R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off, Previous Year Cut Off Trends

Post Name : R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off, Previous Year Cut Off Trends
Post Date :  29 January , 2024
Post Description : The R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off is the minimum mark the candidates need to score to qualify for the entrance examination and take admission for their desired courses. The R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off is generally released by the Karnataka Examination Authority. The candidates shortlisted in the merit list will be allotted seats in the colleges based on their score, seat, and availability.

R.V. College of Engineering Previous Year Cut Off 

The candidates must go through the details of R.V. College of Engineering Previous Year Cut Off. This will help the candidates to understand the trends of the cut off which is the minimum mark. The cut-off usually depends on the previous year’s trends and a few other factors. The KCET Cut Off required to take admission to the RVCE has been mentioned here in this article.

Click for – Cut off 2023

R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2022

The R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2022 has been mentioned in the table given below for all the courses of engineering. The candidates who want to take admission in the Engineering stream can go through the details of the RVCE Cut Off for the previous year to know the previous trends.

R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2022
CoursesCut Off
BE Computer Science and Engineering158
BR Information Science & Engineering268
BE Data Science287
BE Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning336
BE Cyber Security368
BE Electronics & Communication Engineering776
BE Electronics & Telecom Engineering2795
BE Aerospace Engineering2153
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering2095
BE Biotechnology4914
BE Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering4347
BR Mechanical Engineering7320
BE Chemical Engineering9725
BE Industrial Engineering & Management22207
BE Civil Engineering20624

R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2021

The R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2021 has been mentioned in the table given below for all the courses of engineering. The candidates who want to take admission in the Engineering stream can go through the details of the RVCE Cut Off for the previous year to know the previous trends.

R.V. College of Engineering Cut Off 2021
CoursesCut Off
BE Computer Science and Engineering93
BR Information Science & Engineering158
BE Data Science
BE Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning209
BE Cyber Security
BE Electronics & Communication Engineering440
BE Electronics & Telecom Engineering1299
BE Aerospace Engineering1423
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering1028
BE Biotechnology2503
BE Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering2188
BR Mechanical Engineering2851
BE Chemical Engineering3079
BE Industrial Engineering & Management9196
BE Civil Engineering10651

RVCE Bangalore KCET Cut Off 2022

The RVCE Bangalore KCET Cut Off 2022 from the table given below for the different categories of the students who appeared in the examination. The course-wise cut-off has been discussed here in the article for the reference of the candidates to know more about the minimum marks.

RVCE Bangalore KCET Cut Off 2023
AI Artificial Intelligence11913361408
BT Bio-Technology672729211678464914
CE Civil285562062427388
CH Chemical144329725
CS Computers7821283158423
CY CS- Cyber Security1109368
DS Comp. Sc. EnggData Science2871300
EC Electronics16417764122
EE Electrical634120956890
EI Elec. Inst. Engg112754347
ET Elec. Telecommn. Engg.6188279533321
IE Info.Science845268

RVCE Bangalore COMEDK UGET Cut Off 2022

The RVCE Bangalore COMEDK UGET Cut Off 2022 has been mentioned in the table given below. Candidates who are going to appear in the COMEDK UGET can go through the details of the cut off and the closing home state rank.

RVCE Bangalore COMEDK UGET Cut Off 2022
CourseClosing Home State rank
BE Aerospace Engineering9409
BE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning2871
BE Biotechnology34252
BE Chemical Engineering7965
BE Civil Engineering42314
BE Computer Science and Engineering1314
BE Cyber Security2687
BE Data Science2080
BE Electrical and Electronics Engineering14279
BE Electronics and Communication Engineering6238
BE Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering14378
BE Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering12294
BE Industrial Engineering and Management34943
BE Information Science and Engineering2214
BE Mechanical Engineering24147


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