studies III
1. Indian Political System, World Politics
2. Yoga and Sports
3. Current Affairs
4. Public Administration and Management – Dynamics, and Concepts, Issues
Paper 4 – General Hindi & General English
1. Comprehension, Precis Writing, and Translation
2. Grammar
3. Essay Writing and Letter Writing

RPSC 2023 Result and Cutoffs

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) will announce the RPSC Result and RPSC Cut Off scores 2023 after the exams re conducted. The purpose of the examination is to find qualified candidates to fill open positions in the Commission’s several administrative departments. The examination for the RPSC recruiting program is a highly difficult one since it serves as the entry point for the lucrative Group A jobs. In addition, the RPSC has issued a statement on its official website announcing 988 open positions last year across a variety of job categories and positions.

RPSC Results 2023

RPSC results will be there on the official website of RPSC, i.e., rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The result of both prelim and mains exams will be released soon after the commencement of the exam. The candidate will come to know about the result date of the exam through our website. RPSC will soon declare the prelim exam date; here are some essential steps to follow the RAS prelims/ mains result.

  • Visit the official portal of RPSC.
  • Check for the RAS Result on the homepage of the RPSC website.
  • Now click on the RAS Result link.
  • The candidate will see the login page of the website.
  • Enter the roll number and Date of Birth and click on the login button.
  • Candidate can see their prelim/ main exam result.
  • Now take the printout of the same for future reference.

RPSC Cutoffs 2023

Cut off score is the minimal score necessary to pass an examination. Every government and non-government examination establishes the criteria of a minimum marks limit in order to make it possible for the higher authorities to announce the merit list based on cut-off marks. This is done for the benefit of the candidates. The RPSC maintained the criterion for the minimum passing score in order to keep the process run smoothly. The minimum score required to pass an exam is almost often determined by caste – General, OBC, SC, or ST.

The cut-off scores vary depending on the caste that one belongs to. The cut-offs are usually lower for applicants from the Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe categories, whereas they are always higher for general category candidates. Candidates that fall into a certain category that has been indicated must get a certain minimum score in order to be considered for the forthcoming procedure of the RPSC test. Check out the table for previous year cut off score here:

General (TSP)80.5672.22
SC (TSP)72.22NA
ST (TSP)58.850
RPSC Cut off Score – Mains
CategoryCutoff Score
General (TSP)332.75
SC (TSP)316
ST (TSP)274.25

The preliminary test and the main exam for the RPSC both have cut-off mark criterion. It will be out of a total of 200 points for the preliminary test, but out of a total of 800 marks for the mains exam. This is because there are four separate papers in the mains exam, and each paper is worth 200 marks.

RPSC 2023 Salary Structure

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) provides different pay scales to different posts. As RPSC has multiple posts under them, salary varies as per the level of posts. Based on the 7th pay commission, RPSC decides the salary. The salary of RPSC employees varies from Rs. 33500 to Rs. 66000. Below table shows the detailed salary structure under different posts.

PostSalary (Approx.)
Rajasthan Police service Rajasthan Rural Development Service Insurance Service Women & Child Development ServiceINR 61000 to INR 66000
Rajasthan Commercial Tax subordinate service Rajasthan excise subordinate Rajasthan Subordinate Devasthan ServiceINR 33500 to INR 38500
Rajasthan Employment Subordinate Service Rajasthan Social Justice & Empowerment Service Rajasthan Tehsildar ServiceINR 35500 to INR 42500
Rajasthan Commercial Tax Service Jail Service Tourism Service Co-operative ServiceINR 40000 to INR 45500

Apart from salary RPSC provides multiple perks to their employees, such as dearness allowance, pension schemes, and medical benefits. They also provide a secure job environment to their employees.

RPSC Preparation Tips

Rajasthan PSC is one of the toughest exams in Rajasthan state. It requires a lot of preparation and strategy to clear the test. To clear this exam, candidates must make a proper schedule and go through the preparation tips. Here we are sharing some fantastic tips for candidates’ preparation.

  • Go through the previous year’s question papers for the RAS exam. Candidates need to go through the previous year’s question papers. So, for self-analysis, solving the previous year’s question papers will play a vital role in the preparation.
  • Giving mock tests will make candidates more confident. They will get to know about their areas of improvement. Mock question papers is one of the excellent practices for preparing for exams like RAS.
  • Time management must be done adequately. Allotting ample amount of time to each subject is necessary to score good marks in all subjects.
  • Candidates must gather all the study material. After starting the preparation, they should make proper short notes whenever they find essential points. These points will help them during the revision of what they studied just before the exams.
  • After completing the revision of the RPSC Syllabus and solving the previous year’s question papers, candidates can check their knowledge through self-assessment.


Q1. What is the last date to apply for the Rajasthan PSC RAS exam?

Ans. Aspirants will soon get a notification of the release of the application form. After a month of the commencement of the application, the form collection process will stop.

Q2. What are the eligibility criteria for the RPSC RAS exam?

Ans. The Candidate must have a degree certificate from a recognized university and an Indian citizen. Check out the detailed eligibility criteria above for more details.

Q3. What is the mode of the RPSC RAS exam?

Ans. The mode of the prelim and mains exam will be offline.

Q4. What is the exam date for the RPSC RAS mains exam?

Ans. The exam date for the RPSC RAS mains exam is not yet declared.

Q5. What will be the salary if the candidate gets selected for the RPSC RAS exam?

Ans. The salary of every employee will be different as per their position and it ranges from Rs. 33500 to Rs. 66000.

Q6. What is the application fee for the RPSC RAS exam?

Ans. The application fee is different for a different category. For more details about application fees, check out the ‘Application Fee’ section of the article.

Q7. The amount got debited more than once as an application fee so now how to get my money back?

Ans. If the candidate got charged more than once then an excessive amount will be credited into the candidate’s bank account. It may take a week’s time or more to credit a candidate’s excessive amount to the bank account.

Q8. If I mistakenly upload the wrong size photo, will they reject my application?

Ans. Yes, if a candidate failed to upload the photo as per the given specifications, the candidate’s application will be rejected

Q9. What was the cut-off for the General category in the 2022 RPSC prelim exam?

Ans. The cut-off of the RAS prelim exam for the general category in the previous year was 78.55 out of 100. The candidate can refer to the cut-off table mentioned above for more details about the previous year’s exam cut-offs. The cut off score varies among different categories. Candidates must ensure to check the score of their respective category.

Q10. Where can I download my RPSC 2023 interview call letter?

Ans. The Candidate can download his or her interview call letter from the official website of RPSC. Candidates should first check for the release of the admit card notification on the official website. After the release of the notification, candidates should enter their log in credentials and open the link for the call letter. After cross checking all the details of the letter candidates can download the Interview letter of the RPSC exam 2023 on their computer.

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