SAIL Operator Cum Technician (Trainee) Online Form 2024

Name of the Post: SAIL Operator Cum Technician (Trainee) Online Form 2024

Post Date: 26-02-2024

Brief Information: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Operator Cum Technician (Trainee) Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Recruitment 2024: Summary

Organization Name:Steel Authority of India Limited
Advt. No.:2024
Recruiting Body:Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP)
Post Names:Executive & Non Executive Posts
Total Vacancies:333 vacancies (expected)
Application Mode:Online mode only
Registration Dates:Will be intimated in due course
Job Location:Odisha State

SAIL Rourkela Vacancy 2024: Details

Take a glimpse at the details of SAIL RSP Executive & Non Executive Post-wise Vacancies Break-up from the tabulated format underneath:-

S. N.Post NamesVacancies
1.Assistant Manager (Safety) (E-1)08
2.Operator-cum-Technician (Boiler Operator) (S-3)39
3.Mining Foreman (S-3)24
4.Surveyor (S-3)05
5.Mining Mate (S-1)55
6.Fire Operator (Trainee)25
7.Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee)36
8.Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) (HMV)30
9.Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) Mechanical15
10.Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) Metallurgy15
11.Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) Electrical40
12.Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) Civil05
13.Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) Electronics & Telecommunication05
14.Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) Fitter09
15.Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) Electrician10
16.Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) Machinist12
Total Vacancies:-333

Eligibility Criteria for SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Jobs 2024

Candidates applying for SAIL Rourkela OCTT, ACTT, Mining Mate, OCT Boiler Operator & Other Technical Vacancies must be aware of the required qualifications, experience, age limit, physical standard and its crucial date of eligibility, i.e. 30-09-2022. SAIL RSP Eligibility Criteria for Executive & Non-Executive Posts have been discussed below in a detailed manner:-

Educational Qualifications:-

  • Asst. Manager (Safety) (E-1):
    1. B.E./ B.Tech. (full-time) in any branch from Govt. a recognized University/ Institution and having practical experience of working in a factory for less than 02 (two) years after acquiring a Degree in Engineering.
    2. Possess PG Degree or Diploma in Industrial Safety recognized by State Government.
    3. Adequate knowledge of Odia language.
  • Operator-cum-Technician (Boiler Operation) (S-3):
    1. Matriculation with 03 years (full time) Diploma in Engineering in any discipline from Govt. a recognized institute.
    2. First Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency.
  • Mining Foreman (S-3):
    1. Matriculation with 03 years (full-time) Diploma in Mining from a Govt. recognized Institute with valid Mines Foreman Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR, 1961 (For Metalliferous Mines).
    2. 01 year experience in relevant field after obtaining Mines Foreman Certificate of Competency.
  • Surveyor (S-3):
    1. Matriculation with 03 years (full time) Diploma in Mining or Diploma in Mining & Mines’ Survey from a Govt. recognized institute and possessing valid Mines Surveyor’s Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR (For Metalliferous Mines)
    2. 01 year experience in relevant field after obtaining Mines Surveyor’s Certificate of Competency.
  • Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) (S-3):
    1. Matriculation with 03 years (full time) Diploma in Engineering in the relevant discipline of Mechanical/ Metallurgy/ Civil/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunication from Govt. recognized institute.
  • Fire Operator (Trainee) (S-3):
    1. Graduation in any stream / 03 years (full-time) Diploma in Engineering in any discipline from Govt. a recognized University/ Institute.
    2. Sub Officer Course from National Fire Services College, Nagpur or Graduate-ship examination of the Institute of Fire Engineers.
    3. Valid Driving License for Heavy Motor Vehicles.
  • Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee) (S-1):
    1. Matriculation with valid Driving License for relevant Heavy Motor Vehicles.
    2. 01 year post qualification experience (after Matriculation) in a driving of relevant Heavy Motor Vehicles.
  • Mining Mate (S-1):
    1. Matriculation with valid Mines’ Mate Certificate of Competency from DGMS under MMR, 1961 (For Metalliferous Mines)
    2. 01 year experience in relevant field after obtaining Mines’ Mate Certificate of Competency.
  • Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) (S-1):
    1. Matriculation with ITI (full time) in the relevant trade of Fitter/ Electrician/ Machinist from Govt. a recognized institute.
  • Attendant-cum-Technician (Trainee) (HMV) (S-1):
    1. Matriculation with valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving/ Transport License or equivalent with 01 year experience (after Matriculation) in driving HMV.
    2. Preference will be given to the candidate having experience in Heavy Earth Moving Machinery.

NOTE:   Minimum Qualifying Marks in Degree in Engineering: For UR/ OBC/ EWS Posts = 65% marks and for SC/ Departmental Candidates = 55% marks. Graduation/ Diploma in Engineering (as the case may be): For UR/ OBC/ EWS = 50% marks and for SC/ ST/ PWD/ Departmental Candidates = 40% marks.

