Name of the Post: OSSC Various Vacancy 2023 Preliminary Exam Admit Card Download
Post Date: 01/02/2024
Brief Information: Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of Jr Stenographer, Jr Grade Typist, Jr Typist, Data Entry Operator & Other Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Out: The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has released the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 on its official website at for the Tier 1 Exam. The OSSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam, 2023 is being conducted for 354 Weaving Supervisor, Soil Conservation Extension Workers, Technical Assistants, and Amin Posts and Prelims (Tier 1) Exam date is 17th December 2023. Candidates who are going to appear for the Exam can download the OSSC CHSL Tier 1 Hall Ticket 2023 through the direct link provided below.
OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023
The OSSC is conducting the OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2023 on 17th December 2023 (Sunday) in a single shift from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 2 Hours). The exam shall be OMR-based and the total mark is 150 Marks. The exam will be conducted across various centers in Odisha State. To enter the examination hall, candidates need their OSSC CHSL Admit card 2023 which has been released. The OSSC CHSL Admi Card is essential as it contains details of the Candidate, Shift Timing, Exam Venue, and Reporting time. The direct link to download the hall ticket has been activated and given below.
OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Tier 1
The OSSC CHSL (10+2) 2023 Exam consists of Prelims, Mains, and Certification Verification. The hall ticket for the Tier 1 Exam has been published by the Commission on its official website, where candidates can download it by logging in with their PPSAN ID
OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Link
The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has activated the portal for the candidates to download the admit card for the OSSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2023 Tier 1. Candidates can download the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 by logging in with their Registration Username/Mobile No./Email and Password. The link given below has been activated now.
Steps to Download the Odisha SSC CHSL Admit Card 2023
Candidates can download the OSSC CHSL Specialist Admit Card 2023 on the official website at Follow the steps given below to download the admit card.
Step 1: Go to the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) at
Step 2: Navigate to the “Candidate’s Corner” on the homepage and select “Download Admit Card.”
Step 3: Locate and click on the option “Download the Admission Letter of Preliminary Examination of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Specialist Recruitment Examination-2023” on the new window.
Step 4: Provide your login details, including your User ID and Password. Complete the captcha verification and click on the login button.
Step 5: The Odisha CHSL Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on your screen.
Step 6: Download the admit card and ensure to take a printout for presentation at the examination center.
Documents Required for Odisha CHSL Exam 2023
Along with the hall ticket, candidates must make sure that they bring the following documents with them to avoid any issues at the entry gate. The complete list of important documents is mentioned on the admit card itself, and candidates must carefully go through and make sure that they keep all these items with them while leaving for the Exam. The most important document list is given below.
OSSC CHSL Admit card (Printed copy whether black & white or coloured)
A Valif Photo DI Proof such as an Aadhaar Card, Passport, Voter ID, PAN Card, Driving License, etc,
Passport-size photograph
Photocopy of the ID proof
OSSC CHSL Exam Date and Timing
The exact details of the Exam Timing and Shift timing is mentioned on the OSSC CHSL Specialist Admit Card 2023. Along with it, the reporting time for all the candidates is also mentioned on the admit card, which the candidates must take care of. Candidates reaching the exam center later than the reporting time will not be permitted entry to the center. So, reach your exam center on time
OSSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2023
The OSSC CHSL Preliminary exam shall be conducted in OMR-based mode. There shall be 150 questions of 1 mark each and the duration of the exam is 2 hours
Details Mentioned on the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023
The admit card for the OSSC CHSL Exam 2023 is a very important document that the candidates must carry to the Exam Hall. The identity of candidates will be verified through the admit card. So, after downloading the admit card, in case you find any error then immediately contact the helpline of OSSC
< “posttable”>>Name of the Post:> OSSC Various Vacancy 2023 Preliminary Exam Admit Card Download
< “posttable”>>Post Date:> 01/02/2024
< “posttable”>>Brief Information:> Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of Jr Stenographer, Jr Grade Typist, Jr Typist, Data Entry Operator & Other Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Out:> The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has released the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 on its official website at for the Tier 1 Exam. The OSSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam, 2023 is being conducted for 354 Weaving Supervisor, Soil Conservation Extension Workers, Technical Assistants, and Amin Posts and Prelims (Tier 1) Exam date is 17th December 2023. Candidates who are going to appear for the Exam can download the OSSC CHSL Tier 1 Hall Ticket 2023 through the direct link provided below.
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023>
The OSSC is conducting the OSSC CHSL Prelims Exam 2023 on 17th December 2023 (Sunday) in a single shift from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 2 Hours). The exam shall be OMR-based and the total mark is 150 Marks. The exam will be conducted across various centers in Odisha State. To enter the examination hall, candidates need their OSSC CHSL Admit card 2023 which has been released. The OSSC CHSL Admi Card is essential as it contains details of the Candidate, Shift Timing, Exam Venue, and Reporting time. The direct link to download the hall ticket has been activated and given below.
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Tier 1>
The OSSC CHSL (10+2) 2023 Exam consists of Prelims, Mains, and Certification Verification. The hall ticket for the Tier 1 Exam has been published by the Commission on its official website, where candidates can download it by logging in with their PPSAN ID
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Link>
The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has activated the portal for the candidates to download the admit card for the OSSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2023 Tier 1. Candidates can download the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 by logging in with their Registration Username/Mobile No./Email and Password. The link given below has been activated now.
< “posttable”>>Steps to Download the Odisha SSC CHSL Admit Card 2023>
Candidates can download the OSSC CHSL Specialist Admit Card 2023 on the official website at Follow the steps given below to download the admit card.
< “posttable”>>Step 1:> Go to the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) at
< “posttable”>>Step 2:> Navigate to the “Candidate’s Corner” on the homepage and select “Download Admit Card.”
< “posttable”>>Step 3:> Locate and click on the option “Download the Admission Letter of Preliminary Examination of Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Specialist Recruitment Examination-2023” on the new window.
< “posttable”>>Step 4:> Provide your login details, including your User ID and Password. Complete the captcha verification and click on the login button.
< “posttable”>>Step 5:> The Odisha CHSL Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on your screen.
< “posttable”>>Step 6:> Download the admit card and ensure to take a printout for presentation at the examination center.
< “posttable”>>Documents Required for Odisha CHSL Exam 2023>
Along with the hall ticket, candidates must make sure that they bring the following documents with them to avoid any issues at the entry gate. The complete list of important documents is mentioned on the admit card itself, and candidates must carefully go through and make sure that they keep all these items with them while leaving for the Exam. The most important document list is given below.
OSSC CHSL Admit card (Printed copy whether black & white or coloured)
A Valif Photo DI Proof such as an Aadhaar Card, Passport, Voter ID, PAN Card, Driving License, etc,
Passport-size photograph
Photocopy of the ID proof
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Exam Date and Timing>
The exact details of the Exam Timing and Shift timing is mentioned on the OSSC CHSL Specialist Admit Card 2023. Along with it, the reporting time for all the candidates is also mentioned on the admit card, which the candidates must take care of. Candidates reaching the exam center later than the reporting time will not be permitted entry to the center. So, reach your exam center on time
< “posttable”>>OSSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2023>
The OSSC CHSL Preliminary exam shall be conducted in OMR-based mode. There shall be 150 questions of 1 mark each and the duration of the exam is 2 hours
< “posttable”>>Details Mentioned on the OSSC CHSL Admit Card 2023>
The admit card for the OSSC CHSL Exam 2023 is a very important document that the candidates must carry to the Exam Hall. The identity of candidates will be verified through the admit card. So, after downloading the admit card, in case you find any error then immediately contact the helpline of OSSC
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