Age Limitation:-

Post NamesMini. Age LimitMax. Age Limit
Asst. Manager (Safety) (E-1):18 years30 years
OCT (Boiler Operation) (S-3):18 years30 years
Mining Foreman (S-3):18 years28 years
Surveyor (S-3):18 years28 years
Fire Operator (Trainee) (S-3):18 years28 years
Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee) (S-1):18 years28 years
Mining Mate (S-1):18 years28 years
ACTT (HMV) (S-1):18 years28 years
OCTT (Mechanical/ Metallurgy/ Electrical/ Civil/ Electronics & Telecommunication) (S-3):18 years28 years
ACTT (Fitter/ Electrician/ Machinist) (S-1):18 years28 years

Age Relaxation will be applicable for candidates belonging to reserved categories as we have listed below:-

Category NamesUpper Age Relaxation
OBC (Non-creamy Layer):3 years
SC/ ST:5 years
GEN Persons with Disability Category:10 years
OBC (NCL) Persons with Disability Category:13 years
SC/ST Persons with Disability Category:15 years
Ex-Servicemen:As per Government directives
Departmental Candidates (employees of SAIL):Upto 45 years irrespective of the caste/ category of applicants.

SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Pay Scale 2024

About Emoluments: The salary for Executive & Non-Executive Posts in SAIL RSP are as follows:-

Post NamesScale of Pay
Assistant Manager (Safety):Rs. 50,000–3%–1,60,000/- (E–1). After completion of one year of service/ training, aspirants shall be considered in E-1 Grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 60,000–3%–1,80,000/- (E–1).
OCT (Boiler Operator) (S-3)/ Mining Foreman (S-3)/ Surveyor (S-3):Rs. 26600-3%-38920/- (S-3)
Mining Mate (S-1):Rs. 25070-3%-35070/- (S-1)
Post NamesMonthly Consolidated Pay during training
1st Year2nd Year
Fire Operator (Trainee) (S-3)/ OCTT (S-3)Rs. 16,100/-Rs. 18,300/-
Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee) (S-1)/ ACTT (S-1)/ ACTT (HMV) (S-1):Rs. 12,900/-Rs. 15,000/-
Note: On candidates’ regularization in S-3/ S-1 Grade, the Emoluments will include Basic Pay on the scale of pay of Rs. 26600-3%-38920/- (S-3) and Rs. 25070-3%-35070/- (S-1)].

SAIL Rourkela Vacancies Selection Process 2024

About Mode of Selection: The selection process concerning SAIL RSP Technical Recruitment Post wise are listed below:-

Post NamesSelection Process
Assistant Manager (Safety):Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Interview in order of merit, at the ratio of 1:3.
OCT (Boiler Operator), OCTT, ACTT, ACTT (HMV), Mining Foreman, Surveyor and Mining Mate:Computer Based Test – CBT followed by Skill Test/ Trade Test in order of merit, at the ratio of 1:3 for each post/ discipline/ trade.
Fire Operator (Trainee) and Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee):Computer Based Test – CBT followed by Physical Ability Test (PAT) in order of merit, at the ratio of 1:3 for each post.

SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Application Fee 2024

About Application Fee: Candidates must pay the below-prescribed Application & Processing Fee (as the case may be) online through Net Banking/ Credit Card/ ATM-cum-Debit Card or at Bank through system generated Challan Form:-

Post NamesApplication & Processing Fee (GEN/ OBC/ EWS)Processing Fee (SC/ ST/ PWD/ ESM/ Departmental Candidates)
Assistant Manager (Safety):Rs. 700/-Rs. 200/-
OCT (Boiler Operator), Mining Foreman, Surveyor, Fire Operator (Trainee) & OCTT:Rs. 500/-Rs. 150/-
Mining Mate, ACTT, Fireman-cum-Fire Engine Driver (Trainee) and ACTT (HMV):Rs. 300/-Rs. 100/-

Important Dates for SAIL Rourkela 2024 Recruitment

Have a look at the important dates for Technical Posts Recruitment in SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant as listed below in the table:-

EventsDates & Time
Detailed Notification Release Date:Yet to be announced
Starting Date for Submitting Online Application Form:Yet to be announced
Closing Date & Time for Submitting Online Application Form:Yet to be announced
Due Date for Payment of Application Fee:Yet to be announced
Availability of Admit Card for CBT Exam:10 to 12 days before date of exam
Date & Time of Computer Based Test (CBT):To be notified later on
Date for Declaration of CBT Exam Result:To be notified later on
Date for Interview/ Skill Test/ Trade Test/ PAT:To be notified later on
Date of Releasing Final Result/ Merit List:To be notified later on

How to Apply SAIL Rourkela Online Application Form 2024?

SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Application for Executive & Non-Executive Recruitment would be submitted online only through the official website – at the “Careers” page or only. Aspirants can follow the below-mentioned steps to apply for SAIL RSP OCTT, ACTT, Mining Mate & Other Technical Posts:-

  • 1st Step – Visit the official website of Steel Authority of India Limited.
  • 2nd Step – Go to the “Careers” page available on the homepage.
  • 4th Step – Read the Advertisement carefully to be confident about your eligibility.
  • 5th Step – Now, click on the “Login” button to process further.
  • 6th Step – (a) For Registered Candidates: Click on “Registered User” and go further by using User ID & Password. (b) For New User: Complete One Time Registration (OTR) first and then go to “Registered User” and go further by using User ID & Password.
  • 7th Step – Fill up the application form with the required information and Upload the document(s) as required
  • 8th Step – Make the payment online or at Bank through Challan.
  • 9th Step – Press the “Submit” button for the final submission of the application form.
  • 10th Step – Take a printout of the application for having an application ID
  • Important Links

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    Apply OnlineClick Here
    NotificationClick Here
    Official WebsiteClick Here 

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